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Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

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Old 02-27-2012, 12:38 PM   #301
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by tmandoug1 View Post
Why does not getting RGIII mean we will suck next year? We can only get better with some quality picks. But yeah you are right if we get RGIII we will be well on our way with our new franchise QB, as he gets broken and battered because we have no O-line. When are people gonna realize this simple point, you can put an average QB see "Mark Rypien" behind an awesome O-line and we succeed but put a "franchise qb"see "Heath Schuller behind a bad O-line and we get nothing and we still suck.
Uh oh... no you didn't just use Heath Schuller? OMG. I like how you started out but you need to work on your finish.
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Old 02-27-2012, 12:42 PM   #302
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by Pigskins View Post
Our o line is very improved
As much as I think so and liked how they created holes in the last 4 games... others here will lead you to believe this team is extremely far from play off contention.

Listen I believe this team is better then most here due to most games having been lost by only 7 points or less which would be 1 extra TD for a half decent QB who can protect the ball and two really really good WR's.

But it's like this we are either really really close and only need to go out and get RGIII to finish the product or we are miles away and have a ton of needs. We can't afford to throw away valuable picks which would give us hopefully valuable starters across the board for one luxury pick... especially if we are no where near contending.
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Old 02-27-2012, 12:48 PM   #303
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by That Guy View Post
I'd gladly take that risk.
No different then any of us since we need a QB. No different then I'd take a risk on RGIII at #6, but he won't be there. and to move up will be too costly.

It's already been said that the Skins supposedly or might have or something to that effect have offered:

2012: 1st, 2nd,3rd.
2013: 1st.

^to me thats too much. No way is he worth all that. I was against it when it was supposed to be this years 1st and 2nd and next years 1st and 3rd. Why would I want the team to simply shuffle the deck as to how and when those picks get distributed.
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Old 02-27-2012, 12:52 PM   #304
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

If the idea is to trade up to draft RGIII, and to deal Orakpo to replace one or two of those high round draft picks, then I really don't see the big deal to be so critical on moving up. Even if we didn't deal Orakpo away to recover what we'd give up for RGIII, I'd say while it's a gamble, it's one that needs to happen. I'm certainly fine with picking up Peyton Manning and drafting a Tannehill or Nick Foles. That might still happen, but I would not be upset if the Redskins did what they could to get RGIII or even Luck.
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Old 02-27-2012, 12:53 PM   #305
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Id say that without a turnover machine in rex grossman, and a bunch of boneheaded mistakes that were made last season, and without the two best offensive players being potheads, Id say we were definitely capable of ending up .500 or even a couple games better last year. I think its clear that this team is only going to get better in the next couple of years.

All things considered, I believe with Manning OR Rg3, and a couple good FA signings, maybe a good WR and a good CB, that we are definitely in contention for the NFCE title this upcoming year. I also believe that our young players are going to start showing their worth these next couple years, and some of the young guys we are borderline on will impress us all soon. All it takes is stability and decent QB play. We have been lacking both recently.
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Old 02-27-2012, 12:54 PM   #306
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Even just 60% healthy, Manning is still one of the best QBs in the NFL. But that's just my opinion.

I mean we just came off a season of Rex and Beck as our, I honestly find it difficult to be too critical of our "aggressive" efforts to improve the QB position. It's long overdue
Ultimately I'd prefer to go the Manning route too, save the picks, and spend wisely (and be aggressive) in free agency.

Sounds like interest is heating up around the league. I wonder if anything has changed regarding his arm strength.

Watching Jeff Saturday at the combine, you could tell he was really chomping at the bit when defending PM. He said he has no doubt PM is going to play this year, and play well. I know they're close and he could just be defending his friend, but at the same time it's safe to assume he knows more about how his recovery is going than most.
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:01 PM   #307
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Ultimately I'd prefer to go the Manning route too, save the picks, and spend wisely (and be aggressive) in free agency.

Sounds like interest is heating up around the league. I wonder if anything has changed regarding his arm strength.

Watching Jeff Saturday at the combine, you could tell he was really chomping at the bit when defending PM. He said he has no doubt PM is going to play this year, and play well. I know they're close and he could just be defending his friend, but at the same time it's safe to assume he knows more about how his recovery is going than most.
I agree 100%. i'd love to get manning, garcon, and saturday and use our #6 pick on the best OT available, perhaps even moving Williams to the right side if necessary.
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:04 PM   #308
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post's another pet peve... I guess RGIII is the only real good QB and if we don't go get him we might as well chalk it up to another suckfest of a year. Hey any chance you can e-mail all the other QB's and tell them they might as well pull their names out of the draft hat since they suck and to not waist anymore of anyones time. That would help considerably for the Skins to be forced to have to go after RGIII.
How valuable are our draft picks on a team without a QB? People around here are more then willing to let McIntosh and Landry walk, both of whom cost us a first round pick. No one shed a tear either when Rogers walked and we couldn't wait to get rid of Campbell. Thats 4 first round picks and a 2nd in that group.

Also who shed a tear when Thomas and Kelly left, or Chad Rhinehart? Two 2nd's and a 3rd right there.

The stock up strategy is akin to thinking like the Dolphins in 2008 when they passed on Matt Ryan for the smart pick in Jake Long then handled the QB situation by drafting a promising second tier prospect in Chad Henne who is now all but gone. And sure maybe Ryan hasn't won a playoff game but last I checked the Falcons are winning games while the Dolphins are picking in the Top 10.

