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Debating with the enemy

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Old 01-24-2019, 05:45 AM   #376
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Re: Winning

NANCY PELOSI................WINNING.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump declared his annual State of the Union address "canceled" on Wednesday after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent word she would bar him from delivering the speech in the House chamber while parts of the government remain shut down.

The back-and-forth escalated one of the rancorous subplots of the extended standoff over border security that has shuttered several government agencies and forced hundreds of thousands of federal workers to go unpaid.
Even as the two leaders sent each other letters dripping with barely veiled disgust, they did not plan to meet face-to-face and haven't spoken directly in weeks.
After receiving Pelosi's message, Trump railed against Democrats and indicated he would announce plans for an alternative address in due course. Officials have suggested options including a speech from the White House or a rally outside of Washington

You know this has got to be killing trump ,#1) to be told No , #2) to have it done in public by a Women !
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Old 01-24-2019, 06:55 AM   #377
punch it in
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Re: Winning

Exactly. In private when they say no he does what he wants anyway.
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Old 01-24-2019, 07:07 AM   #378
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Re: Winning

Punch we disagree on what having balls means. Having balls doesn't necessarily mean doing the right thing imo, it means having the stones to pull some unpopular shit while ignoring the steadily growing pile of evidence that mounts against you.

Smart? No. Ballsy? Yes. Manners? LOL, we both know Trump has none of that. It's why his base likes him so much.

And can we both agree that the wall is just so he can run next election on keeping his campaign promises and making America great again? We both know it's not about stopping drugs, or crime (when there's no statistical evidence backing that up), it's about stopping minorities from coming in.
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Old 01-24-2019, 08:17 AM   #379
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Re: Winning

JMPO ....

trump is a chicken shit ,he has no balls . If he did he would stand up and fight for what he believes .He wouldn't throw people or family under the bus. He would address the problem's . He doesn't ...trump always .....always has an ulterior motive for everything and that sole motive is what is best for trump.
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Old 01-24-2019, 10:33 AM   #380
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Re: Winning

Like it or not Trump has shown big balls with Policy and his Agenda

1. Immigration - Obama laughed when asked about it when asked by the press if he would tackle immigration reformed. Previous presidents steered cleared as well. Trump has not only reduced illegals crossing but has met the issue head on.

2. ISIS, Genocide, Russia, Syria - Armed the Kurds, killed Russians, killed Russian Mercenaries, Bombed Syria, Destroyed most of ISIS, Ended the Genocide. Also have reduced the terrorist attacks at home and in Europe with this action.

3. Confronted North Korea - Has made more progress than previous administrations combined

4. China - killed TPP, the garbage economic policy from the previous administration which even Clinton opposed. Has taken on the China all over the world, but the first to confront their unfair economic policies versus our country. I'm not going to list each one, but there are many. Not endorsing tariffs, but big balls.

5. Venezuela - first major power to declare the opposition group as the leadership of the country vs the socialist that have destroyed the country. Standing up for the people of Venezuela. This is a full confrontation of China and Russian interest- yet no one is talking about it.

While I don't agree with everything, this post isn't an endorsement...Trump is confronting issues many administrations-Dem or GOP- have refused to even approach. That's Big Balls, and probably will cost him a second term. I think we should be a better Country coming out of all this discourse once we have solved these issues.
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Last edited by Chico23231; 01-24-2019 at 11:45 AM.
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Old 01-24-2019, 03:08 PM   #381
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Re: Winning

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Like it or not Trump has shown big balls with Policy and his Agenda

1. Immigration - Obama laughed when asked about it when asked by the press if he would tackle immigration reformed. Previous presidents steered cleared as well. Trump has not only reduced illegals crossing but has met the issue head on.

2. ISIS, Genocide, Russia, Syria - Armed the Kurds, killed Russians, killed Russian Mercenaries, Bombed Syria, Destroyed most of ISIS, Ended the Genocide. Also have reduced the terrorist attacks at home and in Europe with this action.

3. Confronted North Korea - Has made more progress than previous administrations combined

4. China - killed TPP, the garbage economic policy from the previous administration which even Clinton opposed. Has taken on the China all over the world, but the first to confront their unfair economic policies versus our country. I'm not going to list each one, but there are many. Not endorsing tariffs, but big balls.

5. Venezuela - first major power to declare the opposition group as the leadership of the country vs the socialist that have destroyed the country. Standing up for the people of Venezuela. This is a full confrontation of China and Russian interest- yet no one is talking about it.

While I don't agree with everything, this post isn't an endorsement...Trump is confronting issues many administrations-Dem or GOP- have refused to even approach. That's Big Balls, and probably will cost him a second term. I think we should be a better Country coming out of all this discourse once we have solved these issues.

