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2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

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Old 08-27-2012, 09:22 AM   #706
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

I just think right now in our specific, very critical economic situation, auditing and pro active budgeting is not too much to ask from any local, state, and especially federal departments which is funded by the tax dollar. Our tax spending is out of control, and i think its really been understated in the last several years.
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Old 08-27-2012, 09:33 AM   #707
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

SlinginSammy, but the fundamental questions remains..Obama's been in public office for what over 15 years now. What in his legislative record suggests that he's outside of mainstream political thought?

Thoughts on the movie aside, isn't it fair to say that voters have enough information, one way or another, based on his last four years as president?

Additionally, this has to be first time ever a featured doc/film has been released about a sitting incumbent less than 80 days from election day, no? I would think the prudent voter would approach this film with some healthy skepticism. Not attacking the film, just odd to release it so close to election day.
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Old 08-27-2012, 09:56 AM   #708
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Rand Paul’s message to Republican convention: ‘Audit the Pentagon’ | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Agree Agree Agree. Rand Paul doesnt say too many intelligent things, but Im glad someone has the balls to state the obvious to GOP. Its amazingly poor that our government doesnt audit one of the top money spenders of my tax dollar. Its a disgrace a party says "more spending accountability" and then turns a blind eye to the military.

Bravo Rand.
Well if its so obvious why doesn't the current president audit the pentagon? After all he is the president and suppose to be running the show. I think we would both agree there is way too much waste in all levels of gov.

Last edited by firstdown; 08-27-2012 at 11:52 AM.
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Old 08-27-2012, 01:10 PM   #709
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

I still don't see why the Republicans are courting the Religous Right. It might have won them the election back in 2000 but right now it seems to be making the election closer then it needs to be.

The social issues that have sidetracked the GOP message in recent weeks also play into Obama’s hands, as he has double-digit leads on social and women’s issues.
Seriously nothing good is coming from courting the far Christian Right vote.
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Old 08-27-2012, 01:24 PM   #710
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
SlinginSammy, but the fundamental questions remains..Obama's been in public office for what over 15 years now. What in his legislative record suggests that he's outside of mainstream political thought?

Thoughts on the movie aside, isn't it fair to say that voters have enough information, one way or another, based on his last four years as president?

Additionally, this has to be first time ever a featured doc/film has been released about a sitting incumbent less than 80 days from election day, no? I would think the prudent voter would approach this film with some healthy skepticism. Not attacking the film, just odd to release it so close to election day.
Outside of conservative authors/investigators, Obama was never truly scrutinized by the mainstream media, certainly not during his quick rise (due to the "departure" of opponents) in the IL Senate, nor during his Senate run where his opponent was dumped by a sex scandal, and not during 2008 as the mainstream media was in his corner and anyone bringing up Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, etc. was immediately slammed as a racist.

I would say voters who go looking for info on Obama can find it, but the mainstream media has certainly done it's best to keep negative info on Obama off its airwaves/websites. And still anyone bringing up information on Obama's political upbringing is labeled as "extreme" or "racist", just look at the coverage of DD surround his book and the movie. All the while CBS, ABC, CNN run pieces on the Mormon faith to put it in a bad light, while no one looks at the real philosophy behind Rev. Wright's beliefs, or Obama's upbringing in an Anti-American family, or his associations with radicals in college and beyond.

I would say the run-of-the-mill voter doesn't know any of this and should see the movie. I also contend that Obama has not been as aggressive in pushing his agenda as he will be if re-elected, as evidenced by his open-mic comments to Medvedev.

On the release date, certainly no coincidence. DD talks about his political thoughts and where he came from, so it's no secret he's a Reaganite.

Here's where is Obama outside the political mainstream:
- His politcal background is Socialist/Anti-colonialist due to his father's roots in Kenya, his mother's and grandparents Communist/Marxist beliefs, Frank Marshall Davis' (Communist Party member) influence, his associations and professors in college (Edward Said, POL supporter and apologist for terrorism)and his time overseas in Indonesia and Kenya.
- HHS Mandate: most Americans are against forcing religious organizations to be forced to provide health services that are against their beliefs (Abortion drugs, sterilization, contraception)
- ObamaCare: most Americans are against ObamaCare and don't want gov't control over healthcare.
- Restricting oil development, shut down Keystone pipeline....yet approving loans to Brazil & Mexico to drill.
- most Americans don't don't want European level gas prices...but Obama and his Sec of Energy do.
- Increased EPA regulations that increase not just car prices, but prices for all goods that require transport, for all Americans.
- Most Americans wouldn't approve billion dollar loans to junk-bond rated "green energy" companies...who just happen to be run by Obama bundlers/major donors.
- Cutting U.S. active nuclear weapons from approximately 1,800 to 300....while Russia is at over 1,500, China is increasing its military, and we face emerging nuclear threats in the Middle East and N. Korea.
- support of UN treaty on small arms that infringes on 2nd Ammendment rights....but sell guns to Mexican drug cartels then refuse to provide key information on program to Congress.
- forcing Navy to "green fuel" which costs $ 26gal vs. $ 3.60gal of conventional fuel.
- most Americans support Israel and don't want to see them wiped out...while Obama is doing nothing to stop Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon

Obama Places Vast Oil Reserves Off-Limits As Gas Prices Rise -

- see the link below for more

President Obama's Marxist-Leninist Economics: Fact And Fiction - Forbes
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Old 08-27-2012, 02:51 PM   #711
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Same old garbage stamped with a new post date and number.

