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Election Day

Debating with the enemy

View Poll Results: Anonymous Presidential Poll: Who did you vote for?
Clinton 16 44.44%
Trump 13 36.11%
Johnson 4 11.11%
Stein 1 2.78%
Other 2 5.56%
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Old 12-12-2017, 08:48 PM   #241
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Re: Election Day

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
I thought Obama’s socialism was supposed to destroy us?
I see the sarcasm font but I have never understood how conservatives ever considered Obama a socialist. He was the furthest thing from a socialist in my opinion, much of what he did was to try to compromise with the republicans but they always had to fight it full tilt even if it was an agenda they once supported and agreed with.
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Old 12-12-2017, 09:26 PM   #242
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Re: Election Day

Originally Posted by BaltimoreSkins View Post
I see the sarcasm font but I have never understood how conservatives ever considered Obama a socialist. He was the furthest thing from a socialist in my opinion, much of what he did was to try to compromise with the republicans but they always had to fight it full tilt even if it was an agenda they once supported and agreed with.
Hmmmmmm.well.......nope, not today.
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Old 12-12-2017, 11:24 PM   #243
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Re: Election Day

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
I don't think any Republican president since Reagan "cares about me", certainly the 2nd Bush couldn't have understood a bit of my life. The first may have, but I don't think so.
As for Democrats, if I was partying with Bill I think he would care about me, if I could get him the right things - if you know what I mean. Personally as your stereotypical middle class white male Army vet making an income at a level just above where I would qualify for any government assistance, I am fairly confident that Obama would have held my life in disdain.

Reagan is the last one I felt really cared at the individual level. Before that Carter did too. I was too young to know or care about Johnson, Nixon or Ford.

A different question, same concept- do you feel that the previous Presidents cared about the US above the rest of the nations. I feel Drumpf does, and that's really more important than if he cares about me personally. I want the President to look at the US and think that's MY country and I'm proud to be the leader of it. I truly don't think Pres Obama felt that way every day he woke up. I think Reagan exuded that from every moment of his life. I think Both Bush's and Clinton felt it, but at the same token, looked at the US as one among many. Again, too young to give my thoughts on before Carter. (I think Carter felt it, but again felt we shouldn't express it confidently).
Maybe I was just naive in my younger age, but regardless of faults, I felt like every president prior to Trump cared about me (maybe to a more general extent, cared about America). I just don't get the impression that he does. I want to give him credit for (trying) to fulfill promises, but that doesn't make them a great idea. He was a reality star first, and his moral issues I have a major problem with. I've said this probably a million times, and we were ready for a third party candidate, but he was way too extreme. I truly hate him more than any person I've ever hated on this planet. I can't look past moral issues and when he starts backing people like Roy Moore, it just exacerbates my negative feelings towards him.

I just get this feeling like everything he does is to stroke his own ego. The tweeting is insane to me. You are the fucking president. Act like it. I hate that he has his own schtick... "Fake News!" "Lock her up!" "Sad!" Dude, lay off the exclamation points. I do want America, first, but I also am part of this planet. I do care to a lesser extent of what others think and so far, the rest of the world thinks he's not fit to run this country. Crazier things have happened, and maybe I'll look back on this and say, "Man, was I (and the rest of the world and most of the country) wrong?" I just doubt it. I just have a hard time subscribing to the fact that someone in the upper, upper class; someone who was caught on camera talking about sexual assault really has this country's interests at heart.

The one, singular, thing that Trump promised that I'm looking forward to is infrastructure rebuilding. Based on his current track record, I'll believe it when I see it. I will also thank him and the Republican party for fucking my taxes this year. Again, I'll admit if I'm wrong, but nonpartisan sources say I'm going to get totally screwed.
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Old 12-12-2017, 11:25 PM   #244
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Re: Election Day

Also, in my rant font, I forgot what he's doing to the environment. That's a GIANT deal. Denying climate change is like saying you believe the world is flat.
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Old 12-12-2017, 11:52 PM   #245
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Re: Election Day

Doug Jones wins Alabama, thankfully.
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Old 12-13-2017, 08:37 AM   #246
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Re: Election Day

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
I hate to ask this, I dread asking this, and yet I am a moth drawn to the flame.

How has Trump proven he can not run the country?
The President, the office is about Leadership and respect for the position and the office.Yes you can disagree on the politics but the respect for the Office and the position can not or should not be disrespected.
All ,Reagan through to Obama all respected the Office and the Job (again not about politics) not trump.Be it his tweeting,his off the cuff remarks ,his abuse of the press,his personal attacks on everyday Americans.His demeanor is detrimental to the way this country runs.The way he carries himself when representing America in other countries,it's a sin.
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Old 12-13-2017, 08:39 AM   #247
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Re: Election Day

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
Doug Jones wins Alabama, thankfully.
I still think this is going to get ugly.Tweets to come!
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Old 12-13-2017, 11:55 AM   #248
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Awesome headline 🤣
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