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2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

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Old 07-27-2012, 05:55 PM   #316
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by mlmpetert View Post
Well im as surprised as everyone else. Im glad theres an end to this story finally. But to be nitpicky:

1) Maybe a language barrier of sorts? The whole bust thing was a resonable sized story/lure in America AND in Brittin for several years. Rightfully so or not, doesnt really matter. Why the hell did the Embassy never clairify their remarks?

2) So The White House blog and "fact" checker is just some kid with the internet? WTF, youd think he would have some kind of inside information and be posting real stuff. This fact checking kid is spreading more mis-information than anyone else. He's striaght up wrong on many things. His update doesnt even acknowlege that hes wrong, it just states info that he could have got from perusing the Debating With the Enemy section of his faviort Redskins forum. Jesus.
No, Dan Pffeifer is the White House Communications Director. He posts blogs at the White House on site occasionally. Been around for years.

The original bust on loan from Nixon was being worked on for a while and the Brits decided to "loan" the match to Bush until the end of his term. It's custom to return all art and such at the end of each of administration. What's being missed in all of this, at some point the original bust was returned to the "residence" and there were two. When O took office they sent the other one down the street.

The end.
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Old 07-27-2012, 07:12 PM   #317
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by mlmpetert View Post
Well im as surprised as everyone else. Im glad theres an end to this story finally. the birth certificate story.

No wait...
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty
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Old 07-27-2012, 10:03 PM   #318
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
No, Dan Pffeifer is the White House Communications Director. He posts blogs at the White House on site occasionally. Been around for years.

The original bust on loan from Nixon was being worked on for a while and the Brits decided to "loan" the match to Bush until the end of his term. It's custom to return all art and such at the end of each of administration. What's being missed in all of this, at some point the original bust was returned to the "residence" and there were two. When O took office they sent the other one down the street.

The end.
You know at first i was going to call Dan Pffeifer a complete idiot but im thinking its not really his fault. No one knows whats going on in this administration. Its got to be painful working working there, regardless of how strongly you feel about Admin's ideology. For God's sake the second cabinet meeting of the year was just held. Wtf does Obama do all day?

Obama Holds First Cabinet Meeting Since January | The Weekly Standard

And come on 12th. I appreciate your summary of what happened but thats not at all what im saying. Do you not find it odd at all the way the the British Embassy phrased the return of the statue? I mean this is such a non-issue in retrospect. So why did the Obama admin or the Brits never clarify. I mean regardless if you think it was an issue or not we all thought it happened. Even Pffeifer, bless his sole, had no idea what was going on.
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Old 07-28-2012, 02:55 AM   #319
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Denial is a helluva drug

LOL...yup, just not a river in Eygpt.
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Old 07-28-2012, 08:54 AM   #320
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
You want me to provide you with 7 months of video footage of the president discussing the issues?

He's been in OH, FL, VA, IA, CA, LA, TX several times in the past few months...weeks. Where've you been?
You said he's been talking about plenty of issues. I asked "Like what?".

Claiming to have to dig through campaign footage to find Obama actually talking about issues, and seeing how Obama's going almost totally negative campaigning on TV ads, speaks for itself. Doesn't it?
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Old 07-28-2012, 12:18 PM   #321
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Holy shit. Stop the presses and alert Rupert Murdoch. Somebody has gone rogue at Fox News.

Obama's right, Americans can't succeed without government | Fox News

A lot has been made over comments made by the president last Friday to this effect. In many cases, President Obama was deliberately quoted out of context. Here is what the president actually said:

It’s not either/or. The president was clear: We succeed because of our individual initiative but also because of the public investments that help springboard that success. Don’t believe me? Then go start a business in Pakistan or Russia. American entrepreneurs succeed in part because they’re in America. And in America, we don’t get ours and then yank away the ladder of opportunity for the next generation.

We can slash Medicare and Social Security and public schools and college grants and all of the stepping stones that poor and middle class families have historically relied on to help climb the ladder of prosperity. Or millionaires and billionaires can pay the same tax rate as the middle class.

Well, that happy feel good moment didn't last long.

Small business owner to Obama -- you owe us! | Fox News

"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty
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Old 07-28-2012, 01:51 PM   #322
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by HailGreen28 View Post
You said he's been talking about plenty of issues. I asked "Like what?".

Claiming to have to dig through campaign footage to find Obama actually talking about issues, and seeing how Obama's going almost totally negative campaigning on TV ads, speaks for itself. Doesn't it?
Dude, I'm not your personal Obama surrogate. Take your ass on the internet and find out. Go to Nearly every fcuking day he's talking to voters at events and townhall meetings.

Last edited by 12thMan; 07-28-2012 at 02:00 PM.
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Old 07-28-2012, 02:00 PM   #323
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by mlmpetert View Post
You know at first i was going to call Dan Pffeifer a complete idiot but im thinking its not really his fault. No one knows whats going on in this administration. Its got to be painful working working there, regardless of how strongly you feel about Admin's ideology. For God's sake the second cabinet meeting of the year was just held. Wtf does Obama do all day?

