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Old 09-09-2008, 07:39 PM   #265
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by dmvskinzfan08 View Post
I dont think they have done everything for him to succeed. Its quite the contrary. Doing things for him to succeed would be to

1. Keep the same offensive coordinator for more than 2 years.
2. Giving him a true number one receiver.
3. Suring up the offensive line.

But I agree with everything else. If he had been in the same system for 3 years. I would be the first one to say. He needs to go or move to back up role and bring a veteran QB in until we figure out something. People need to learn patience. Because if not. It will be the same thing with other QBs. Most QB's who have been successful have been in the same system and haven't had coaching and mgmt carousels.

This is not an excuse but it is a major factor. Why can't some people realize this. Palmer, Brady, Manning, Eli, McNabb stayed in the same offensive system/coach for the most part with the exceptions of Manning who had a new head coach but he was already pro bowl caliber when that happened. They gave them chances to grow even when they stumbled and fell. People were talking about giving up on MCNabb. I could see if it was because he is prone to being injured. But you know what he does when he is healthy. Kolb is a joke compared to McNabb. But this is what happens when you nuture a QB and cultivate him. Instead of picking him up and re-rooting him again and again and expecting him to grow normally and be on the higher tier of NFL QBs. Name ONE QB that has had different offensive systems each year that has been successful. JUST ONE!!
Could'nt of said it better myself. All these people who want 'instant gratification' should of been happy back when Snyder was trying to BUY a championship I guess. How'd that work out? Why can't these naysayers understand that none of the above mentioned quarterbacks have had to go through what Campbell has and it still took them more than one season to understand the system and play well. My God, this is'nt that hard to understand. And I'm tired of hearing how long JC has been playing. He has'nt played that long and he's only played ONE game in this particular system. Thank God who plays isn't decided by the fans. Manning and McNabb's heads would have rolled the first year and they never would of led their teams to the Super Bowl........ Come to think of it, that would of been alright with me!
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