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JC is not what I thought.

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Old 09-09-2008, 01:49 PM   #256
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Everyone puts the blam eon Jason. But I am telling you this..These WRs need to get OPEN. ON the highlight real reel on a couple of those dump offs.. I clearly see Jason looking down feel and going through his progressions and seeing nothing. Then dumping the pass off.
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Old 09-09-2008, 03:11 PM   #257
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Cool Re: JC is not what I thought.

here's an idea, trade jason cambell now to a team who just lost a qb. and in return, we get a good.. corner/ saftey.
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Old 09-09-2008, 03:21 PM   #258
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

^^^ ohh noooo! you just started the cycle all over again lol! may i suggest this topic has been discussed ad nausem and we can close this until the next one starts up again??
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Old 09-09-2008, 05:04 PM   #259
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

If it was up to some people on this board JC would be gone. I am frankly tired of hearing all the whinning. If he doesn't get it done this year. Then maybe we should get another QB. If not I know a lot of people are going to want CB to start. But when he gets knocked around a couple times from our O-line not doing their job. Lets see how affective he will be. I am just sick of hearing about it.

Jason has a slow release..

He is not smart enough...

He can't read defenses..

He's running into sacks..

He's not Romo..

He's not Manning..

Well the freaking coach should have him prepared. The kid only had a few weeks break and was the hardest worker in the off season. Learning his 100th offense. He clearly puts in work. But its clear he is not given the proper direction and players are not put in a positon to excel. Then Zorn says oh it took Hasselback 4 years to learn the offense. JC doesn't have 4 years and he isn't in the AFC West. Step your game up coach!!

We dont make the calls the coach does and frankly he needs to step his game up too. But until then stop the blood clot crying.
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Old 09-09-2008, 05:42 PM   #260
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by dmvskinzfan08 View Post
If it was up to some people on this board JC would be gone. I am frankly tired of hearing all the whinning. If he doesn't get it done this year. Then maybe we should get another QB. If not I know a lot of people are going to want CB to start. But when he gets knocked around a couple times from our O-line not doing their job. Lets see how affective he will be. I am just sick of hearing about it.

Jason has a slow release..

He is not smart enough...

He can't read defenses..

He's running into sacks..

He's not Romo..

He's not Manning..

Well the freaking coach should have him prepared. The kid only had a few weeks break and was the hardest worker in the off season. Learning his 100th offense. He clearly puts in work. But its clear he is not given the proper direction and players are not put in a positon to excel. Then Zorn says oh it took Hasselback 4 years to learn the offense. JC doesn't have 4 years and he isn't in the AFC West. Step your game up coach!!

We dont make the calls the coach does and frankly he needs to step his game up too. But until then stop the blood clot crying.
Look, I am tired of this thread also, I have reframed from making any comments, but I am extremely discouraged with JC. The Redskins have done everything in the world to help this guy and he just does not seem to be the guy we hoped he would be. Only about half of the first round Quarter backs ever pan out anyway. I hope he proves everyone wrong, and turns the corner, but this is definitly the year he has to make something happen or we will be looking for our next QB
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Old 09-09-2008, 05:48 PM   #261
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

It's his 2nd season as the starter... gotta give it some time people.
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:09 PM   #262
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
It's his 2nd season as the starter... gotta give it some time people.
I was roasting (bad mouthing) him on Friday about his reading the field. We gotta cool it with the Campbell bashing. I saw him in a interview last night and you could see the effects of the media on him. I'm behind the dude, good game or bad game.
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:24 PM   #263
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by bornaskin1966 View Post
here's an idea, trade jason cambell now to a team who just lost a qb. and in return, we get a good.. corner/ saftey.
I'm gonna chalk this up to you having a hangover from Manic Monday.

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Old 09-09-2008, 06:32 PM   #264
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by T.O.Killa View Post
Look, I am tired of this thread also, I have reframed from making any comments, but I am extremely discouraged with JC. The Redskins have done everything in the world to help this guy and he just does not seem to be the guy we hoped he would be. Only about half of the first round Quarter backs ever pan out anyway. I hope he proves everyone wrong, and turns the corner, but this is definitly the year he has to make something happen or we will be looking for our next QB
I dont think they have done everything for him to succeed. Its quite the contrary. Doing things for him to succeed would be to

1. Keep the same offensive coordinator for more than 2 years.
2. Giving him a true number one receiver.
3. Suring up the offensive line.

But I agree with everything else. If he had been in the same system for 3 years. I would be the first one to say. He needs to go or move to back up role and bring a veteran QB in until we figure out something. People need to learn patience. Because if not. It will be the same thing with other QBs. Most QB's who have been successful have been in the same system and haven't had coaching and mgmt carousels.

This is not an excuse but it is a major factor. Why can't some people realize this. Palmer, Brady, Manning, Eli, McNabb stayed in the same offensive system/coach for the most part with the exceptions of Manning who had a new head coach but he was already pro bowl caliber when that happened. They gave them chances to grow even when they stumbled and fell. People were talking about giving up on MCNabb. I could see if it was because he is prone to being injured. But you know what he does when he is healthy. Kolb is a joke compared to McNabb. But this is what happens when you nuture a QB and cultivate him. Instead of picking him up and re-rooting him again and again and expecting him to grow normally and be on the higher tier of NFL QBs. Name ONE QB that has had different offensive systems each year that has been successful. JUST ONE!!
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Last edited by dmvskinzfan08; 09-09-2008 at 06:38 PM.
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Old 09-09-2008, 07:39 PM   #265
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by dmvskinzfan08 View Post
I dont think they have done everything for him to succeed. Its quite the contrary. Doing things for him to succeed would be to

1. Keep the same offensive coordinator for more than 2 years.
2. Giving him a true number one receiver.
3. Suring up the offensive line.

