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To All The Liberals

Debating with the enemy

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Old 11-03-2010, 11:17 AM   #46
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
I have a couple good friends in California, they said it really didnt matter to them, its basically legal anyways.
yeah that's what I've heard too, got a buddie in San Diego and he says it's already so easy to get that nobody really cared about getting prop 19 through.
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:22 AM   #47
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Re: To All The Liberals

Another approach of the Republicans (again if they are smart ) is to put a very biased initial plan out that passes the House with only Republican support. Then once the bashing comes starts, they cede some points, and lose the 20-30 Republican votes in order to gain 10-15 Dem votes, but have be able to claim Bipartisanship and setting aside the extreme elements demands for the better of the country.

Again, none of this speaks to fixing the country's problems, only who is better set up in the political chess match.
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:24 AM   #48
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
In terms of political strategy (who cares about the f***in country, politics is all that counts), the House is a far better win then the Senate. The House initiates all money bills, so if the Republicans are smart (which they aren't), they can lay out grand scheme plans, and incorporate enough to win maybe 2-3 democratic senators. What this does, is allow them to show they have a plan that works (yeah right) and put the President in the blocking/obstructionist position.

For arguments sake, lets say House Republicans put a plan out that 30 Repub vote no on, but 10 Dem vote yes.

It goes to the Senate, where they get 47 Repub votes and 4 Dem votes.

It comes out of conference with "bi-partisan" support of maybe 15 House Dems and 5 Senate Dems.

Now, if Pres Obama signs it, he gives the Republican party a victory, for leading in the country back to the right direction, but if he vetoes it, and the Senate fails to overturn it due to staunch liberal posturing, then the Republicans can claim that the far left is trying to keep the country on the wrong path.

Far better would be to either
a) lose both the senate and house, and Pres Obama can be the defender of the poor from the big evil conservatives.


b) have won the house, and lost the Senate, where the Republicans would again be seen as the obstructionist party.

In the end

it will all be ssdd.

Senate is not important to win but we can hope to pick off Dem senators? Lot's of maybes isn't exactly something to hinge your hopes on. Oh and do remember, Dems in the Senate are more liberal now. You forgot the democrats can also use the filibusterer. It won't see the presidents desk unless it's got all the pork in the world which is always bipartisan.

You will have gridlock until they realize that shit doesn't work and Americans don't like it. It's same game with the same results. You're the puppet and they're the puppet masters.
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:26 AM   #49
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Re: To All The Liberals

What we need is a good dictator to sweep everything clean and to make sure the damn trains run on time!
Strap it up, hold onto the ball, and let’s go.
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:29 AM   #50
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by JoeRedskin View Post
What we need is a good dictator to sweep everything clean and to make sure the damn trains run on time!
And the rent is low.
"The Redskins have always suffered from chronic organizational deformities under Snyder."

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Old 11-03-2010, 11:31 AM   #51
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Re: To All The Liberals

yeah, when i lived in SD it was everywhere.

there are ads in the back of their city paper with marijuana prescription card doctors who advertise stuff like "get your card in less than 45 mins", "only $60 for your card" stuff. its a very competitive business.

when i was visiting SF a friend had a card and he had weed rolos, gum and all types of stuff. i mean the package look like regular rollos and everything.

when i lived in north park, there were 3 stores within a 1 mile radius. you get a card if you said you arent sleeping or eating well, without any verification or supporting doctor reports. you just show up, check off some boxes and smile for the camera.
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:40 AM   #52
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Re: To All The Liberals

I need to move to SD, not for the weed necessarily, the weather there is insane isn't it?
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:44 AM   #53
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Senate is not important to win but we can hope to pick off Dem senators? Lot's of maybes isn't exactly something to hinge your hopes on. Oh and do remember, Dems in the Senate are more liberal now. You forgot the democrats can also use the filibusterer. It won't see the presidents desk unless it's got all the pork in the world which is always bipartisan.

You will have gridlock until they realize that shit doesn't work and Americans don't like it. It's same game with the same results. You're the puppet and they're the puppet masters.
First, I said if they were smart. They aren't so they will push their agenda forward, regardless. 2nd, there are still middle of the road democratic (or independent) senators like Joe Lieberman who will work with either side if they like the policy. Remember 2/3's of the Senate remained, unlike the House where every member faced re-election, so not all of the dems are more liberal.

And I didn't forget that the Dems can use the filibuster, and how will that look, when the Republicans have a bill that has 45 Republicans and 6 Democrats supporting it. Like I said, in the political game, the Democrats come off looking extreme, and Republicans can say, we set aside our agenda to make the country work.

Yeah it will be gridlock, but having the House (and thus being able to write the money bills) makes the Republicans the do'ers, and the Democrats the blockers. Let the games begin.

