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The Zidane Incident

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Old 07-11-2006, 01:33 PM   #61
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Re: The Zidane Incident

Maybe he can be the new spokesman for "Advil: The Headache Medicine".
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Old 07-11-2006, 02:38 PM   #62
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Re: The Zidane Incident

I must admit that I lost respect for Zidane after watching the head-butt (yes, I was watching the game live). However, after understanding what Materazzi said (from the deaf lip reader), I don't blame him one bit. Soccer is important to Zidane, and the World Cup is important to Zidane, but neither is more important than the dignity of his mother and his family (and the head-butt shows that). I totally understand why he did that, and I would not expect him to react any differently now (even after the world's reaction). He simply doesn't care enough about soccer or the world cup to allow some one to say something like that without retaliation.

Props for Zidane.
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Old 07-11-2006, 02:41 PM   #63
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Re: The Zidane Incident

Originally Posted by Buster
HA! The "MVP" scored 3 goals in the whole tournament.
3 goals is actually a lot. There was only one player in the world cup with more (Klose with 5, and they didn't make it to the finals)--everyone else had three or less.
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Old 07-11-2006, 02:48 PM   #64
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Re: The Zidane Incident

In 1998, didn't Zidane pull a Marcus Vick and stomp on some Saudi Arabian player while he was lying on the ground? Was he provoked then also?
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Old 07-11-2006, 03:01 PM   #65
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Re: The Zidane Incident

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
In 1998, didn't Zidane pull a Marcus Vick and stomp on some Saudi Arabian player while he was lying on the ground? Was he provoked then also?
Yes he did, but I don't know if it was provoked.
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Old 07-11-2006, 03:02 PM   #66
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Re: The Zidane Incident

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
In 1998, didn't Zidane pull a Marcus Vick and stomp on some Saudi Arabian player while he was lying on the ground? Was he provoked then also?
I faintly remember hearing something about that, but in the US those soccer stories are mostly ignored. However, I am not surprised...Zidane is a mean SOB. I don't know if it was provoked, but if the guy is laying on the ground already it doesn't really matter, right?
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Old 07-11-2006, 06:38 PM   #67
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Re: The Zidane Incident

Originally Posted by TheInspector
Soccer is important to Zidane, and the World Cup is important to Zidane, but neither is more important than the dignity of his mother and his family (and the head-butt shows that). I totally understand why he did that, and I would not expect him to react any differently now (even after the world's reaction). He simply doesn't care enough about soccer or the world cup to allow some one to say something like that without retaliation.

Props for Zidane.
i concur... if it was about the family or being called a terrorist- that's reason enough to retaliate. there's a reason why the world isn't castigating him.
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Old 07-11-2006, 06:58 PM   #68
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Re: The Zidane Incident

Originally Posted by Buster
HA! The "MVP" scored 3 goals in the whole tournament. He as many yellow cards as goals, and a red card on top of that.

Soccer is dumb. I'm ready for REAL football in the news.
No offense Buster, but you really shouldn't call out the most popular sport in the world like that without actually supporting yourself, and putting forth a decent arguement. It is this ignorance of the game, that also creates a negative image of Americans. As mentioned before 3 goals is a lot in the torney, Klose had 5, henry had 3, etc. Beside the goals, he pretty much controlled midfield, and set up some brillant goals. Another point; the votes for the golden award thingy were counted before the headbutt, therefore the voters did not have that issue in mind when voting.

I understand the frustration us Americans have with the flopping, and hopefully FIFA starts giving more yellows for flops, but what really frustrates me, is how as a nation, we need high scoring action, or we consider it boring. Some of the best games in soccer are 0-0 ties. Yeah its 90 freaking minutes, and no goals, so deal with it. It really shows that some people do not have the patience to admire the finer points of the world's greatest game. Do you know why there are so few goals? It's because scoring a goal in soccer is much harder than to score in a game of football. The whole team has to keep pushing, and flowing at almost a perfect rate, or their has to be a very very rare mistake. If you take that into consideration, you would realize that Zidane's 3 goals is a great stat, and we also know that all stats on paper do not explain what a player has done in a game.

