Originally Posted by Mattyk72
well I'm back home and feeling a little spacey but no real pain, yet at least. I'm not even having much bleeding.
The procedure went well. It was weird, all I remember was getting the IV and the Dr. saying this is going to make you feel really good, and the next thing I knew it was over. I even asked the Dr. did you start yet and he's like yeah you're all finished. I didn't even realize I was out, I thought I was awake the entire time but obviously I wasn't.
I had the same experience with my oral surgery (mine were impacted). I thought I was partially awake for it all but it went way too fast so I was obviously out for some of it. I think they injected me with either Versid (sp?) or Valium. The assistant wasn't sure what he used. All in all, the experience wasn't bad other than not being able to eat like I wanted to after it was over.