I am also curious to see what type of legislation gets slammed through in these next 2 months.
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:46 AM   #54
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
200 million dollars a day? guys can't even be bothered to make up a credible number?
When I have more time I'll get another link but this gives the details about the 200 million per day cost to tax payers.
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:46 AM   #55
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by JoeRedskin View Post
What we need is a good dictator to sweep everything clean and to make sure the damn trains run on time!
I hear the military has a plan for crossing the Potomac.

Caesar has died, all hail Caesar!
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:48 AM   #56
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Re: To All The Liberals

Dang it I was planning on going to India tomorrow:

The Economic Times reported last week that the administration has booked the entire Taj Mahal hotel - all 570 rooms - for the duration of the visit, which is expected to last just two days. Dozens of other rooms have been reserved in other hotels, the report said.
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:52 AM   #57
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
I'm just glad Crazy Carl got trounced here in NY.

Gotta say all the petty bickering in this thread is pretty childish, but it kinda mirrors politics in general today so oh well. Hope the repubs are happy, but now the excuses are over for the right. Let's see some action. Something tells me it will be SSDD though.
Just like the excuses were over for the left two years ago. Glad that worked out for them.

And around and around we go. American politics has decayed into such a giant mess.
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:59 AM   #58
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
In terms of political strategy (who cares about the f***in country, politics is all that counts), the House is a far better win then the Senate. The House initiates all money bills, so if the Republicans are smart (which they aren't), they can lay out grand scheme plans, and incorporate enough to win maybe 2-3 democratic senators. What this does, is allow them to show they have a plan that works (yeah right) and put the President in the blocking/obstructionist position.

For arguments sake, lets say House Republicans put a plan out that 30 Repub vote no on, but 10 Dem vote yes.

It goes to the Senate, where they get 47 Repub votes and 4 Dem votes.

It comes out of conference with "bi-partisan" support of maybe 15 House Dems and 5 Senate Dems.

Now, if Pres Obama signs it, he gives the Republican party a victory, for leading in the country back to the right direction, but if he vetoes it, and the Senate fails to overturn it due to staunch liberal posturing, then the Republicans can claim that the far left is trying to keep the country on the wrong path.

Far better would be to either
a) lose both the senate and house, and Pres Obama can be the defender of the poor from the big evil conservatives.


b) have won the house, and lost the Senate, where the Republicans would again be seen as the obstructionist party.

In the end

it will all be ssdd.
I'm not sure one is necessarily better than the other. Certainly, the Senate has its unique advantages. It has the exclusive advise-and-consent power over presidential appointments, most notably Supreme Court justicies. Second, while revenue bills must originate in the House, a bill that passes the House is sent to the Senate, which is free to "amend" such a bill by deleting the text entirely and replacing it with its own text--keep in mind that the health care reform law was the Senate's bill (of course, any such bill passed by the Senate must then pass the House). Third, from a historical standpoint, the Senate is the country's great equalizer--California has as many senators as Wyoming. So, again, I'm not sure the House is clearly the superior body to have.
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Old 11-03-2010, 12:00 PM   #59
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
I need to move to SD, not for the weed necessarily, the weather there is insane isn't it?
i lived there for over 7 years. every single day i woke up feeling like i was on vacation. about every minute of it i would bask in the relaxation that is san diego. on the main highway I-5, i would be stuck in traffic and i would look over to my left and see palm tree silohettes against the backdrop of cliffs dropping into the ocean. sometimes youd see whales migrating down to mexico. get drunk and do a bonfire on the ocean at night. the fishing is unbelievable. better trout fishing than pennsylvania, well, i caught stringers of huge trout in SD, would only catch a couple small brooke trout in PA.

yeah the weather is insane, mild most of the year, santa anna winds blow a warm desert breeze right about now. sometimes the santa anna winds would get hot, i mean like the wind was a hair dryer hot.

not alot of professional jobs though outside the computer/software/IP community thoo. when my contract job ran out, i stayed as long as i could, then packed my dog and belongings and whatever lil money i had left and drove back to MD to my parents house with my tail tucked btw my legs.
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Old 11-03-2010, 12:04 PM   #60
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
200 million dollars a day? guys can't even be bothered to make up a credible number?

Shhhhhh. Your annoyance with the results of these mid-terms is funny to me. "Yeah, you got the House. So what? Doesn't mean shit! We're still better than you!" Waaa waaa waaa.

I'm having fun today watching the crybaby liberals bitch about the results, and it's good to see Obama's piss and shit agenda get kicked in the nuts. MSNBC was funny last night. They actually started turning on each other as the night rolled on. They still think they know better than all the stupid voters who were clearly disillusioned yesterday. LOL.

Que arrogant, condescending retort from Saden1....

US to spend $200 mn a day on Obama's Mumbai visit
US to spend $200 million a day on Obama's Mumbai visit - India - DNA
US to spend $200 million a day during Barack Obama’s visit to Mumbai |
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