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Why the hate towards Fassel?

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Old 01-28-2008, 04:02 PM   #46
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Originally Posted by celts32 View Post
Could be BS...I was just letting everyone know what they said. 980 just said "sources" said he was a candidate so it's not like the team confirmed anything but they have not confirmed anything in this really.
Rule #1: Never trust SportsTalk 980 as your only source. The talent and producers there have alienated so many people inside Redskins Park over the past few years that they rarely, if ever, get the scoop on any news. If they say something, always double and triple cross check that it's being mentioned elsewhere.

Rule #2: Trust me . No but seriously, I know the Redskins did meet with Mooch. But I can't remember where I heard this, when it happened, and what came of it.
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Old 01-28-2008, 04:30 PM   #47
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
Just curious why people are so strongly against bringing in Fassel, yet are pro Mariucci. Just wondering what the big difference is? Is it just because Mooch is on TV and is a likable guy?

As of 4:15 NFL Live's John Clayton says that Fassel will be the next head coach of the Skins.
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Old 01-28-2008, 04:33 PM   #48
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Rule #1: Never trust SportsTalk 980 as your only source. The talent and producers there have alienated so many people inside Redskins Park over the past few years that they rarely, if ever, get the scoop on any news. If they say something, always double and triple cross check that it's being mentioned elsewhere.

Rule #2: Trust me . No but seriously, I know the Redskins did meet with Mooch. But I can't remember where I heard this, when it happened, and what came of it.

Ill trust you because I firmly believe in my heart that when you said 'screw the mooch' you were thinking of the family guy episode 'screwed the pooch'. and great references like that are what make us 'knowledgeable fans'
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Old 01-28-2008, 04:36 PM   #49
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Originally Posted by SC Skins Fan View Post
So, reading through the posts, the answer, Matty, is style over substance. "I just don't like the guy," "he reminds me of my high school teacher," "he reminds me of the Giants (uh, Spagnolo coached for the Giants and Eagles and I don't imagine we'd have the uproar), "he coached the Ravens and the Raven's weren't good on offense" (see note 1). I have not been a big fan of Fassel, but the love for Mooch vis a vis the Fassel hate is simply irrational and based simply upon perception. The real issue, I suspect, is a question of timing or a general lack of information on Mooch. If it goes down as JLC has speculated (and who knows at this point) and the fans generally embrace Mooch then it is only because Snyder is a smarter marketer than we are fans.

Note 1 - Fassel's career as an OC

1993 - Denver - #5 in NFL in total offense
1994 - Denver - #6 in NFL in total offense
1996 - Arizona - #13 in NFL in total offense
2004 - Baltimore - #31 in NFL (275 ypg) (one behind Gibbs led Redskins) who was QB?
2005 - Baltimore - #24 in NFL (293 ypg), who was the QB?
2006 - Baltimore fires Fassel (b/c Billick's job is on the line), gets a half-way decent QB in McNair ... offense skyrockets to ... wait for it ... #17 in NFL (317 ypg)
2007 - Baltimore - McNair hurt (and, admittedly, problems on o-line) Fassel-less offense #22 in NFL (303 ypg)

So if we are going to throw out Mooch's career in Detroit (15-28) then why not throw out Fassel's time in Baltimore? After all, when was the last time Baltimore had a good offense (a comparable statement to when was the last time Detroit won)? To hold the one against Fassel while absolving Mariucchi of the other seems hypocritical.

For the record, I would still prefer Schwartz (apparently not going to happen) or Meeks. And I do know that coaches with prior experience tend to be more successful, so perhaps my own desires are irrational as well.

good research. I think as skins fans we like surprises. Fassel is just a boring pick. We liked the Spurrier pick becasue it was flashy and the sky was the limit. We learned that lesson the hard way. Mabye Fassel is the same pick becasue we already have a team in place to win now, not in five years, so he wants an experienced coach to get a trophy, not turn a program around
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Old 01-28-2008, 04:43 PM   #50
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
As of 4:15 NFL Live's John Clayton says that Fassel will be the next head coach of the Skins.
If thats the case (as much as i don't like JF) let's get this thing over with. I'm tired of talking about it and being P***** at the way this thing has been handled. I'm ready to be a fan again.
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Old 01-28-2008, 04:46 PM   #51
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Originally Posted by rypper11 View Post
It's because Mooch plays BacciBall (jk).

There really isn't much. If you stand back and look at both they each have pros and cons. The difference lies in when they turned up as potential replacements for Gibbs. At first, we all assumed it would be GW. Then Fassell entered the picture and he was seen as the bad guy who was keeping GW from becoming coach. Now, Mooch is the anti-Fassel.
Seems dumb, I know, but it goes to "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Personally, I think Fassel is tainted by Baltimore and I'd rather not have another former NFC East foe coaching the Skins (Norv?).
Solid post. I can't believe you're the same person who started the "Are We the Lions" thread
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Old 01-28-2008, 04:48 PM   #52
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

I harbor no hate toward Fassel or any other prospective candidate for HC, and as I've stated before I will continue to support the team and the coach regardless of the selection.

