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Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

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View Poll Results: Mike Shanahan is the new coach of the Redskins, approve or disapprove?
Approve 129 96.99%
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:22 AM   #136
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
Actually, thats a distinct possibility.
Wow. I'd call that a stretch, but calling that a stretch in itself is a stretch.

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat
I guess thats the difference - you're taking everything that's been said at face value. I was skeptical and every day there's new information that reinforces my skepticism. Are the skins better now than they were a month ago - yes. Shanahan's a better coach than Zorn. Is Allen a better GM than Cerrato? In most areas - yes. However we still don't have a proven personnel guy making player decisions. Allen's draft record (Tampa Bay only - he had nothing to do with the draft in Oakland) is worse than Vinnys. Shanahan's is very good offensively and very poor defensively. In the short term, thats fine - our offense needs the most work now anyways. However, in the long term, our defense is going to decline. we'll have a team thats probably about as talented overall as the one we have now, just better coached. And it will only last as long as Allen can keep Snyder and Shanahan from butting heads.
Well I guess it's just a difference in personality and perspective. I'd rather trust the evidence I see and give the benefit of the doubt than view everything in a skeptical light and anticipate the worst.
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:22 AM   #137
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
Shanahan is the coach, for better or worse. My issue is with the entire hiring process (which clearly showed Snyder selected the coach, not the GM) and his title - the same one vinny used to have. To me, its very telling that neither Shanahan or Allen have a Team President Title. No matter what is said in press conferences, Snyder is reserving final say for himself and he'll be just as involved as ever.
Ok, I'll come over to your house and make some changes, don't worry I won't bother you with any of the changes I'm making since clearly you being the owner don't need to have any say in what happens.
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:31 AM   #138
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by Paintrain View Post
So you couldn't see the future in advance but you are sure that in the days and months ahead we will start to hear rumblings about Snyder meddling and butting heads. Is that a power you can turn on and off?
we can never be 100% sure about anything, but history is repeating itself before our eyes. Snyder's said he's changed so many times, but he obviously hasnt.
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:33 AM   #139
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
I'm sure it was his first choice. The only reason Allen was hired is because thats what Snyder and Shanahan had already worked out. I'm sure Allen had no freedom to hire anyone else. Shanahan will definitely be a more successful coach than Zorn. There's no denying it. But the fundamental change we'd all hoped would happen to our organization didn't happen. For the life of me, i can't understand how so many redskins fans are buying that it has. Mike Wilbon, Mark Maske, and Rick Snider aren't buying it and neither am I.

Don't beleive the hype.

Rick Snider: When it comes to Snyder backing down, don't believe the hype | Washington Examiner

I cant remember where but I read this but Shany and Allen already discussed working together, and I don't think they knew where they would end up originally. And also there was many rumors the last couple of years and recently that whoever was the next coach in D.C. was going to get 10 mil a year. Allen is more of a cap and negotiating guy and the fact that Shany is getting 7 mil. tells me Allen is doing his job already, and I'm sure Shany probably gave up some $ per year to have more control over the team and in return will get some big fat bonus for playoff and or super bowl appearances. And who gives a crap what wilbon snider and maske have to say, wilbon in particular never has anything positive to say about the Skins, he's right there with JLC as far as reporting.
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:35 AM   #140
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by Paintrain View Post
Wow. I'd call that a stretch, but calling that a stretch in itself is a stretch.

Well I guess it's just a difference in personality and perspective. I'd rather trust the evidence I see and give the benefit of the doubt than view everything in a skeptical light and anticipate the worst.
whats that saying: fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me. right now we've been fooled how many times? Snyder's like the boy who cried wolf in the sense that he's lost the benefit of the doubt. And its not like there isn't evidence right now that everything's on the "up and up." He's guilty until proven innocent.
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:35 AM   #141
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Shannahan wouldn't come to the Skins if he didn't have final say in football matters. If Snynder is truly out of the way Shannahan will be here for five years. However, if Snyder is still meddling then Shannahan will be gone in a couple of years much like Schottenheimer let go.
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:39 AM   #142
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post
Ok, I'll come over to your house and make some changes, don't worry I won't bother you with any of the changes I'm making since clearly you being the owner don't need to have any say in what happens.
as the owner of the house, i hire you to do a specific job. lets say you're fixing a broken A/C unit. I'll open the door, show you to the A/C unit, and then stay the hell out of your way and let you do your job. I might watch for a little bit out of curiosity, but other than that, the only thing i'm going to do is pay you. Snyder, on the other hand, would want to sit over your shoulder, watch everything you do, make suggestions on how you should do your job, etc.
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:41 AM   #143
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Holy S#!t I've figured it out, bighairedaristocrat is Bill Cowhers wife!!
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:47 AM   #144
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
Actually, thats a distinct possibility.

