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Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

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Old 05-14-2009, 08:22 PM   #91
Brian Orakpo
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Originally Posted by tryfuhl View Post
He could've done that anyways.
Yeah he could have. Honestly im shocked he didnt sign with the Patriots. Even before he was released I had a feeling he would be and sign with New England. I guess he really likes Miami because you would think he would take a shot at getting a championship. Then when he did retire he could sign a 1 day contract and retire a Dolphin.
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Old 05-14-2009, 10:06 PM   #92
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

I am not sure that I understand the animosity towards Taylor. Being upset with the front office makes sense because it turned out that they grossly overpaid for the guy. In their defense, they never expected to only have him for one injury plagued year.

For the people who are mad at Taylor. What did he ever do to us besides play through two potential season ending injuries? Are you the same people who criticized his lack of production even though he was hurt and not a true 4-3 end? Moving him to Strongside backer wouldn't have worked either. It was obvious that he was not going to live up to his contract here.

For the people who wonder why he would go back and play for a lower salary you have underestimated his pride. We aren't talking about Dana Stubblefield. This guy is a warrior and doesn't want the last memory of him being hurt and misused.

It was best for all parties that he moved on. I wish him luck. Personally, I think he took a lot of unfair criticism.
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Old 05-14-2009, 11:54 PM   #93
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
They do hit on some but to be honest Fletcher was a Greg Williams move all the way. It's not like bringing in Fletch. was this brillant find. He wanted to play with his old defensive coordinator. Actually if they would've just paid Pierce then we wouldn't have the need to sign Fletcher in the first place.

I think the FO actually does a decent job of drafting guys. I just wish they'd do it more often and then reward the guys that deserve it.
Was Fletcher a good move or not? That's all it boils down to. If he didn't work out I doubt you would be so ho-hum about it.
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Old 05-15-2009, 12:29 AM   #94
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Originally Posted by Pocket$ $traight View Post
I am not sure that I understand the animosity towards Taylor. Being upset with the front office makes sense because it turned out that they grossly overpaid for the guy. In their defense, they never expected to only have him for one injury plagued year.

For the people who are mad at Taylor. What did he ever do to us besides play through two potential season ending injuries? Are you the same people who criticized his lack of production even though he was hurt and not a true 4-3 end? Moving him to Strongside backer wouldn't have worked either. It was obvious that he was not going to live up to his contract here.

For the people who wonder why he would go back and play for a lower salary you have underestimated his pride. We aren't talking about Dana Stubblefield. This guy is a warrior and doesn't want the last memory of him being hurt and misused.

It was best for all parties that he moved on. I wish him luck. Personally, I think he took a lot of unfair criticism.
Seemed like he just didn't care, didn't wanna be here, and hell maybe he didn't, but he wanted a trade too. I commend him on playing where he wants for lesser money though, he's gotten what he needs money-wise from the game. His interviews and stuff just made it seem like he didn't care and had a sour attitude towards playing here.
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Old 05-15-2009, 01:00 AM   #95
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Originally Posted by Pocket$ $traight View Post
I am not sure that I understand the animosity towards Taylor. Being upset with the front office makes sense because it turned out that they grossly overpaid for the guy. In their defense, they never expected to only have him for one injury plagued year.
My problem with Taylor is that since the beginning (as it appears now) he didn't want to come here. If he was so "loyal" to the Dolphins, he should've sucked it up and stay with the Dolphins. The Redskins didn't want to re-structure his salary and were willing to pay him 8 mil, even after the terrible season he had due to injuries, yet he still cried b/c the team wanted him to show up for camp.

Originally Posted by Pocket$ $traight View Post
For the people who are mad at Taylor. What did he ever do to us besides play through two potential season ending injuries? Are you the same people who criticized his lack of production even though he was hurt and not a true 4-3 end? Moving him to Strongside backer wouldn't have worked either. It was obvious that he was not going to live up to his contract here.
I never criticized his lack of production. Like I said, if he was loyal to Miami he should've stayed there. If not, he should've sucked it up, (get paid 8 mil, poor guy), and make it to training camp (which he was being paid for!)

