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JC is not what I thought.

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Old 09-05-2008, 02:41 PM   #181
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

JC is not panning the field when he's dropping back. I think that is what pissed Cooley off last night because he wasn't looking for anybody but the guy he locked on to.

I liked Campbell when Gibbs was the head coach but now that we have a different coach/system my new evaluation is that I want a change at the QB spot.
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:47 PM   #182
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

This is some of the worst play calling I have ever witnessed. Here I thought we had a new innovative aggresive play calling coach and we get Gibbs v2. wow.
I think you are right on with that one dirty....we need an aggressive attac offense with innovation not a lets run between the tackles and dump it short of the sticks and hope the recievers can make the Ľ to
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:51 PM   #183
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
Listening to the Doc show earlier, he brings a good point. He basically states (and we all saw it) for JC to be in the QB business this long and be "locking" onto one reciever is ..........a problem. And he needs to "take a step", to inspire the confidence that he is The Man.
I would like to see a little of Colt in him. As raw as he is, he is GOING to make something happen-FIRE. That "playmaker" look.
JC doesn't appear to have any improvisation. No escape and evade! No improvise, adapt, and overcome.
I DO NOT advocate a QB change, but I want to see urgency!!! Montana Magic in JC
I heard that and agree. When Zorn was a QB he had lots of improvise, escape & evade and I am 100% convinced that he has seen enough of JC to know he will never have that. Its as if after being a pro for 4 years JC has not even progressed on the simple things like not locking on. I think JC is at the max end of his skills. He isnt going to get much better. Like you I am not advocating a QB change now (maybe next season, we'll see) but I think Zorn is working hard to find a way to minimize the negative effects JC will have on the O.
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:55 PM   #184
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by doughtydoubter View Post
I think you are right on with that one dirty....we need an aggressive attac offense with innovation not a lets run between the tackles and dump it short of the sticks and hope the recievers can make the Ľ to
How can this team have an aggressive innovative attack offense with a QB that's not capable of doing that? Heck, even at the end of the game JC couldnt move fast and attack. Zorn's hands are tied by the QB when it comes to playcalling.
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Old 09-05-2008, 03:00 PM   #185
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by irish View Post
I heard that and agree. When Zorn was a QB he had lots of improvise, escape & evade and I am 100% convinced that he has seen enough of JC to know he will never have that. Its as if after being a pro for 4 years JC has not even progressed on the simple things like not locking on. I think JC is at the max end of his skills. He isnt going to get much better. Like you I am not advocating a QB change now (maybe next season, we'll see) but I think Zorn is working hard to find a way to minimize the negative effects JC will have on the O.
I'm not entirely sure why you included that adendum at the beginning, but Jim Zorn the player would not fit in Jim Zorn's offense. He threw 30 more INTs than TDs, had more TDs than INTs in a season twice in 11 years, never completed more than 60% of his passes, and finished with a career QB rating of 67.3. I'm not sure that is what we are looking for. I don't exactly know what the great plan is for the QB switch. Collins hasn't exactly lit it up in the preseason and I'm assuming you're not calling for Colt Brennan. Maybe things will turn around, but from where we stand now Vinny and Dan are on their way to going 2 for 2 in ruining first round QBs.

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Old 09-05-2008, 03:11 PM   #186
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by SC Skins Fan View Post
I'm not entirely sure why you included that adendum at the beginning, but Jim Zorn the player would not fit in Jim Zorn's offense. He threw 30 more INTs than TDs, had more TDs than INTs in a season twice in 11 years, never completed more than 60% of his passes, and finished with a career QB rating of 67.3. I'm not sure that is what we are looking for. I don't exactly know what the great plan is for the QB switch. Collins hasn't exactly lit it up in the preseason and I'm assuming you're not calling for Colt Brennan. Maybe things will turn around, but from where we stand now Vinny and Dan are on their way to going 2 for 2 in ruining first round QBs.

Jim Zorn
I dont think Vinny & Dan have anything to do with ruining 1st round QBs. The blame goes to the coaches but IMO, JC and PR were not 1st round material.

