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F.....Root Canals

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Old 12-20-2010, 07:59 PM   #1
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F.....Root Canals

Had one today. My first one (and hopefully my last). Cost me $1300. And I have to go back in a month to get a crown put on the tooth -another $1200. Freaking awesome. $2500 on one tooth in a one month span.

Overall my dental health is very good. I have straight teeth and have only had 3 cavities (I'm 32 years old). Well, about a month ago I was chewing gum, and it pulled out half of one of my fillings. I always brush and floss, and I've been really busy with work lately- and like I said, I've never really had dental issues- so I neglected it. Big mistake. On Saturday that tooth was causing me pain like I've never felt before. Sure enough- root canal.

That first shot of novocain into that area by the bad tooth was freaking awful.

Take care of your teeth boys and girls. What a miserable, expensive ordeal.
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Old 12-20-2010, 08:41 PM   #2
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Re: F.....Root Canals

Sucks man, that reminds me I need to make an appointment to get my last 2 wisdom teeth yanked. I know that's nothing compared to a root canal though.
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Old 12-20-2010, 08:54 PM   #3
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Re: F.....Root Canals

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Sucks man, that reminds me I need to make an appointment to get my last 2 wisdom teeth yanked. I know that's nothing compared to a root canal though.
Not necessarily. I had my wisdom teeth taken out when I was 21. All four of them were impacted. They had to dislocate my jaw to get all of them. Obviously they put me under to do the surgery, but I was on a liquid diet and vicodin for a week.

This root canal was a pain in the ass (mostly b/c of how much it cost), but that wisdom teeth ordeal was friggin awful (parents paid for that one).

Side note- instead of the ibuprofen the dentist prescribed, I'm slugging some Sierra Nevada Celebration. Tastiest pain-killer around.
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Old 12-20-2010, 09:37 PM   #4
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Re: F.....Root Canals

My wife had all 4 wisdom teeth removed not too long ago, all 4 were severely impacted so I know what a bitch that is. Mine are straight forward extractions though, first one I had done was no sweat. Just wish they did them all at once though. For some reason they thought these last two didn't need to come out, then 2 years later now they want them out.

I'd be hittin the hard stuff if I were you, get some of that scotch up in you.
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Old 12-20-2010, 10:04 PM   #5
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Re: F.....Root Canals

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
My wife had all 4 wisdom teeth removed not too long ago, all 4 were severely impacted so I know what a bitch that is. Mine are straight forward extractions though, first one I had done was no sweat. Just wish they did them all at once though. For some reason they thought these last two didn't need to come out, then 2 years later now they want them out.

I'd be hittin the hard stuff if I were you, get some of that scotch up in you.
Well, the novocain has completely worn off, and I'm in no pain. For the record, 3 Sierra Nevadas and a few hits of scotch.

Honestly though, with root canals, they pull out all the nerves under the tooth, so it's not really painful after the fact. I just have to be very careful over the next few weeks leading up to them putting in the crown. If I bite into something hard enough, it could crack my tooth.
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