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In dire need of a life-changing beating!!!!

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Old 05-15-2008, 11:19 PM   #16
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Re: In dire need of a life-changing beating!!!!

Originally Posted by Redskins247 View Post
Yeah...that's right, no video games for the weekend...or maybe a SERIOUS time-out Mister!!!! How about pop that ass??? These kids have no fear of anything!!!! There's no consequences and repercussions!!!
It's all these tree huggers that came up with the idea that you shouldn't spank your child, and if you do, then social services will come and take your kid away.
I've seen kids at Wal Mart actually HIT their mothers / fathers, and those parents just take it. I shake my head in disgust, but there is nothing you can do. Discipline is not a bad thing people...and this is coming from a guy that was abused as a child.
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Old 05-15-2008, 11:36 PM   #17
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Re: In dire need of a life-changing beating!!!!

I agree to an extent Js. I don't think beating your child every instance of disobedience will help much. I was never abused, but the times that I was an ass to my parents, I did receive a slap across the face.

My younger brother, on the other hand, doesn't receive any kind of punishments (slaps, timeouts, etc) and he can be a really winy kid at times. Perhaps its just me being old, and claiming it was "different" when I was raised.
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Old 05-16-2008, 12:41 AM   #18
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Re: In dire need of a life-changing beating!!!!

Originally Posted by hooskins View Post
I agree to an extent Js. I don't think beating your child every instance of disobedience will help much. I was never abused, but the times that I was an ass to my parents, I did receive a slap across the face.

My younger brother, on the other hand, doesn't receive any kind of punishments (slaps, timeouts, etc) and he can be a really winy kid at times. Perhaps its just me being old, and claiming it was "different" when I was raised.
Well, I am in no way condoning beating your child for every instance of disobedience, however, I do prescibe to the theory of "spare the rod, spoil the child".
I'm old enough to have seen this first hand. I've seen undisciplined kids turn into "adults" and I'll tell you, I don't like what I am seeing.
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Old 05-16-2008, 01:53 AM   #19
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Re: In dire need of a life-changing beating!!!!

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
It's all these tree huggers that came up with the idea that you shouldn't spank your child, and if you do, then social services will come and take your kid away.
I've seen kids at Wal Mart actually HIT their mothers / fathers, and those parents just take it. I shake my head in disgust, but there is nothing you can do. Discipline is not a bad thing people...and this is coming from a guy that was abused as a child.
As a psychology major, there is psychological evidence that beating your child can cause emotional trauma. BUT....

In respect to the psychological evidence, I think theres a fine line you walk between disciplining a kid and just beating the shit out of him over the pettiest thing, and thats where I think the psychological evidence part comes in and is supported.

But as a kid growing up and getting beat and when you beat them when the situation calls for it, it works. I respect my grandmother and my elders to the fullest.

I mean, I see kids get tugged around and beat over the stupidest things and I can't stand parents who fucking scream in their kids faces in the middle of a store.

Sometimes it's the parents that need a good beating rather than the kid.
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Old 05-16-2008, 02:57 AM   #20
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Re: In dire need of a life-changing beating!!!!

I say put the little bastard on a natural diet of no food for a week and beating exercise. Psychological impact or not, this kid is going down the shitter if he isn't straightened out ASAP. If nothing is done he'll be doing more "hood rat stuff with my friend" in the near future.
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Old 05-16-2008, 03:36 AM   #21
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Re: In dire need of a life-changing beating!!!!

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
I say put the little bastard on a natural diet of no food for a week and beating exercise. Psychological impact or not, this kid is going down the shitter if he isn't straightened out ASAP. If nothing is done he'll be doing more "hood rat stuff with my friend" in the near future.
Oh no, I totally agree that this particular kid needs a beating. And I don't think him watching his parents beat each other was doing any good in his life either. Many kids who watch their parents abuse each other, grow up to be abusers themselves. Case and point.

But I'm more so arguing against beating a kid over petty shit. I mean I see kids get dragged around by their parents and hit in the face and stuff. And I'm not talking 7 or 8 year olds, I'm mean way younger than that. 2 or 3 or 4 year olds. I'm like come on man, that's a fucking baby, they don't know better. Or yelling at a kid for whining. I mean if they're 9 or 10, they can get away with a little whining but not excessively. But if they're 4 or 5, screaming at your kid for whining I think is fucked up.

I've seen kids get hit for asking, "Why?" Maybe I'm a little radical, but I feel like a kid has the right to ask why. And "because I said so" doesn't exactly fly with me. If I'm gonna punish my kid, I will have a valid reason, and if they wanna know, then I'll tell them and if they don't like it? Well, I guess that's tough.
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Old 05-16-2008, 10:40 AM   #22
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Re: In dire need of a life-changing beating!!!!

I'm with jsarno on the "spare the rod, spoil the child" belief. That's how I was raised. Shoot, growing up in the south you got spanked by everybody... parents, grandparents, teachers, family friends... it didn't matter. There's a big difference in beating your child and spanking them. If you're leaving bruises on a child, that's unacceptable. I don't believe in smacking your child across the face either. My dad always said that's what your rear end was designed for.

I think one of the biggest problems is when parents don't follow through on their ultimatums. You can tell a child to stop doing something as much as you want, but the moment you attach a consequence to their action and you don't follow through, the child learns how to manipulate you.
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Old 05-16-2008, 11:45 AM   #23
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Re: In dire need of a life-changing beating!!!!

Originally Posted by Lady Brave View Post
I'm with jsarno on the "spare the rod, spoil the child" belief. That's how I was raised. Shoot, growing up in the south you got spanked by everybody... parents, grandparents, teachers, family friends... it didn't matter. There's a big difference in beating your child and spanking them. If you're leaving bruises on a child, that's unacceptable. I don't believe in smacking your child across the face either. My dad always said that's what your rear end was designed for.

I think one of the biggest problems is when parents don't follow through on their ultimatums. You can tell a child to stop doing something as much as you want, but the moment you attach a consequence to their action and you don't follow through, the child learns how to manipulate you.
Excellent post. You are right on the money.

DRave, not to poo on psychology, but just about everything causes emotional trauma. People / kids / adults, whoever, need to be raised well enough to understand shit happens and overcome obsticles, whether emotional or physical.
I was abused for 18 years, so I could have taken the path of victim, and poor me, but I chose to realize that life can suck sometimes, but that doesn't mean life always sucks. I can focus on the negative, or try to learn something from it and change my life accordingly. Wisdom is only acheived through adversity.
I do sincerely hope no one goes through any kind of abuse of their life. It's a terrible thing to happen to anyone!
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