...we'll find out soon enough what most Americans want.
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Old 08-27-2012, 03:26 PM   #712
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

SlingingSammy, Obama has two books that he wrote prior to entering the White House, served in the U.S. Senate. He's been on the national scene going on 8 years. He was the Harvard Law Review Editor. Maybe it's just me, but Harvard Law Review sounds pretty mainstream to me.

You keep saying his "political background" as if he's Jason Bourne or someone. LOL. Why do you repeat it like it's so mysterious and one needs a venn diagram to explain it. His "political background". Funny guy. How do you square your talking points with his legislative record. Barack Obama was one of 50 Senators and has been in the public eye for well over a decade. Voted with his party the majority of the time like any loyal politician. Voters rendered a verdict in 2008 and they'll do so again in a couple of months.

Here's another question? Are any of his votes any different from his colleagues in the Senate? Nope. As a Senator did Obama author any bills that's considered outside of mainstream political thought. A resounding no.

But you know Senator Obama and Republican Dick Lugar co-sponsored a nuclear proliferation bill. That uh..was signed into law. That radical Dick Lugar.

Did the movie point out all the Republicans in Obama's cabinet?

What you've outlined is policy disagreements. And that's perfectly okay. We've had this discussion before. I'm not trying to convince you that those policies or good, bad, or otherwise. You just disagree. You're one of millions of Americans that disagreed with Obama in 2008 and still disagree with him. Okay, and? Doesn't make him socialist or some secret commie with a secret agenda.

Oh..Kenya? Really? He met his dad one effin time and now he's suddenly influenced by his politics and is socialist? That's a helluva leap, especially since Obama never lived in Kenya one day in his life. NOT ONE DAY. Is that how works? Shit, let me hang out with Magic Johnson if shit transfers that easily.
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Old 08-27-2012, 03:34 PM   #713
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Again, you seem to wrongfully conclude that if it's not authentically conservative then it's either radical or socialist. Well, most Americans disagree with that assessment. We have a two party system in this country. Democrats have a fundamentally different view on the economy than Republicans. Doesn't make our party European or this new sh*t floating around Republican circles these days. We've always had different views. That's a good thing. Sharp differences are helpful when figuring out who to elect to public office.
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Old 08-27-2012, 05:27 PM   #714
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
SlingingSammy, Obama has two books that he wrote prior to entering the White House, served in the U.S. Senate. He's been on the national scene going on 8 years. He was the Harvard Law Review Editor. Maybe it's just me, but Harvard Law Review sounds pretty mainstream to me.
While at Harvard he was still quite to the left, a "liberal's liberal" I've seen quoted.

You keep saying his "political background" as if he's Jason Bourne or someone. LOL. Why do you repeat it like it's so mysterious and one needs a venn diagram to explain it. His "political background". Funny guy. How do you square your talking points with his legislative record.
Not sure how I'm being mysterious, should I use another term, maybe political upbringing? His family; grandparents (who raised him for years), mother, birth-father, close family friend "FranK", we're all far-left socialists/Communists.

His legislative record in the U.S. Senate (only 3 yrs.) is very liberal leaning, even ranking most liberal one year. We've been over this, it shouldn't be in dispute. The guy also missed 24% of his votes, far aobve the median of 2.4%

Barack Obama, President -

Here's another question? Are any of his votes any different from his colleagues in the Senate?
Nope. As a Senator did Obama author any bills that's considered outside of mainstream political thought. A resounding no.
See above, he is far-left....that's outside of the mainstream.

Because you bring up a single bill he worked on across the aisle that makes him a moderate....LOL.

Did the movie point out all the Republicans in Obama's cabinet?
Ray LaHood....liberal R from Chicago with ties to Rahm Emanuel and Obama's Chi-town crew...haha OK, and Robert retired and replaced with Panetta (D). I don't knnow why the movie would point that out.

What you've outlined is policy disagreements......Doesn't make him socialist or some secret commie with a secret agenda.
You asked where Obama was outside the politcal mainstream, I presented specific points and policies he has implemented that are outside the political mainstream here in the U.S. Is he a straight out Communist, no. Does he have a far-left agenda and see himself (the federal gov't) as the authority that rights "social injustice"...absolutely. Is he against capitalism and see the free market as unfair...absolutely. Is that socialism....absolutely.

Oh..Kenya? Really? He met his dad one effin time and now he's suddenly influenced by his politics and is socialist? That's a helluva leap, especially since Obama never lived in Kenya one day in his life. NOT ONE DAY. Is that how works? Shit, let me hang out with Magic Johnson if shit transfers that easily.
You need to read a bit more. Obama spent at least 5 weeks in Kenya in the late '80s (likely 1988). I would say 5 weeks is a bit longer than 1 day. And the influence wasn't just his Dad, but entire family.