But I agree with everything else. If he had been in the same system for 3 years. I would be the first one to say. He needs to go or move to back up role and bring a veteran QB in until we figure out something. People need to learn patience. Because if not. It will be the same thing with other QBs. Most QB's who have been successful have been in the same system and haven't had coaching and mgmt carousels.

This is not an excuse but it is a major factor. Why can't some people realize this. Palmer, Brady, Manning, Eli, McNabb stayed in the same offensive system/coach for the most part with the exceptions of Manning who had a new head coach but he was already pro bowl caliber when that happened. They gave them chances to grow even when they stumbled and fell. People were talking about giving up on MCNabb. I could see if it was because he is prone to being injured. But you know what he does when he is healthy. Kolb is a joke compared to McNabb. But this is what happens when you nuture a QB and cultivate him. Instead of picking him up and re-rooting him again and again and expecting him to grow normally and be on the higher tier of NFL QBs. Name ONE QB that has had different offensive systems each year that has been successful. JUST ONE!!
Could'nt of said it better myself. All these people who want 'instant gratification' should of been happy back when Snyder was trying to BUY a championship I guess. How'd that work out? Why can't these naysayers understand that none of the above mentioned quarterbacks have had to go through what Campbell has and it still took them more than one season to understand the system and play well. My God, this is'nt that hard to understand. And I'm tired of hearing how long JC has been playing. He has'nt played that long and he's only played ONE game in this particular system. Thank God who plays isn't decided by the fans. Manning and McNabb's heads would have rolled the first year and they never would of led their teams to the Super Bowl........ Come to think of it, that would of been alright with me!
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Old 09-09-2008, 08:23 PM   #266
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

I think we as fans could either help or hurt his development this year.

If we sit in the stands and boo every growing pain, it will just wear him down even more.

I think it's time to rally round the flag, as it were, and give him whatever support we can.

I'd hate to hear the boos rain down on Sunday.

That won't do anybody any good.

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Old 09-09-2008, 09:24 PM   #267
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by dmvskinzfan08 View Post
I dont think they have done everything for him to succeed. Its quite the contrary. Doing things for him to succeed would be to

1. Keep the same offensive coordinator for more than 2 years.
2. Giving him a true number one receiver.
3. Suring up the offensive line.

But I agree with everything else. If he had been in the same system for 3 years. I would be the first one to say. He needs to go or move to back up role and bring a veteran QB in until we figure out something. People need to learn patience. Because if not. It will be the same thing with other QBs. Most QB's who have been successful have been in the same system and haven't had coaching and mgmt carousels.

This is not an excuse but it is a major factor. Why can't some people realize this. Palmer, Brady, Manning, Eli, McNabb stayed in the same offensive system/coach for the most part with the exceptions of Manning who had a new head coach but he was already pro bowl caliber when that happened. They gave them chances to grow even when they stumbled and fell. People were talking about giving up on MCNabb. I could see if it was because he is prone to being injured. But you know what he does when he is healthy. Kolb is a joke compared to McNabb. But this is what happens when you nuture a QB and cultivate him. Instead of picking him up and re-rooting him again and again and expecting him to grow normally and be on the higher tier of NFL QBs. Name ONE QB that has had different offensive systems each year that has been successful. JUST ONE!!
Here is what they did. When Joe Gibbs thought he was not doing a good enough job to make the offense better and help Campbel progress he hired Al Saunders. Al was thought of as one of the greatest offensive minds in football. Campbell made him look like an idiot, so he fell out of favor with the FO. Then Vinny and Snyder set out to find the best offensive Quarter Back coach, they found Zorn. They thought it was so important to have a great Quarterback coach to help Campbell progress they made him the head coach. Find any team that has done so much to help a player along.
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Old 09-10-2008, 12:30 AM   #268
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by T.O.Killa View Post
Here is what they did. When Joe Gibbs thought he was not doing a good enough job to make the offense better and help Campbel progress he hired Al Saunders. Al was thought of as one of the greatest offensive minds in football. Campbell made him look like an idiot, so he fell out of favor with the FO. Then Vinny and Snyder set out to find the best offensive Quarter Back coach, they found Zorn. They thought it was so important to have a great Quarterback coach to help Campbell progress they made him the head coach. Find any team that has done so much to help a player along.
Marc Bulger must be making him look like an idiot now cause the Rams suck. Every quarterback that has been in Saunders system that has spoken on it, has said it took about 3 years for a quarterback to get good with it. They know, so it must be true. Why else would they say it? Jason had what, 1 and half years with it? Sometimes a new system can make a quarterback look like an idiot. I'm not happy with his play right now either, but seriously, why do we expect more of Jason than others. Brett Favre would'nt do very well if he had to learn and play with a new system every year. Yes they are trying to help Jason, but come on, Zorn just got here. We've played one game. One.
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Old 09-10-2008, 11:30 PM   #269
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by mauiRedskinbarn View Post
Put in collins, He spanked the giants 8 months ago, he won 4 in a row, he's still got momentum. He should be this teams captain, he can guide this team better than JC. Having him in is the best chance we have.

Just like in Arizona, sit the sucker, start the veteran
well said. cause everyone here know's i've been wanting to bench jc since october 07
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Old 09-11-2008, 12:00 AM   #270
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Can somebody please lock this....I think only the bones are left from this dead horse.

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