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Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

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Old 12-20-2009, 01:40 PM   #46
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

So my fiancee was supposed to fly out of Reagan at 10am this morning to spend Xmas with her family in Florida. Well, Reagan didn't open until noon and her flight was canceled. So she called US Airways... on hold for over 3 hours and no answer. Now they aren't even taking calls "due to high call volume." And if you try to reschedule on-line it's charging us full price for a next-day flight which is obviously ridiculous. What a shit show.

So we booked a flight on Southwest out of BWI for her, but it doesn't leave until Tuesday. Ugh.

F.....Holiday Travel.
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Old 12-20-2009, 03:14 PM   #47
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
So my fiancee was supposed to fly out of Reagan at 10am this morning to spend Xmas with her family in Florida. Well, Reagan didn't open until noon and her flight was canceled. So she called US Airways... on hold for over 3 hours and no answer. Now they aren't even taking calls "due to high call volume." And if you try to reschedule on-line it's charging us full price for a next-day flight which is obviously ridiculous. What a shit show.

So we booked a flight on Southwest out of BWI for her, but it doesn't leave until Tuesday. Ugh.

F.....Holiday Travel.
That is awful service. My kids had a flight in yesterday on Southwest. Friday night they offered free changes for anyone with a flight into BWI yesterday, or today until 1pm. I called and cancelled and rescheduled for a flight today, 10 minutes on hold (not unreasonable in my opinion) and got an email confirmation before I had hung up the phone.

One possible glitch was there early bird check in, since it had posted already I had to re-buy it for todays flight ($30 for 3 kids), but I submitted a refund request to customer service yesterday, and got a live person call back today to clarify the question. I will see what happens there, but overall that was a very painless process.
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Old 12-20-2009, 03:39 PM   #48
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
That is awful service. My kids had a flight in yesterday on Southwest. Friday night they offered free changes for anyone with a flight into BWI yesterday, or today until 1pm. I called and cancelled and rescheduled for a flight today, 10 minutes on hold (not unreasonable in my opinion) and got an email confirmation before I had hung up the phone.

One possible glitch was there early bird check in, since it had posted already I had to re-buy it for todays flight ($30 for 3 kids), but I submitted a refund request to customer service yesterday, and got a live person call back today to clarify the question. I will see what happens there, but overall that was a very painless process.
Southwest seems to have really solid customer service, which is a rarity anywhere these days. US Airways is garbage I guess. One of my fiancee's personal training clients gave her a plane ticket as a birthday present (her b-day is on Wednesday) and booked US Airways without asking if we had an airline preference. It was a very thoughtful gift, but I wouldn't have picked US Airways if I had my way. Oh well. Shit happens.
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Old 12-21-2009, 02:02 AM   #49
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

Originally Posted by ArtMonkDrillz View Post
The beer has been moved from the fridge to the porch. Now I just wish it was socially acceptable for a 27 year old man to run around in the snow (drunk) by himself. Since it's not, I'm inside watching movies all day. First up is Die Hard, and next is Heat.
since that isn't cool I totally just ran around with a friend in the snow drunkenly
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Old 12-21-2009, 02:04 AM   #50
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
That is awful service. My kids had a flight in yesterday on Southwest. Friday night they offered free changes for anyone with a flight into BWI yesterday, or today until 1pm. I called and cancelled and rescheduled for a flight today, 10 minutes on hold (not unreasonable in my opinion) and got an email confirmation before I had hung up the phone.

One possible glitch was there early bird check in, since it had posted already I had to re-buy it for todays flight ($30 for 3 kids), but I submitted a refund request to customer service yesterday, and got a live person call back today to clarify the question. I will see what happens there, but overall that was a very painless process.
southwest is really rocking ish right now.. between their service as well as this special they're doing where many flights are only 69 bucks, even nonstops, is amazing.. cheaper than greyhound and amtrak.. and 2 free checked bags? dang
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Old 12-21-2009, 09:42 AM   #51
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

Well I think we got maybe an 1/8 inch after it finally quit raining. Here when we get a snow its not worth going out and shoveling snow as it melts in a day or two. We don't have alot of hills here so when we do get enough snow we do reneck sleeding with a large truck inner tube behind the truck.
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Old 12-21-2009, 10:16 AM   #52
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

Using my front porch for measuring, we got 19 inches. I shoveled Saturday at 830a and 3p, then again yesterday around Noon. The nice thing about our house is facing south, the Sun just beat on the house all day. After clearing the cars, I had no ice or snow on our parking spots or the steps up to the house.
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Old 12-21-2009, 11:08 AM   #53
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

My neighbor across the street is a recent divorcee. He was cheating on his wife, I know this becasue he had a diffrent girl over nearly ever night when he was married (his wife works nights).

Anywho, he has season tickets to the Ravens and he likes to go down the night before and party it up at a hotel then shove off to the game. The storm didn't stop his weekend plans.

Since he was at the game his house and parking spots are not shoveled. I went out to my car this morning and I see his little sports car pretty much sideways parked in his spots in about two feet of sun. He must have just gunned into the spot.

The best part are the footsteps leading up to his door. I say looking at the damage he probaly fell four times trying to make it up to his door. HEHEHE!

He is going to have a long day of shoveling today.

He is a pretty big Richard and loves to brag. I hope he waits until tonight to shovel I want to watch him try to do it.
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Old 12-21-2009, 11:12 AM   #54
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

So Im at work. There was no way they were gonna cancel today. We have two onsite deliveries that are due the end of this month. It sucks. Since I am new, I havent accrued enough vacation, so the office is gonna be quiet as heck but extremely busy.
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Old 12-21-2009, 04:09 PM   #55
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

Didn't measure but there was at least 16 inches on top of my car.

Of course, it happened on the same day as the Global Warming Summit in Copen-haaaaaa-gen. God is always messing with the idiots.
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Old 12-21-2009, 04:21 PM   #56
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Didn't measure but there was at least 16 inches on top of my car.

Of course, it happened on the same day as the Global Warming Summit in Copen-haaaaaa-gen. God is always messing with the idiots.
Didn't they get snowed in last year? We know what they are shoveling.
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Old 12-21-2009, 05:51 PM   #57
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

This is Al Gore's fault. If he hadn't started running his mouth about global warming . . . .
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Old 02-06-2010, 02:41 PM   #58
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

definitly learned my lesson last time i have been shoveling every few hours, i'm not diggin out of 2 feet of snow at once ever again
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Old 02-07-2010, 11:29 AM   #59
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Re: Who is Shoveling? 12-19-09

Everybody that a Car, sidewalk or driveway. Because of my physical condition I cannot shovel snow but I do have a great neighbor who shoveled my walkway and cleaned my Car. They don't make people like him anymore, people that go out of their way to do something for someone else are rare and hard to find.
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