Originally Posted by Pocket$ $traight View Post
For the people who wonder why he would go back and play for a lower salary you have underestimated his pride. We aren't talking about Dana Stubblefield. This guy is a warrior and doesn't want the last memory of him being hurt and misused.
If he was such a warrior, he should've handled Parcells ignoring him. And if was such a "character" guy, maybe he should've done what people always criticize players for not doing, which is to fulfill his contract.

People here complaint SO much about the FO, yet in my eyes, here's a player that the front office paid a lot of for, had the misfortune of having a plagued-riden year, and he didn't work out because he wasn't happy. Please, complain about getting a bust like Archuleta or a nut-case like Brandon Lloyd. I wanted Jason Taylor here this year, because I thought he had it in him to have a rebound this year when healthy. Well turns out he wasn't happy and he was cut. So screw him.

Oh yeah, and the next person that mentions the overused line "the Redskins got schooled by Parcells", don't forget to add that Parcells also schooled Jason Taylor.
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Old 05-15-2009, 02:10 AM   #96
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

I read every post on Jason Taylor to the Dolphins. Look we signed him because we needed a pass rusher and we had the training camp injuries to our DE's. The thing is JT is not big enough to line up in a 4-3 DE position. I'm sure his preseason injury did not help his cause since he did little off season training due to his apperance on Dancing with the Stars. Will watching Taylor during the season he was getting blocked by a TE at times and he still could not get pressure. He played hurt and tried his best but it just wasn't a productive season for him. He did us a favor by refusing to show up at off season work-outs cause he even said he wasn't worth 8million dollars.

Let hope we learn not to panic when a player is lost for the season lets have confidence that his backup can get the job done. Thats why they have backups right?
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Old 05-15-2009, 06:32 AM   #97
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Originally Posted by Ruhskins View Post
You mean the Redskins? How?
Obvious to me. But hey maybe this is the year. But that has already been said for the past 2-3 years. But if Colt Brennan or Todd Collins were playing you probably would want to keep them too since it would be difficult to have less skills than JC. But we will see this season. I'll be here to eat crow if needed. At least we would be in the playoffs if i did have to.

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Old 05-15-2009, 06:38 AM   #98
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Brian O. taking Jason Taylor's place is going to be a good move.

Last edited by Sonny9TD; 05-15-2009 at 07:31 AM.
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Old 05-15-2009, 07:29 AM   #99
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
Don't bother, he's anti-JC all the way
So if people don't agree with your opinion you say don't bother. Pretty arrogant. Not surprising from a TK. I really don't want to rehash JC again. I'm just hoping we win. Even with JC.

Last edited by Sonny9TD; 05-15-2009 at 07:38 AM.
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Old 05-15-2009, 07:38 AM   #100
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Originally Posted by Sonny9TD View Post
So if people don't agree with your opinion you say don't bother. Pretty arrogant. Not surprising from a TK. I really don't want to rehash JC again. I'm just hoping we win. Even with JC.
What's a TK?
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Old 05-15-2009, 08:03 AM   #101
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
What's a TK?
Hey SmootSmack. What's happening. He knows what I mean. But I'm here for discussion purposes. As you know we can agree to disagree with some respect at least. Hope you're doing well Smootsmack. I enjoyed our discussion when we disagreed on a topic but debated with some respect. I forgot what it was now. Ha. Hope to chat with you some more unless the other administrator
wants to kick me off for stating how I feel.

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Old 05-15-2009, 08:32 AM   #102
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Originally Posted by Sonny9TD View Post
So if people don't agree with your opinion you say don't bother. Pretty arrogant. Not surprising from a TK. I really don't want to rehash JC again. I'm just hoping we win. Even with JC.
Neither do I, that's why I said don't bother.

Not sure what TK means, just spell it out. No need to be obtuse.
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Old 05-15-2009, 08:54 AM   #103
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

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Old 05-15-2009, 09:09 AM   #104
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Originally Posted by FRPLG View Post
I am tired of the FA bashing...

