Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33
So what do you suggest? Fire Gibbs? Wasn't the big complaint prior to Gibbs 2.0 that there was no stability because of Snyder? I'm all for POSITIVE change, but to declare Gibbs 2.0 a "total failure" and $***can him is pretty inaccurate and would do accomplish nothing but damaging the franchise further. Gibbs wasn't exactly handed a Superbowl contender 4 seasons ago.
Have there been mistakes made by Gibbs, absolutely? But, I think a majority of the problems have been with the coordinators and Gibbs' biggest mistake has been being to loyal to them and I think he was too loyal to Brunnel also.
Make your excuses for him all you want. Ultimately the head coach must bear the weight of a losing team. This is a losing team. Gibbs has the talent here, but poor coaching, poor personnel decisions and poor execution = another season of mediocrity. This team is 8-8 at best, and if that's the best he can do, then I say hire a GM and Russ Grimm.