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MRI Question:

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Old 07-23-2008, 07:53 AM   #1
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MRI Question:

Hey Guys,

Im going into my last semester of my undergrad degree. But, it looks as if I may need to get an MRI. Would it make sense for me to buy 6 months worth of insurance now until I can land a job (hopefully) after school with benefits?

I have no idea how much an MRI will cost.
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Old 07-23-2008, 08:10 AM   #2
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Re: MRI Question:

You should be able to slide under your parents coverage. Having no health insurance is one of the dumbest things you can do (sorry don't mean to be a jerk).

My buddy had no health insurance went into a coma because of low potisam (sp). He told me he should have started filling out his bankruptcy paperwork on the helicopter ride to the hospital. To this day (10yrs later) he still struggles with his credit. Before his trip tto the hospital he had perfect credit.
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Old 07-23-2008, 08:37 AM   #3
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Re: MRI Question:

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
Hey Guys,

Im going into my last semester of my undergrad degree. But, it looks as if I may need to get an MRI. Would it make sense for me to buy 6 months worth of insurance now until I can land a job (hopefully) after school with benefits?

I have no idea how much an MRI will cost.
If you're in college and 22 years old or less, you qualify for your parent's insurance. If you're not already covered under their plan, get covered. Then get the MRI.

Is the MRI on a creaky knee, or something serious like a brain scan?
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Old 07-23-2008, 08:40 AM   #4
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Re: MRI Question:

A MRI isn't cheap, you definitely wouldn't want to have to pay for that out of pocket.
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Old 07-23-2008, 08:42 AM   #5
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Re: MRI Question:

$2500 is the going rate where I am at. That's for out of pocket.
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Old 07-23-2008, 09:26 AM   #6
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Re: MRI Question:

It's a lower back issue. Unfortunately, I can't fall under my parents insurance anymore considering Im the oldest student of all time (25). But yeah, I think it's time to get insurance -- was hoping I could hold out for 6 more months.

But, don't most insurance companies deny claims of something that was a pre-existing condition? If so, I'm going to skip the MRI considering for what they think I have (Herniated Disk) the treatment seems to be to sit still for 10ish days on muscle relaxers.
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Last edited by Daseal; 07-23-2008 at 09:43 AM.
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Old 07-23-2008, 09:47 AM   #7
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Re: MRI Question:

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
It's a lower back issue. Unfortunately, I can't fall under my parents insurance anymore considering Im the oldest student of all time (25).
Damn dude, you party too much??

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
But, don't most insurance companies deny claims of something that was a pre-existing condition?
Yes they do.

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If so, I'm going to skip the MRI considering for what they think I have (Herniated Disk) the treatment seems to be to sit still for 10ish days on muscle relaxers.
Good idea. If it still hurts like hell after 10 days of taking it REAL easy, then you can always go for the MRI then. Might as well try the rest first.
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Old 07-23-2008, 10:00 AM   #8
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Re: MRI Question:

haha, nah Schneed. I did my partying in HS. I just worked full time for a few years. It was good motivation to get my degree. I figured getting insurance just for the MRI was a bad idea because of that, but I think it might be time to pick it up. I haven't had many issues so far, but just waiting for the killer to come.

Yeah, I was stupid. I pulled my groin hiking, then I kept going out and doing stuff on it, then I got the flu really bad for a week and a half and I think I did something bad while coughing one day in my back. Muscle relaxers help, but make me feel useless. I hate sitting around all day. Drives me nuts.
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Old 07-23-2008, 10:13 AM   #9
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Re: MRI Question:

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
haha, nah Schneed. I did my partying in HS. I just worked full time for a few years. It was good motivation to get my degree. I figured getting insurance just for the MRI was a bad idea because of that, but I think it might be time to pick it up. I haven't had many issues so far, but just waiting for the killer to come.

Yeah, I was stupid. I pulled my groin hiking, then I kept going out and doing stuff on it, then I got the flu really bad for a week and a half and I think I did something bad while coughing one day in my back. Muscle relaxers help, but make me feel useless. I hate sitting around all day. Drives me nuts.
I can relate to that. When I was 18 I had a lung randomly collapse on me. I was standing in line for dinner at the campus dining hall. Supposedly that is not completely uncommon for young guys who are tall and thin athletes (at the time I was 6'2", 170 lbs, and on the swim team).

So anyway I had to have surgery to fix it and it laid me up for a good two weeks afterwards. The first four days were in the hospital, then I had to spend a good 10 days just resting on the couch pretty much. I was going out of my mind.
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Old 07-23-2008, 11:45 AM   #10
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Re: MRI Question:

after heart surgery i had to sit around for a couple weeks too... it kinda sucked. At least i talked them out of making me stay in the hospital.
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Old 07-23-2008, 01:58 PM   #11
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Re: MRI Question:

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after heart surgery i had to sit around for a couple weeks too... it kinda sucked. At least i talked them out of making me stay in the hospital.
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Old 07-23-2008, 06:34 PM   #12
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Re: MRI Question:

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atrial tachnycardia treated with radio frequency ablation.
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Old 07-23-2008, 09:09 PM   #13
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Re: MRI Question:

Originally Posted by That Guy View Post
atrial tachnycardia treated with radio frequency ablation.
Kewl. Our hospitals get paid a lots for those. We likey patients like you, young with little risk of bad things happening who come in for one of the few procedures that are actually profitable. (I'm in the biz)
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Old 07-24-2008, 12:25 AM   #14
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Re: MRI Question:

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
Hey Guys,

Im going into my last semester of my undergrad degree. But, it looks as if I may need to get an MRI. Would it make sense for me to buy 6 months worth of insurance now until I can land a job (hopefully) after school with benefits?

I have no idea how much an MRI will cost.
My MRI (on my lower back) was a little over $2200. Luckily, I have insurance through my work, so it was covered entirely.

Keep in mind that if you get an MRI when you don't have insurance, then when you are eligible for insurance they might consider it a "pre existing condition". It may suck to wait, but I think I would if I were in your shoes.
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Old 07-24-2008, 12:30 AM   #15
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Re: MRI Question:

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
Kewl. Our hospitals get paid a lots for those. We likey patients like you, young with little risk of bad things happening who come in for one of the few procedures that are actually profitable. (I'm in the biz)
well, it took three tries, but they got it, and you wouldn't have made any money off me... unless you were a surgical naval officer (in which case you still wouldn't be making any money off me, so, uh, yeah)... yay bethesda naval hospital!

it's a training hospital though, so it was weird going back for halter monitors... i got the rock star treatment cause apparently every there was watching the thing afterwards... strange.
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