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Old 01-28-2008, 04:33 PM   #48
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Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Rule #1: Never trust SportsTalk 980 as your only source. The talent and producers there have alienated so many people inside Redskins Park over the past few years that they rarely, if ever, get the scoop on any news. If they say something, always double and triple cross check that it's being mentioned elsewhere.

Rule #2: Trust me . No but seriously, I know the Redskins did meet with Mooch. But I can't remember where I heard this, when it happened, and what came of it.

Ill trust you because I firmly believe in my heart that when you said 'screw the mooch' you were thinking of the family guy episode 'screwed the pooch'. and great references like that are what make us 'knowledgeable fans'
"I'm used to winning, coming from the University of Miami. " Clinton Portis
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