Just some other tidbits:
1985 to 1988 — Obama worked as a "community organizer" for the "Industrial Areas Foundation" (IAF), an organization founded by Marxist radical Saul Alinsky. Obama also worked with the Alinsky group "Developing Communities Project" (DCP), of which Obama became director; "ACORN" (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now); and Project Vote. ACORN was founded by Wade Rathke — an associate of Weather Underground founder William Ayers — and is one of the largest and most powerful leftist organizations in the United States.

Believe what you want, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a's probably a duck.
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Old 08-27-2012, 05:39 PM   #715
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
While at Harvard he was still quite to the left, a "liberal's liberal" I've seen quoted.

Not sure how I'm being mysterious, should I use another term, maybe political upbringing? His family; grandparents (who raised him for years), mother, birth-father, close family friend "FranK", we're all far-left socialists/Communists.

His legislative record in the U.S. Senate (only 3 yrs.) is very liberal leaning, even ranking most liberal one year. We've been over this, it shouldn't be in dispute. The guy also missed 24% of his votes, far aobve the median of 2.4%

Barack Obama, President -

See above, he is far-left....that's outside of the mainstream.

Because you bring up a single bill he worked on across the aisle that makes him a moderate....LOL.

Ray LaHood....liberal R from Chicago with ties to Rahm Emanuel and Obama's Chi-town crew...haha OK, and Robert retired and replaced with Panetta (D). I don't knnow why the movie would point that out.

You asked where Obama was outside the politcal mainstream, I presented specific points and policies he has implemented that are outside the political mainstream here in the U.S. Is he a straight out Communist, no. Does he have a far-left agenda and see himself (the federal gov't) as the authority that rights "social injustice"...absolutely. Is he against capitalism and see the free market as unfair...absolutely. Is that socialism....absolutely.

You need to read a bit more. Obama spent at least 5 weeks in Kenya in the late '80s (likely 1988). I would say 5 weeks is a bit longer than 1 day. And the influence wasn't just his Dad, but entire family.

Just some other tidbits:
1985 to 1988 — Obama worked as a "community organizer" for the "Industrial Areas Foundation" (IAF), an organization founded by Marxist radical Saul Alinsky. Obama also worked with the Alinsky group "Developing Communities Project" (DCP), of which Obama became director; "ACORN" (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now); and Project Vote. ACORN was founded by Wade Rathke — an associate of Weather Underground founder William Ayers — and is one of the largest and most powerful leftist organizations in the United States.

Believe what you want, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a's probably a duck.
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Old 08-27-2012, 05:49 PM   #716
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post

Here's where is Obama outside the political mainstream:
- His politcal background is Socialist/Anti-colonialist due to his father's roots in Kenya, his mother's and grandparents Communist/Marxist beliefs, Frank Marshall Davis' (Communist Party member) influence, his associations and professors in college (Edward Said, POL supporter and apologist for terrorism)and his time overseas in Indonesia and Kenya.

This is where you lose all credibility with me,you blame his father , mother and his teachers.This is nothing but extreme right wing BS!Republican scare tactics,you know you can't win on issues becuase it's the republican congress that is killing this country and holding up everything.
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Old 08-27-2012, 06:24 PM   #717
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Slinging, you're grasping bro. It's kind of amusing the lengths you go through to prove Obama's unAmericaness.

I say Harvard. You say how left leaning Harvard is. I say Ray Lahood, you bring up some bogus crap about Chicago, as if Chicago is located in Eastern Europe not middle America.

Sec. Defense Bob Gates, Fed Chair Bernanke, Secretary of Army John Mchugh, and Gen. David Petraeus. All Republican appointments.

How funny you bring up Saul Alinsky who died in 1972 when Obama was a boy. Never met the man a day in his life.

But you know who met and shook hands with Saul Alinsky, George Romney. Mitt Romney's father associated with the radical Alinksy.

Last edited by 12thMan; 08-27-2012 at 06:29 PM.
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Old 08-27-2012, 06:25 PM   #718
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Hey Warpath, I wonder what SlinginSammy33 thinks of the radical Saul Alinksky personally meeting with Mitt Romney's father, George Romney.

Slingin33, you care to explain why George Romney is palling around with radicals. Which of course makes Mitt Romney a radical.

When Saul Alinsky met George Romney | The Daily Caller

“I think you ought to listen to Alinsky,” George Romney, a member of the GOP’s liberal wing and an unsuccessful presidential candidate, told his political allies in the wake of 1967’s devastating race riots in Detroit
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Old 08-27-2012, 06:32 PM   #719
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

By the way, Mitt Romney's grandfather was born in Mexico. Nothing wrong with that, just saying this born in Kenya shit swings both ways.
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Old 08-27-2012, 06:35 PM   #720
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Do we really have people up here trying to equate Obama to Marxism?
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