I truly feel sorry for you .
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Old 01-25-2019, 08:08 AM   #382
punch it in
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Re: Winning

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Like it or not Trump has shown big balls with Policy and his Agenda

1. Immigration - Obama laughed when asked about it when asked by the press if he would tackle immigration reformed. Previous presidents steered cleared as well. Trump has not only reduced illegals crossing but has met the issue head on.

2. ISIS, Genocide, Russia, Syria - Armed the Kurds, killed Russians, killed Russian Mercenaries, Bombed Syria, Destroyed most of ISIS, Ended the Genocide. Also have reduced the terrorist attacks at home and in Europe with this action.

3. Confronted North Korea - Has made more progress than previous administrations combined

4. China - killed TPP, the garbage economic policy from the previous administration which even Clinton opposed. Has taken on the China all over the world, but the first to confront their unfair economic policies versus our country. I'm not going to list each one, but there are many. Not endorsing tariffs, but big balls.

5. Venezuela - first major power to declare the opposition group as the leadership of the country vs the socialist that have destroyed the country. Standing up for the people of Venezuela. This is a full confrontation of China and Russian interest- yet no one is talking about it.

While I don't agree with everything, this post isn't an endorsement...Trump is confronting issues many administrations-Dem or GOP- have refused to even approach. That's Big Balls, and probably will cost him a second term. I think we should be a better Country coming out of all this discourse once we have solved these issues.

How can you say you are not a Trumper who watches Fox. You literally spew the same spun hot garbage as they do. Than u throw in a little disclaimer like “i dont totally agree” or “he has his faults” just so nobody can put Chico in a corner.
Anyway on to real news and not spun garbage ...
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Old 01-25-2019, 08:15 AM   #383
punch it in
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Re: Winning

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Punch we disagree on what having balls means. Having balls doesn't necessarily mean doing the right thing imo, it means having the stones to pull some unpopular shit while ignoring the steadily growing pile of evidence that mounts against you.

Smart? No. Ballsy? Yes. Manners? LOL, we both know Trump has none of that. It's why his base likes him so much.

And can we both agree that the wall is just so he can run next election on keeping his campaign promises and making America great again? We both know it's not about stopping drugs, or crime (when there's no statistical evidence backing that up), it's about stopping minorities from coming in.

We totally agree on the substance obviously i just think balls means...
Mooby ...real gangsta ass niggas dont flex nutz cus real gangsta ass niggas know they got em...
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Old 01-25-2019, 08:43 AM   #384
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Re: Winning

Yikes...well punch can say that. But since Im the Libertarian identified with the right, obviously I cant say that without being called a racist or offending someone.

but ive owned multiple Ghetto Boys albums
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Old 01-25-2019, 10:37 AM   #385
punch it in
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Re: Winning

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Yikes...well punch can say that. But since Im the Libertarian identified with the right, obviously I cant say that without being called a racist or offending someone.

but ive owned multiple Ghetto Boys albums

How did i know that spin master chico would bring up the race card because I QUOTED LYRICS. Gtfoh.
Did you ever think that you are identified with the right because you are oozing with blame for the left and excuses for the right. You can call yourself whatever you want but your words in several different threads are all here man. The things you have said that drew ire about racism have never once been song lyrics. But you can cry hypocrisy until the cows come home.
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Old 01-25-2019, 10:55 AM   #386
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Re: Winning

Nope, I pulled the PC/Speech card...Spin master Punch ...but I'm a big fan of quoting Ghetto Boys lyrics to prove a point...which was excellent by the way.
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Old 01-25-2019, 04:03 PM   #387
Hug Anne Spyder
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Re: Winning

Can we all just agree the Geto Boyz bang? FFS. Great usage there to prove a point btw Punch.

P.S. Chico according to DIFGTBAG Trump is the opposite of a gangsta. Trump has none of those qualities gangstas have.
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Old 01-25-2019, 10:43 PM   #388
punch it in
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Re: Winning

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Nope, I pulled the PC/Speech card...Spin master Punch ...but I'm a big fan of quoting Ghetto Boys lyrics to prove a point...which was excellent by the way.

I thought so. Lol
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Old 01-26-2019, 04:46 AM   #389
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Re: Winning

Winning is all relative. I don't think 99.9% of all the people in DC care if we win.

For example, the wall talk.

Do any of us really think politicians are for or against the wall because of the 10ish billion? Our total deficit is like 21 trillion. The 10 billion is a speck of sand. Nah, they are for or against for votes, kickbacks, future slefish goals, etc. Politicians are brilliant at getting us to fight with each other, while they all benefit on the side.

There's a reason why we all say Bruce should run for office. He's a swindler. Fits right in.
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Old 01-29-2019, 01:42 PM   #390
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Re: Winning if Howard Schultz run for President, I would probably vote for him based on his very sound views.

SO why the fuck are the dems upset? I don't get it, you want someone full of shit like K whore Harris?
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