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Let's talk about the front office situation

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Old 01-01-2014, 08:51 AM   #106
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Yeah, I hear you. I mean I try to remain optimistic about this team, and in one way I'm glad they aren't blowing up the whole operation. It would probably be a mistake to given the investment in RG3. So I feel like we really don't have any option but to give this a chance. I mean, ideally I'd like to see them bring in a football guy to be GM, but if we can't get a proven guy in here willing to use some of the pieces we have, then I guess I'd rather give it a shot with who we've got rather than start from square one. It might be a mistake though to let our hopes for RG3 hinder the future of the franchise, but I guess that's the bed we made when we drafted him. My biggest concern right now is that the lack of a true GM with football knowledge will mean a lot of the candidates won't even consider us and that this core team won't get a fair shake either way. I do really hope I'm worrying for nothing, but all in all I feel that this is a miserable situation to be in, and in the third year of our hopefully superstar QB that we've sold the farm for it is potentially disastrous.
That said Im really hoping for some good news over the next few weeks.
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Old 01-01-2014, 09:40 AM   #107
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

In ejecting Vinny we tried to move toward a "real" FO structure. But this movement was hijacked at least in part by Shanahan. We have an opportunity now to complete the revolution by truly installing a real FO. So there is reason for cautious optimism.
Bruce Allen when in charge alone: 4-12 (.250)
Bruce Allen's overall Redskins record : 28-52 (.350)
Vinny Cerrato's record when in charge alone: 52-65 (.444)
Vinny's overall Redskins record: 62-82 (.430)
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Old 01-01-2014, 10:08 AM   #108
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

I feel that we must be underestimating Bruce Allen's football IQ. After all, he is the son of the great George Allen. He grew up on football. He's also been an executive in the NFL for a long time.

He didn't just grow up on football. He grew up on Redskins football. I feel like he's one of us.

I've wanted him to be our true GM for quite a while. I'm happy about it because I believe that he cares about resurrecting this franchise for personal as well as professional reasons. A liitle extra motivation couldn't hurt.
I'm a big Caitlin Clark fan!
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Old 01-01-2014, 10:44 AM   #109
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by WillH View Post
So I just watched the presser, and I apologize, because it is pretty clear in the video that my concerns were due to misinterpreting the transcribed statement. I really appreciate that some people were willing to point that out politely. Some people here were rude about my mistake, and maybe I should have watched the video before posting, but you know, not everyone has time to sit down and do that. You really took the fun out of this site for me, why post anything if an honest mistake will be greeted with mocking? Ok, I know I'm being way too sensitive about it, but generally I have valid opinions and this kind of thing makes me not want to post here. That is why I have been on this site for almost 8 years and have so few posts. It really amazes me, because you've have made yourselves out to be more reasonable people than ExtremeSkins, but maybe I'll post my stupid thoughts there instead. Anyways, just felt like putting that out there. Happy New Year!
The reality is if you toss out half baked thoughts on something you're not 100% informed on, you have to expect some level of mocking in return. Nobody is perfect obviously and we all make mistakes so it's all good. Try not to take it personal, I think we've all been "corrected" at times here.
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Old 01-01-2014, 10:48 AM   #110
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by KI Skins Fan View Post
I feel that we must be underestimating Bruce Allen's football IQ. After all, he is the son of the great George Allen. He grew up on football. He's also been an executive in the NFL for a long time.

He didn't just grow up on football. He grew up on Redskins football. I feel like he's one of us.

I've wanted him to be our true GM for quite a while. I'm happy about it because I believe that he cares about resurrecting this franchise for personal as well as professional reasons. A liitle extra motivation couldn't hurt.
I grew up eating a lot of great food but I couldn't cook you up an 8 course dinner.

I'm on the fence with this current FO setup. If Allen is going to let Campbell and Brown do their jobs and he's there more or less as a mediator, that very well could work. I'd still prefer to have a decision maker in place that specializes in personnel though. We'll have to wait and see.
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Old 01-01-2014, 12:32 PM   #111
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
I grew up eating a lot of great food but I couldn't cook you up an 8 course dinner.
I grew up the son of a plumber but I don't know sh**!
I'm a big Caitlin Clark fan!
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Old 01-01-2014, 12:40 PM   #112
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

It is normal to have:
1) a GM whose expertise is personnel
2) a coach whose expertise is on the field

Yet we have not adopted that approach for many years and our current set-up still does not reflect that approach. Why can't we just be normal?
Bruce Allen when in charge alone: 4-12 (.250)
Bruce Allen's overall Redskins record : 28-52 (.350)
Vinny Cerrato's record when in charge alone: 52-65 (.444)
Vinny's overall Redskins record: 62-82 (.430)
We won more with Vinny
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Old 01-01-2014, 01:04 PM   #113
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
It is normal to have:
1) a GM whose expertise is personnel
2) a coach whose expertise is on the field

Yet we have not adopted that approach for many years and our current set-up still does not reflect that approach. Why can't we just be normal?
For all intents and purposes, morocco brown and Scott Campbell are co-gms
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 01-01-2014, 01:38 PM   #114
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
For all intents and purposes, morocco brown and Scott Campbell are co-gms
That's actually my point. Looked at your way, we do not have a single, responsible, buck-stops-here GM. If you say that the buck-stops-here guy is Allen, then our GM is not a personnel guy. Either way we miss the mark on a model that many find ideal.