It is people like you that have ruined the game of soccer. FIFA is trying to increase goals, by have lighter balls, that can drop and swing off unexpectidly, making it harder for the goalie to stop. They are also calling more bullshit calls, which increase the set pieces, and penalty kicks, which add to goals, just to please people who do not have the patience or appreciation of the game. Because of people who do not appreciate the finer points of game, the NBA, MLB, and yes even our beloved NFL have changed to rules to please people who can't FCKING sit and try to enjoy the game without bitching. Now pass interference rules are almost ridiculous, which makes even more high scoring games, and almost kills the contact sport aspect, at the CB position. The refs call everything in the NBA even if you rest your arm on a player while play D, like for D. Wade in the finals, and now its considered good D if you hold and opponent to under 100 points. All of this just to please people who want more scores.

I am sick of this shit, people need to start being open and quit bitching. No one is fucking dissing soccer in that nature, without me saying anything.
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Old 07-12-2006, 02:46 AM   #69
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Re: The Zidane Incident

The Italian player, who happens to make millions of dollars, in a press conference admitted he insulted Zidane. He also said:

I'm not cultured and I don't even know what an Islamic terrorist is."
Now come on, you don't have to be genius to know that he is trying to cover his ass by playing dumb. There are certain things you should never utter unless you're looking for a fight. All I know is I'm looking forward to hearing what Zidane has to say about the whole thing.

p.s. The Italian is lucky he didn't headbutt him in the face.
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Old 07-12-2006, 10:10 AM   #70
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Re: The Zidane Incident

hooskins - great post. couldn't do it any better.
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Old 07-12-2006, 10:22 AM   #71
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Re: The Zidane Incident

Originally Posted by hooskins
I understand the frustration us Americans have with the flopping, and hopefully FIFA starts giving more yellows for flops, but what really frustrates me, is how as a nation, we need high scoring action, or we consider it boring. Some of the best games in soccer are 0-0 ties. Yeah its 90 freaking minutes, and no goals, so deal with it. It really shows that some people do not have the patience to admire the finer points of the world's greatest game. Do you know why there are so few goals? It's because scoring a goal in soccer is much harder than to score in a game of football.
I agree with all your points except for this one. This is kind of like saying that people SHOULD appreciate wine and taste all the subtleties when it's really just how we're raised. We are raised in an unfortunately fast-paced society and I don't see anything wrong with enjoying high scoring action. That's another reason baseball isn't more popular than it is. I believe that the "majority" of sports have their charm and no one is better than the other "value"-wise, but it's something that has a simply subjective entertainment. It's wrong for anyone to say that people are idiots for not enjoying this sport or that sport.
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Old 07-12-2006, 10:31 AM   #72
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Re: The Zidane Incident

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection
I agree with all your points except for this one. This is kind of like saying that people SHOULD appreciate wine and taste all the subtleties when it's really just how we're raised. We are raised in an unfortunately fast-paced society and I don't see anything wrong with enjoying high scoring action. That's another reason baseball isn't more popular than it is. I believe that the "majority" of sports have their charm and no one is better than the other "value"-wise, but it's something that has a simply subjective entertainment. It's wrong for anyone to say that people are idiots for not enjoying this sport or that sport.
Ok I do get what you are saying, and maybe my anger made me come off wrong. I really do not care if people do not like a particular point, but I do not like it when people critcize sports without backing it and just straight bashing. I am more upset in the way people criticize soccer, and you are right our fast paced society adds to our need of high scoring action. At same time I feel that this need has not only created soccer "haters", but has also negatively impacted other games, such as baseball, football, basketball, etc. This just doesn't have to do with soccer, I think there are finer points in all these sports that are not appreciated. Maybe I should have said world's most popular rather than world's greatest game.
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Old 07-12-2006, 10:36 AM   #73
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Re: The Zidane Incident

I'd agree with that. The bad part is, unless a person was raised playing or being near a certain sport, they can't appreciate the nuances that are involved in that sport. I was raised playing football, baseball and basketball. All sports I love to play, and I still am only truly entertained by football. If I wasn't raised playing baseball, then I REALLY would dislike it. It's just the nature of some games to be especially slow. I would think that most people's argument against low-scoring soccer games would be the fact that you watch something for ninety minutes and [especially] when the ball remains at midfield, you know that no one is going to score. That's my gripe against it, but I'm also not going to tell anyone they are wrong for enjoying it.

