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Beckett card pricing magazine:

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Old 12-05-2007, 09:02 AM   #1
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Beckett card pricing magazine:

Does anyone here know why Beckett doesnt have all of the cards listed in the book?? I bought a John Riggins game used pants card yesterday and cant find it in the book...Any response is appreciated or where do you find the prices for your cards at?
Thanks alot.......
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Old 12-05-2007, 09:09 AM   #2
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Re: Beckett card pricing magazine:

Originally Posted by skins268 View Post
Does anyone here know why Beckett doesnt have all of the cards listed in the book?? I bought a John Riggins game used pants card yesterday and cant find it in the book...Any response is appreciated or where do you find the prices for your cards at?
Thanks alot.......
Because there are too many cards, that's the short answer. They come out with a comprehensive guide every year, which is much much bigger than the monthly magazine, and it costs about $30. If you let me know the card information I can tell you the price from the OPG (online price guide). I'm assuming it's probably from 2006 National Treasures, which is also tricky because it is a set that is HEAVY on parallels, so be sure to give the numbering (not just the number of the card, but the serial numbering), and the set name (Canton Classics, Timeline MVP, Timeline HOF, etc). Of course, BV doesn't mean a whole lot and a card is worth what someone will pay for it, but I can understand the desire to know.

Obviously this thread has no place in the Locker Room. Just noticed that placement. I'll take it to PM.
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