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No NHL this year

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Old 02-17-2005, 12:57 PM   #31
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Re: No NHL this year

Originally Posted by NY_Skinsfan

a lot of the sports u r using in your argument of skill vs sport use a heck of a lot more physical talents than what u wrote. Baseball is not just about hitting a ball cuz there's a heck of a lot of actual running around to do as well. Same thing goes for tennis, hockey, and especially soccer, I mean have u seen how freakin huge pro and olympic size fields r? Golf is the only one I agree with and I don't necessarily consider it a sport either. It's basically great vision and training yourself to have a consistent swing and a strong putting game. Sure they walk around a lot but I hope no one tells me walking is a sport now, it's an activity. The same goes for bowling, which I love and have religiously played for years. It's not a sport but the training of the body to move your body in a precise motion every time. It's a lot harder to do well consistently than some people imagine but its still not as physically demanding as sports like football, basketball, baseball, soccer, and others. And nascar IMO is guys driving around in a circle for a long time really fast. It requires u to have great concentration and some decent endurance and I personally don't understand how it gets deemed a sport by some.
Of course that's just how I feel on the subject and there will always be a discussion and debate similar to this cuz everyone's personal definition isn't 100% like the person next to them.
To me the question is not "skill"; it's "does the activity in question rely on physical prowess and can you determine the winner by completely objective means: i.e. who crossed the finish line first, who jumped the highest or who knocked down the most pins (under my definition, bowling is a sport, diving is not). The only need for "judges" is to be sure that the objective measurements are accurate (to review the photo finish in a race and determine who crossed the line first, the distance jumped was accurately measured, etc. - admittedly, some subjectivity can creep into these determination but the intent is to determine accuracy not to render a mainly subjective opinion and use it as the basis for scoring).

Under this criteria, NASCAR is a sport. Driving a race car at top speed for an extended period of time is physically grueling and, to do it safely and well, requires any number of top physical skills.
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Old 02-18-2005, 08:21 AM   #32
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Re: No NHL this year

well like I said in my other other, this is just something a lot of people have varying personal standards that make the term of sport different for each person. I'm not denying the skill that goes into several of the activities, but I personally just don't view them as full blown sports. Cuz from previous discussions I've had with people about this, their definition would also include activities like chess, darts, pool, and the freakin spelling bee.

But there's nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree on some things
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Old 02-18-2005, 05:59 PM   #33
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Re: No NHL this year

my thinking is very similar to yours skinsfan, i don't think nascar is a sport, the car does most of the work, yes they tinker with it here and there and someone sits behind the steering wheel to steer it and make it stop or go fast but essentially the motor is doing the hard labor. i drive to work everyday, i sometimes have to plan out my course and time it will take me to get there ( strategy ), depending on the weather or traffic conjestion etc...............( track conditions ), sometimes i have to stop along the way for food,drink,fix my jeep.etc.....( pitstop ), sometimes a person will call me to tell me that a cop is shooting radar on a particular road (spotter ). i don't consider me driving to work a sport.
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Old 02-20-2005, 04:10 PM   #34
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Re: No NHL this year

Originally Posted by wolfeskins
my thinking is very similar to yours skinsfan, i don't think nascar is a sport, the car does most of the work, yes they tinker with it here and there and someone sits behind the steering wheel to steer it and make it stop or go fast but essentially the motor is doing the hard labor. i drive to work everyday, i sometimes have to plan out my course and time it will take me to get there ( strategy ), depending on the weather or traffic conjestion etc...............( track conditions ), sometimes i have to stop along the way for food,drink,fix my jeep.etc.....( pitstop ), sometimes a person will call me to tell me that a cop is shooting radar on a particular road (spotter ). i don't consider me driving to work a sport.
I suppose you drive to work over a 100 mph then. that's pretty impressive.
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Old 02-20-2005, 08:43 PM   #35
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Re: No NHL this year

[QUOTE=NY_Skinsfan]I suppose you drive to work over a 100 mph then. that's pretty impressive.

oh ! because they drive fast , it's a sport. thanks for clearing that up.
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Old 02-21-2005, 08:47 AM   #36
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Re: No NHL this year

Originally Posted by NY_Skinsfan
I suppose you drive to work over a 100 mph then. that's pretty impressive.

oh ! because they drive fast , it's a sport. thanks for clearing that up.
So basically anything that involves and engine isn't a sport to you. Any type or car racing, motorcycle racing, speedboat racing....none of those are sports?

What about cycling, the Tour de France for instance? It must be a sport on the way up the mountain but not on the way down because the bicycle does all the work.
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Old 02-21-2005, 05:57 PM   #37
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Re: No NHL this year

i don't know, you tell me. are the bicycles going fast enough?
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