I'm ONLY going to tell people they are wrong for watching golf.
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Old 07-12-2006, 10:44 AM   #74
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Re: The Zidane Incident

Great posts, Hooskins. Don't really know why people get so angry about soccer. If you don't like it, don't watch it. Whatever. Arguing about which version of putting a ball into a goal, across a line, etc. is better is pretty silly.

Zidane apparently will go on French TV soon to give his version of events. My feeling is no matter what was said, the right move would have been scoring a goal to win the game. You can always headbutt the guy after the match during the soccer riot.

He won the golden ball award for his play against Brazil especially. Man, he controlled that game from start to finish. Plus, the voting was done at HALFTIME of the final, before the butting. There's some thought that they may take it back, but I doubt that.
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Old 07-12-2006, 10:55 AM   #75
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Re: The Zidane Incident

Originally Posted by hooskins
No offense Buster, but you really shouldn't call out the most popular sport in the world like that without actually supporting yourself, and putting forth a decent arguement. It is this ignorance of the game, that also creates a negative image of Americans. As mentioned before 3 goals is a lot in the torney, Klose had 5, henry had 3, etc. Beside the goals, he pretty much controlled midfield, and set up some brillant goals. Another point; the votes for the golden award thingy were counted before the headbutt, therefore the voters did not have that issue in mind when voting.

I understand the frustration us Americans have with the flopping, and hopefully FIFA starts giving more yellows for flops, but what really frustrates me, is how as a nation, we need high scoring action, or we consider it boring. Some of the best games in soccer are 0-0 ties. Yeah its 90 freaking minutes, and no goals, so deal with it. It really shows that some people do not have the patience to admire the finer points of the world's greatest game. Do you know why there are so few goals? It's because scoring a goal in soccer is much harder than to score in a game of football. The whole team has to keep pushing, and flowing at almost a perfect rate, or their has to be a very very rare mistake. If you take that into consideration, you would realize that Zidane's 3 goals is a great stat, and we also know that all stats on paper do not explain what a player has done in a game.

It is people like you that have ruined the game of soccer. FIFA is trying to increase goals, by have lighter balls, that can drop and swing off unexpectidly, making it harder for the goalie to stop. They are also calling more bullshit calls, which increase the set pieces, and penalty kicks, which add to goals, just to please people who do not have the patience or appreciation of the game. Because of people who do not appreciate the finer points of game, the NBA, MLB, and yes even our beloved NFL have changed to rules to please people who can't FCKING sit and try to enjoy the game without bitching. Now pass interference rules are almost ridiculous, which makes even more high scoring games, and almost kills the contact sport aspect, at the CB position. The refs call everything in the NBA even if you rest your arm on a player while play D, like for D. Wade in the finals, and now its considered good D if you hold and opponent to under 100 points. All of this just to please people who want more scores.

I am sick of this shit, people need to start being open and quit bitching. No one is fucking dissing soccer in that nature, without me saying anything.
I personally don't agree with much of anything you said.

Point number 1 you made, that Americans don't appreciate low-scoring games, I kind of half-agree with. Some Americans don't, but then some Americans do. Talk to any baseball purist, and they'll tell you that they'd rather watch Pedro Martinez vs Johan Santana pitch a 1-0 game than see Pujols and Ortiz hit 3 HRs apiece. I personally like nothing better than a defensive slugfest in football.

The low scoring is not why Americans don't like soccer. For some reason, Americans just don't take to sports where the idea is to put a ball or a puck past a goaltender and into a net. Hockey was made to be more high-scoring this year, but it's success as a sport has only improved very marginally. Gotta give the NHL some time, but my assertion is hockey is never going to be as big as the NFL, MLB, or NBA. Americans just like football, baseball, and basketball much better. That's all there really is to it. We have other sports leagues here to attract our attention, that's why nobody cares about soccer. There are other sports we find more fun to both watch and play.
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