If Colt becomes the starting QB this season then the season is finished. I do think that this is a make or break season for JC and if he doesnt do it I think Colt will have a real chance to be the starter next year.
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Old 09-05-2008, 03:14 PM   #187
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by irish View Post
How can this team have an aggressive innovative attack offense with a QB that's not capable of doing that? Heck, even at the end of the game JC couldnt move fast and attack. Zorn's hands are tied by the QB when it comes to playcalling.
JC can move fast, he just doesn't look like he's moving fast. He runs the no huddle pretty well, but for some reason they never went into the no huddle last night.

The guy is athletic enough to make plays on the run, he's just not comfortable in this O yet. For that matter, a no. of other players aren't either. The one guy that had a good game was CP, and the running plays are mainly the same. ARE had a decent game, but was offsides twice.

Zorn himself doesn't look like he's comfortable in his role.
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Old 09-05-2008, 03:18 PM   #188
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by freddyg12 View Post
JC can move fast, he just doesn't look like he's moving fast.
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Old 09-05-2008, 03:53 PM   #189
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Coach Zorn lost this game. After scoring at the end of the half, we came out throwing incompletions on first down and running the ball on second and third and (too) long. This was also the case early in the game. I don't care what type of offense this is called you have to play to your players' strengths. Campbell's best throw is the deep fade. Moss' strengths is his deep speed. People ask why Tryon made the team. Why is Thrash on this team!? It would've been beneficial to have Davis active instead. Everybody has a prototype QB (or player) in thier mind that they use to measure against. You don't have to have a Brady or Peyton to win games or the SB.

Eli still sucks!
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Old 09-05-2008, 03:58 PM   #190
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Well, for full discolusre, I'm not A JC fan.
But the O-Line has to give him more time.

Time to look over the field.

Time to get the ball off.
If they do and he still can't find the open receiver and then hit them in stride, he's out of the league within two years.

As to "He has a new system:

This is how it is in the modern NFL. Coordinators and coaches (and receivers, centers, etc) come and go regularly.

Pro players adapt to change or they aren't pro player for long.
JC is the qb this year, for good or bad.

Colt-45 won't be ready for two years.
The most important thing we can do now is not attack each other personally, but try to make our points.

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Old 09-05-2008, 04:01 PM   #191
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by cpayne5 View Post
There's much more to it than the play of your QB. JC didn't look great tonight, but name me someone who did who wasn't returning kicks. JC gets a pass in my book until it becomes obvious that he is the weakest link.
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Old 09-05-2008, 04:04 PM   #192
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

I think I'm just so desperate for a franchise QB. It makes life just so much easier in the NFL. I see plenty of potential in JC, but for him to take a considerable step backwards was hard to watch. He has had enough time and experience in the league and although he has to deal with this new system I just didn't see anything positive in that game. He usually does plenty of good things that he can build on, but it just didn't happen last night. Maybe he just isn't suited for this type of offense, but I really thought this guy was on the road to being a great quarterback. Now I'm just worried that we might have made a mess of him.
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Old 09-05-2008, 04:12 PM   #193
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Yeah he doesn't have what it takes in my book. Auburn was a good team because of the running game not his arm..Mediocre at best
I laugh at you Colt Brennan haters. You're the same guys who didn't wanna bench Brunell for Campbell. The tables will turn.
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Old 09-05-2008, 04:28 PM   #194
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

I hate to keep saying this, but the offensive line really plays like they're college level players. I have to admit that Campbell made them look worse than they are by holding onto the ball too long. I hope they play better next time. I hate the Cowboys and the Giants, and I really don't want the Redskins to lose two times to both of those teams. If the next game is like this one, then mentally I'm ready for the Redskins to switch to Colt Brennan! Bring back Mix and Richardson!!! On second thought, bring back Reche Caldwell!
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Old 09-05-2008, 04:38 PM   #195
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

I didn't really blame the play calling as much as the execution of the plays by the players. Jason Campbell might have gotten a great play from Zorn, but if the quarterback and the receivers are not on the same page, then the end result is going to be disastrous.
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