I guess thats the difference - you're taking everything that's been said at face value. I was skeptical and every day there's new information that reinforces my skepticism. Are the skins better now than they were a month ago - yes. Shanahan's a better coach than Zorn. Is Allen a better GM than Cerrato? In most areas - yes. However we still don't have a proven personnel guy making player decisions. Allen's draft record (Tampa Bay only - he had nothing to do with the draft in Oakland) is worse than Vinnys. Shanahan's is very good offensively and very poor defensively. In the short term, thats fine - our offense needs the most work now anyways. However, in the long term, our defense is going to decline. we'll have a team thats probably about as talented overall as the one we have now, just better coached. And it will only last as long as Allen can keep Snyder and Shanahan from butting heads.
I think this is a funny sentence given your desire for Cowher to come here. Cowher would have lasted no more than one year, like Marty, because he would have pressured Snyder at every turn. Shanahan knows Snyder's personality, and worked closely with Bowlen and knows how to handle an owner's involvement and keep him involved, without giving authority up to the owner.

I am curious what a "better process" would have looked like in your opinion?
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:50 AM   #145
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
The Cowher thing isnt the big deal here - the big deal is that Snyder is still running the show and nothing has changed. If Snyder wasn't going to be involved, Shanahan would have had the title of Team President. Hence my comment about different people / same story.

Its clearly evident that Snyder wanted Shanahan all along. Shanahan approved of Allen so Snyder put on a pretense of changing his ways by hiring a "real GM" and letting him make all the football decisions. But we don't have a real GM. Like Vinny before him, Allen is just carrying out Snyder's bidding. If Allen were a "real GM," he would have interviewed multiple head coaching candidates. But Snyder wanted Shanahan so that's the only person who was "interviewed."

Everyone can celebrate all they want now, but time will prove that Snyder hasn't changed one bit. It'll be 2001 all over again.
YOu can't honestly believe this garbage. Shanahan wouldn't have even came here if that was the case. He has complete control when he was in Denver. I highly doubt that a coach of he status would even consider coming here if he wasn't going to have full control. The reason Snyder wanted Shanahan to come here is because he was the best coach available. Plus, Snyder wasn't the only person that wanted Shanahan. Me and a lot other Redskin fans did as well.
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:58 AM   #146
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Interesting tidbit from the Denver Post:

according to two sources familiar with the negotiations.

Shanahan will receive approximately the same average guaranteed salary — $7 million a season — he had during his final contract with the Broncos. He still had three years remaining on his deal when he was fired nearly a year ago.

The Broncos will still owe Shanahan approximately $3.5 million per year in 2010 and 2011 to essentially have him coach the Redskins. Then again, Bowlen will save roughly $3.5 million each of the next two years now that their former coach is no longer unemployed.

The fact Shanahan settled for about the same money he made with the Broncos — and turned down a more lucrative offer from the Buffalo Bills — should quell speculation he was trying to sell his services to the highest bidder. Shanahan's primary goal in his quest for his third head coaching job was to find a team with a vacancy that had the best chance to win the Super Bowl.

Read more: Mike Shanahan reaches deal to coach Redskins - The Denver Post

I like to hear that Shanny wanted to be here and wasn't looking for just the money.
That got ugly fast
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Old 01-06-2010, 11:01 AM   #147
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

This is the start of a new era. A winning Era. Why such negativity? A lot of fair weather fans in these forums.
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Old 01-06-2010, 11:10 AM   #148
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by jrsz24 View Post
This is the start of a new era. A winning Era. Why such negativity? A lot of fair weather fans in these forums.
Nah, I think the poll result speaks loudly enough
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Old 01-06-2010, 11:14 AM   #149
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by diehardskin2982 View Post
Interesting tidbit from the Denver Post:

according to two sources familiar with the negotiations.

Shanahan will receive approximately the same average guaranteed salary — $7 million a season — he had during his final contract with the Broncos. He still had three years remaining on his deal when he was fired nearly a year ago.

The Broncos will still owe Shanahan approximately $3.5 million per year in 2010 and 2011 to essentially have him coach the Redskins. Then again, Bowlen will save roughly $3.5 million each of the next two years now that their former coach is no longer unemployed.

The fact Shanahan settled for about the same money he made with the Broncos — and turned down a more lucrative offer from the Buffalo Bills — should quell speculation he was trying to sell his services to the highest bidder. Shanahan's primary goal in his quest for his third head coaching job was to find a team with a vacancy that had the best chance to win the Super Bowl.

Read more: Mike Shanahan reaches deal to coach Redskins - The Denver Post

I like to hear that Shanny wanted to be here and wasn't looking for just the money.
Thanks for the link.

I thought this part was worth pointing out too, he will have the same setup here as in Denver:

With the Redskins, Shanahan will work in concert with general manager Bruce Allen, much as he did in Denver with Broncos general manager Ted Sundquist from 2002-07. In that business partnership, Sundquist oversaw the draft, contracts and roster construction, but Shanahan had final say on every decision.

I think this helps to prove that Allen and Shanahan came as a package deal and both approved of working with the other, ensuring we should have a smooth front office relationship.
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Old 01-06-2010, 11:21 AM   #150
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

WoW i can believe that people here has voted against Mike Shanahan not being our HC for the Redskins. Let me let you all in on a secret that maybe hasn't crossed some of your simple minds. 1st Shanahan has 3 superbowl rings one as a OC and two as a HC. He has always been a genius, Belichick became a genius when he got to New England, because in Clevland, he wasn't even close, Yea Shanny has two superbowls with John Elway, but guess how many Belichick has with Tom Brady, and without him he has none. So let's not make it seem like mike is a failure. Because he is far from it.
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