Hopefully dust has not fully settled yet and we'll end up with BA as CEO, a real GM (maybe even Morocco or Campbell), and a real coach.

How would a co-GM role work anyway? Would Brown and Campbell vote with BA entering the fray only as a tiebreaker?

Also, until Brown or Campbell carry the title of GM, they can more easily be hired away to GM other teams.
Bruce Allen when in charge alone: 4-12 (.250)
Bruce Allen's overall Redskins record : 28-52 (.350)
Vinny Cerrato's record when in charge alone: 52-65 (.444)
Vinny's overall Redskins record: 62-82 (.430)
We won more with Vinny
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Old 01-01-2014, 02:55 PM   #115
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
The reality is if you toss out half baked thoughts on something you're not 100% informed on, you have to expect some level of mocking in return. Nobody is perfect obviously and we all make mistakes so it's all good. Try not to take it personal, I think we've all been "corrected" at times here.
I appreciate your response. I'm glad you put "corrected" in quotations, because corrected would imply to me intelligent conversation in which people are informed of mistakes by explaining where they are thinking wrongly, and not attacks on a person's intelligence. Perhaps this is just a half baked thought of mine though.

I will be sure to not to post anything I'm not 100% informed on in the future. Sorry for taking it personally. Thank you!
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Old 01-01-2014, 03:45 PM   #116
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by RobH4413 View Post
Let me be clear. I am advocating for a true GM because I think these two previously (repeatedly) used templates for running the organization suck.

  1. Give a coach 100% control over football operation. (Shottenheimer, Gibbs, Shanahan)
  2. Handcuff F/O and coach with Quasi-GM bureaucratic mess (Spurrier, Zorn)

My proposed solution is for a true GM (not Snyder's right hand man), with respectable football organizational and social skills to provide a coaching staff with the tools for success.

Perhaps Allen and co can succeed with this template, but I'm worried about the influence Snyder has on the team, due to the track record. I'm hoping more changes come, and Snyder openly and officially steps back and let's the football guys do what they know how to do.
I really don't understand your position, but it seems to be one based out of pure speculation/distrust of Snyder. By most all accounts he stayed out of Gibbs and Shanahan's way, and mostly out of Cerrato's way as well. You say he has a track record, but his last 8 years of owning the team has been mostly with him on the outside letting the people he thought he could trust handle it. He is still a work in progress as an owner, but he's by no means the same guy who fired Marty brashly.

I just hope we get something that works for the Skins, regardless of how long the process takes
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Old 01-01-2014, 03:59 PM   #117
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
It is normal to have:
1) a GM whose expertise is personnel
2) a coach whose expertise is on the field

Yet we have not adopted that approach for many years and our current set-up still does not reflect that approach. Why can't we just be normal?
I look at it this way. This set up is better than having the coach have all the power. For the most part, that way hasn't really worked. I think we're fine. It seems Brown will run the pro personnel side and Campbell works college. Allen has the final say. It sounds like he's going to lean heavily on those two. Not sure why anyone has a issue with this set up. Allen has been the GM of two Super Bowl teams. I trust him.
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Old 01-01-2014, 04:25 PM   #118
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
I really don't understand your position, but it seems to be one based out of pure speculation/distrust of Snyder. By most all accounts he stayed out of Gibbs and Shanahan's way, and mostly out of Cerrato's way as well. You say he has a track record, but his last 8 years of owning the team has been mostly with him on the outside letting the people he thought he could trust handle it. He is still a work in progress as an owner, but he's by no means the same guy who fired Marty brashly.

I just hope we get something that works for the Skins, regardless of how long the process takes
You are saying exactly what he said, he gave Gibbs/Shanahan full control, what you are not getting is that when he gives full control it is to someone without experience/talent for picking players.

Most teams have a GM that is known for having an eye for talent and team building. BA is not known for these things. SO the question is:

Why can't he give full control to someone with personnel experience?

Last edited by WillH; 01-01-2014 at 04:34 PM.
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Old 01-01-2014, 06:11 PM   #119
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by KI Skins Fan View Post

He didn't just grow up on football. He grew up on Redskins football. I feel like he's one of us.

So with that thought Jason Garrett should be a super bowl coach by now , right ?I mean he grew up with his dad a coach with a couple of teams and the Cowboys (scout)
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Old 01-01-2014, 07:01 PM   #120
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
So with that thought Jason Garrett should be a super bowl coach by now , right ?I mean he grew up with his dad a coach with a couple of teams and the Cowboys (scout)
Garrett goes to the Super Bowl every year in preseason predictions. So there's that.
Bruce Allen when in charge alone: 4-12 (.250)
Bruce Allen's overall Redskins record : 28-52 (.350)
Vinny Cerrato's record when in charge alone: 52-65 (.444)
Vinny's overall Redskins record: 62-82 (.430)
We won more with Vinny
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