Obama Holds First Cabinet Meeting Since January | The Weekly Standard

And come on 12th. I appreciate your summary of what happened but thats not at all what im saying. Do you not find it odd at all the way the the British Embassy phrased the return of the statue? I mean this is such a non-issue in retrospect. So why did the Obama admin or the Brits never clarify. I mean regardless if you think it was an issue or not we all thought it happened. Even Pffeifer, bless his sole, had no idea what was going on.
I can't believe I'm still discussing this retarded issue, which says a lot about me actually.

In terms of Cabinet meetings. Really? The president is in meetings everyday. But if you're really concerned, just like I told HG28, go to and POTUS' sked is posted daily. Daily. Yes, it's public information.

The mix-up was in the initial reporting by the British newspaper, not the White House. Had they clarified from the jump that there were two busts instead of one, this conversation wouldn't exist. It's really that simple to me. Why should the executive branch of our government, with all the pressing issues, keep tabs and report to the general public and media the location of Winston Churchill's bust. Do realize how absurd that sounds?
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Old 07-28-2012, 02:01 PM   #324
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Dude, I'm not your personal Obama surrogate. Take your ass on the internet and find out. Go to Nearly every fcuking day he's talking to voters events and townhall meetings.
You want me to do your research for you? What "issues" were you talking about before? "Someone else built it for you."? The evil Republicans?

At least Romney talks about something right or wrong. Repealing Obamacare, cutting taxes, cutting spending, privatizing Amtrak.

Not that they both aren't idiots. Just saying.
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Old 07-28-2012, 02:02 PM   #325
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

I think Pfeiffer's intent was to needle Krauthammer a bit, that's it.
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Old 07-28-2012, 02:12 PM   #326
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

What President Obama's doing in the White House every day.

President's Schedule - July 22 to July 28, 2012 | The White House
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Old 07-28-2012, 02:15 PM   #327
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by HailGreen28 View Post
You want me to do your research for you? What "issues" were you talking about before? "Someone else built it for you."? The evil Republicans?

At least Romney talks about something right or wrong. Repealing Obamacare, cutting taxes, cutting spending, privatizing Amtrak.

Not that they both aren't idiots. Just saying.
Haha...I see you even got the mis-quoted quote wrong. So funny.
Obamcare is here to stay, pal. All three branches of government said it's the law of the land.
Taxes are at an all-time low. But keep convincing yourself we can keep the economy stable and growing without raising revenue. You go right ahead.

Romney hasn't been specific about much of anything. He's being vague and general right now, as he should. But time is running out.
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Old 07-28-2012, 02:33 PM   #328
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Haha...I see you even got the mis-quoted quote wrong. So funny.
Obamcare is here to stay, pal. All three branches of government said it's the law of the land.
Taxes are at an all-time low. But keep convincing yourself we can keep the economy stable and growing without raising revenue. You go right ahead.

Romney hasn't been specific about much of anything. He's being vague and general right now, as he should. But time is running out.
Ooops, I did misquote it. Correction: "If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." - Obama.

How is that's substantially different than what I said before?

Obamacare exists as taxes. I hope we replace it with something better than Obamacare or Romneycare.

Taxes are not at an all-time low. Here they are per capita, in $2005 dollars.

Government Taxes and Revenue Chart: United States 1950-2015 - Federal State Local Data

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Old 07-28-2012, 02:41 PM   #329
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
I can't believe I'm still discussing this retarded issue, which says a lot about me actually.

In terms of Cabinet meetings. Really? The president is in meetings everyday. But if you're really concerned, just like I told HG28, go to and POTUS' sked is posted daily. Daily. Yes, it's public information.

The mix-up was in the initial reporting by the British newspaper, not the White House. Had they clarified from the jump that there were two busts instead of one, this conversation wouldn't exist. It's really that simple to me. Why should the executive branch of our government, with all the pressing issues, keep tabs and report to the general public and media the location of Winston Churchill's bust. Do realize how absurd that sounds?
Dude, take it easy maaaaan. It's like this bro, if the information is not available on the websites I frequent it does not exist. Information must be observed to exist...honestly, it is your responsibility to disapprove anything we say not the other way around.

As for the Churchill bust, you can never have too many of his busts in the White House. It's disappointing that we only have one of his busts when we could have had two.
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Old 07-30-2012, 01:42 PM   #330
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Haha...I see you even got the mis-quoted quote wrong. So funny.
Obamcare is here to stay, pal. All three branches of government said it's the law of the land.
Taxes are at an all-time low. But keep convincing yourself we can keep the economy stable and growing without raising revenue. You go right ahead.

Romney hasn't been specific about much of anything. He's being vague and general right now, as he should. But time is running out.
With the left its all ways about increasing spending to fix things and it never works. Obama tried to fix everyting by spend a trillion dollars and it didn't do shit. Maybe if he gave the American people the money to spend it themself on things they need it would have done alot more.
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