However, I am biased towards hiring rival coaches, we all remember what happened the last time we went that route. The memory of Fassel is still fresh in my mind of being on the Giants sideline trying to beat the Redskins anyway he knew how. His last year with the G-Men is the one that sticks out in my mind because it was plain to see he had completely lost that team.

I have never been in favor of continuing to hire coaches that have been fired repeatedly from other teams. Welcome to the real world....When you or I get fired from a job, sometimes it becomes difficult for us to get another. NFL coaches just seem to get hired to get fired. If you've proven on more than one ocasion, with more than one team that you can't get the job done, then I have reservations.
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Old 01-28-2008, 05:39 PM   #53
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

At the time it seemed the Skins were hiring Fassel and flushing away the stable Gibbs coaching was really a Williams vs. outsider deal....and the outsider was Fassel.....I think if it was Mooch at the time the reaction would have been strong too because it included ditching Williams and Saunders and starting over.

The outrage was about dissing Gibbs, stability, common sense and patience.
None of us thought GW was stellar but stability counts for a couple wins a year.

Now that what is done is done, and we have to start all over, especially on comes down to who is the best coach...and that is a close call.
There aint nobody like Gibbs out there.....other coaches out there with playoff experience includes Shottenheimer and these 2.

People dont like Giants, Eagles and Cowboys....can you blame them?
Remember Turner?

The options aren't that great...thats why so many wanted the heir apparant to get the gig.

Lets ask this question....which coach would you be more afraid of in the playoffs....
Mooch or Fassel?

I say flip a coin....but Mooch is way more likeable and would represent a change in offensive philosophy that could benefit Campbell the most.
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Old 01-28-2008, 11:38 PM   #54
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
Just curious why people are so strongly against bringing in Fassel, yet are pro Mariucci. Just wondering what the big difference is? Is it just because Mooch is on TV and is a likable guy?
I don't like the idea that it was agreed that his team quit on him. At the end of his tenure, his team was undisciplined and disorganized. They brought in a "football guy" in Coughlin and he turned the franchise around in a few years.

So we are saying we want the guy who couldn't get it done in New York to come down to Washington? Do we want to relive the Spurrier years?
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Old 01-29-2008, 12:53 AM   #55
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Originally Posted by Drift Reality View Post
I don't like the idea that it was agreed that his team quit on him. At the end of his tenure, his team was undisciplined and disorganized. They brought in a "football guy" in Coughlin and he turned the franchise around in a few years.

So we are saying we want the guy who couldn't get it done in New York to come down to Washington? Do we want to relive the Spurrier years?
If you replace "Coughlin" with "Marinelli" then you are talking about Steve Mariucci. Just saying ...
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Old 01-29-2008, 02:32 AM   #56
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Originally Posted by SC Skins Fan View Post
If you replace "Coughlin" with "Marinelli" then you are talking about Steve Mariucci. Just saying ...
Marinelli hasn't fixed the Lions yet, especially after how they ended last season. Most likely they're going to be pretty crappy next year.

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Old 01-29-2008, 05:48 AM   #57
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
I'm confused myself. On paper both guys are pretty similar, yet as of right now Mariucci has a 70% approval in our poll.

What is the big difference maker between the two?

It's gotta be because Mooch is on TV.
I think people hate simply because he coached the Giants. Our rivalries run deep in the NFC East, and I don't blame anyone for the hate.

No Jimmie Johnson or Jimmy Fassel will ever be truly considering untainted if they ever wear the burgundy and gold!
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Old 01-29-2008, 07:48 AM   #58
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Cool Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Fassil's body language is too negative, and I remember that the players were not listening to him his last year. He also had a pathetic superbowl appearance. He would be a disaster. It is that plain and simple.

Check out the bio of Steve Spagnuolo! This guy has coached every part of the defense, and won everywhere. The Eagles were much better with him, and now he has made the Giants great. We need to get this guy, because it will help us, and hurt the Giant. Double Bonus!
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Old 01-29-2008, 08:22 AM   #59
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Why does everyone seem to think that past success (or failure) will translate the same with TOTALLY different personnel, political climate and fan base?!
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 01-29-2008, 08:35 AM   #60
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Originally Posted by SKINSnCANES View Post
good research. I think as skins fans we like surprises. Fassel is just a boring pick. We liked the Spurrier pick becasue it was flashy and the sky was the limit. We learned that lesson the hard way. Mabye Fassel is the same pick becasue we already have a team in place to win now, not in five years, so he wants an experienced coach to get a trophy, not turn a program around
Nice observatioon S&C.
Soooo, perhaps the Dan, in boring us to death with the non-flashy pick is indeed making the intelligent pick to catapult us to the SB????????
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