Look around the league. Percentage-wise we are as good as anybody at hitting on these guys. Gross gain we are the best in the league by a wide margin because of our overall volume. Complain about our trading of draft picks. At least that holds water.
I assume you meant FO bashing, not FA bashing?

You're absolutely right about the trading of draft picks, and that's what bothers a lot of fans who are critical of the FO. Yes, the Skins make some great free agent moves and when they actually use their draft picks, they do quite well. We are constantly drawing impact players out of the draft, which is what makes the flippant trading of draft picks so painful. I'm not suggesting I'm absolutely against trading draft picks; they're a commodity like anything else, and if handled properly any commodity can be effectively traded. The problem is that twice in 3 seasons the Skins, in a virtual panic, traded away draft picks for players who did absolutely nothing (TJ Duckett and Jason Taylor). That's not a mistake that should be made twice, especially not in 3 years. Draft picks, even 3rd and 4th rounders, are exceptionally valuable in a league in which, because of injuries, depth is a necessity, and because of the Cap, the draft is the resource for depth.

This discussion is about Jason Taylor and the Jason Talor trade was a collossally stupid one. Regardless, anyone who criticizes the Redskins for making the move will face an instantaneous avalanche of blowhards censuring the individual as nothing more than a reactionary who always condemns the front office, and that's what I'm sick of. Just because one criticizes this trade, as well as the FO's proclivity for making such trades, does not mean one lacks objectivity. If there is a thread about a player whose tenure in Washington was less than successful, than of course there will be criticism and the such criticism is proper and acceptable. On the other hand, if a thread is about the a player's positive affect on the team, then accolades will be awarded to the FO. That's how it is and that's how it should be.

What I fail to understand is why poeple on this thread are referring to effective moves the FO has made in the past, when that has nothing to do with the Jason Taylor debacle. They're simply anticipating an argument that is not being made.
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Old 05-15-2009, 09:10 AM   #105
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Originally Posted by Ruhskins View Post
My problem with Taylor is that since the beginning (as it appears now) he didn't want to come here. If he was so "loyal" to the Dolphins, he should've sucked it up and stay with the Dolphins. The Redskins didn't want to re-structure his salary and were willing to pay him 8 mil, even after the terrible season he had due to injuries, yet he still cried b/c the team wanted him to show up for camp.

I never criticized his lack of production. Like I said, if he was loyal to Miami he should've stayed there. If not, he should've sucked it up, (get paid 8 mil, poor guy), and make it to training camp (which he was being paid for!)

If he was such a warrior, he should've handled Parcells ignoring him. And if was such a "character" guy, maybe he should've done what people always criticize players for not doing, which is to fulfill his contract.

People here complaint SO much about the FO, yet in my eyes, here's a player that the front office paid a lot of for, had the misfortune of having a plagued-riden year, and he didn't work out because he wasn't happy. Please, complain about getting a bust like Archuleta or a nut-case like Brandon Lloyd. I wanted Jason Taylor here this year, because I thought he had it in him to have a rebound this year when healthy. Well turns out he wasn't happy and he was cut. So screw him.

Oh yeah, and the next person that mentions the overused line "the Redskins got schooled by Parcells", don't forget to add that Parcells also schooled Jason Taylor.

Well it was obvious that he didn't want to be here and they weren't using him correctly. So he should have stayed for another year? He did us a favor for leaving. You can't criticize him for coming here and then leaving when the situation was obviously a bad one. I think that both sides realized this. Washington added this crap about a workout bonus to make themselves look better. If anyone truly believes that was the reason he left then I have a great deal on some "partial view" seats for you...

The FO tried to put a round peg in a square hole. They also paid 8 million to do it. Shame on them for not researching further and for giving up so much for a guy who probably was going to be dropped.

I cannot blame anyone for trying any work environment for 1 year for 8 million. It isn't Taylor's fault the FO pissed away two more draft picks to sign him.
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