You know what all these draft savy teams have that allows them to stock up on picks? Quarterbacks. Franchise game changing QB's. Unless you're lucky odds are you won't get that from Tannehill, Foles, Weeden, Cousins, etc. And you certainly won't get it from Kyle Orton.
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:09 PM   #309
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
I agree 100%. i'd love to get manning, garcon, and saturday and use our #6 pick on the best OT available, perhaps even moving Williams to the right side if necessary.

That be like getting Bird, McHale and Parish in 1991, no thanks!
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:11 PM   #310
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by Dirtbag59 View Post
How valuable are our draft picks on a team without a QB? People around here are more then willing to let McIntosh and Landry walk, both of whom cost us a first round pick. No one shed a tear either when Rogers walked and we couldn't wait to get rid of Campbell. Thats 4 first round picks and a 2nd in that group.

Also who shed a tear when Thomas and Kelly left, or Chad Rhinehart? Two 2nd's and a 3rd right there.

The stock up strategy is akin to thinking like the Dolphins in 2008 when they passed on Matt Ryan for the smart pick in Jake Long then handled the QB situation by drafting a promising second tier prospect in Chad Henne who is now all but gone. And sure maybe Ryan hasn't won a playoff game but last I checked the Falcons are winning games while the Dolphins are picking in the Top 10.

You know what all these draft savy teams have that allows them to stock up on picks? Quarterbacks. Franchise game changing QB's. Unless you're lucky odds are you won't get that from Tannehill, Foles, Weeden, Cousins, etc. And you certainly won't get it from Kyle Orton.
Well put we need to do something and PM is the safe route that still leaves us with a hole a QB in a couple of years.
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:13 PM   #311
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Ultimately I'd prefer to go the Manning route too, save the picks, and spend wisely (and be aggressive) in free agency.

Sounds like interest is heating up around the league. I wonder if anything has changed regarding his arm strength.

Watching Jeff Saturday at the combine, you could tell he was really chomping at the bit when defending PM. He said he has no doubt PM is going to play this year, and play well. I know they're close and he could just be defending his friend, but at the same time it's safe to assume he knows more about how his recovery is going than most.
I have a RG3 man crush at the moment but Manning/Tannehill has always made a hell of a lot of sense also.
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:17 PM   #312
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by celts32 View Post
I have a RG3 man crush at the moment but Manning/Tannehill has always made a hell of a lot of sense also.
What if it's Manning/Status Quo vs. RG3?

Like suppose we couldn't/didn't make any QB move this year other than make Manning our new starter? So we don't add any young QB prospect this year
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:18 PM   #313
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by mredskins View Post
Well put we need to do something and PM is the safe route that still leaves us with a hole a QB in a couple of years.
Peyton Manning is dangerous and doesn't do much to solve the QB problem long term. Best case scenario we're a flash in the pan and 2 or 3 years later reach for someone like Ponder at 12.
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:19 PM   #314
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
What if it's Manning/Status Quo vs. RG3?

Like suppose we couldn't/didn't make any QB move this year other than make Manning our new starter? So we don't add any young QB prospect this year
Plan B should be trading for Hoyer on draft day if you ask me for a 3rd round pick.
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:20 PM   #315
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by Dirtbag59 View Post
How valuable are our draft picks on a team without a QB? People around here are more then willing to let McIntosh and Landry walk, both of whom cost us a first round pick. No one shed a tear either when Rogers walked and we couldn't wait to get rid of Campbell. Thats 4 first round picks and a 2nd in that group.

Also who shed a tear when Thomas and Kelly left, or Chad Rhinehart? Two 2nd's and a 3rd right there.

The stock up strategy is akin to thinking like the Dolphins in 2008 when they passed on Matt Ryan for the smart pick in Jake Long then handled the QB situation by drafting a promising second tier prospect in Chad Henne who is now all but gone. And sure maybe Ryan hasn't won a playoff game but last I checked the Falcons are winning games while the Dolphins are picking in the Top 10.

You know what all these draft savy teams have that allows them to stock up on picks? Quarterbacks. Franchise game changing QB's. Unless you're lucky odds are you won't get that from Tannehill, Foles, Weeden, Cousins, etc. And you certainly won't get it from Kyle Orton.
Draft picks are equally valuable to teams who like their QB situation as they are to teams that don't like their quarterback situation. Who your quarterback is doesn't change how valuable a draft pick is.

I find it endlessly fascinating that you're all about the game changing quarterback, and yet you keep trotting out the Matt Ryan-in-2008 argument. It's mind boggling to me that you don't think that Tannehill, Foles, Cousins, Moore etc can be as good as Matt Ryan. If anything, the Falcons have proved that you sure can win 10 games a year with Tannehill or Foles.

The Falcons had a really good 2008 draft (Ryan, Lofton, Biermann, etc), one that helped to rebuild their franchise. Thing is, the Dolphins also had a good draft and that 2008 draft ended up being very weak for teams that didn't focus on running backs or quarterbacks, where it has produced very well.

But what you're totally forgetting about the Falcons is that despite having one of the smartest personnel guys in the league in Dimitroff, that's a team that isn't in a great cap situation anymore, hasn't fixed their defense, and is now caught hoping to a higher power that there's more to Matt Ryan than what they've gotten so far.

Ryan was great early in his career when the Falcons needed someone to make them forget Michael Vick. But now the Falcons only play is to pay Matt Ryan like an elite quarterback, and if he can't take Roddy White and Julio Jones and go light up the scoreboard, well, Brees and Newton are going to light up the Falcons for the next five seasons.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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