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MTK 02-12-2008 02:04 PM

Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
Not sure what to make of this, but check it out for yourself, seems very contrary to everything we've seen on Zorn so far... sounds like some douche with an axe to grind if you ask me:

[url=]Jim Zorn to the Redskins: Probably the worst NFL hire of all-time - Talking Points with Tim Kawakami - San Jose Mercury News sports blog[/url]

QBall 02-12-2008 02:09 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
Jim Zorn, Redskins


[B]Why he might succeed[/B]: Zorn's the best bet to have immediate success and the reason for that has nothing to do with his abilities. Zorn is inheriting a playoff team that got hot in the second half of last season. Joe Gibbs did a nice job of assembling a talented roster and the Redskins were smart to keep most of his coaching staff in place. Zorn also is expected to work well with Vinny Cerrato, who runs the front office. Lot of the parts of a contender are already in place.

The guy who wrote that negative Zorn article wanted us to hire Mike Singletary, no thanks.

MTK 02-12-2008 02:09 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
[quote=QBall;421276]Jim Zorn, Redskins


[B]Why he might succeed[/B]: Zorn's the best bet to have immediate success and the reason for that has nothing to do with his abilities. Zorn is inheriting a playoff team that got hot in the second half of last season. Joe Gibbs did a nice job of assembling a talented roster and the Redskins were smart to keep most of his coaching staff in place. Zorn also is expected to work well with Vinny Cerrato, who runs the front office. Lot of the parts of a contender are already in place.[/quote]

Where's this from?

redwagonskins 02-12-2008 02:10 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
Um, aside from the obvious ire that the article will produce around here, can't Spurrier be tagged as a "worse" hire? ;)

dcweldon 02-12-2008 02:11 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
"That’s the problem. It’s OK to hire a head coach without previous play-calling/coordinating experience–Andy Reid, John Harbaugh, John Madden, Jon Gruden (I think) hadn’t yet been coordinators when they were hired as head coaches. The difference: They were all universally believed to be capable of coordinating and on the path to head-coach land.
Not Zorn. Nobody thought that. Whatever nice things they’re saying in Seattle, I can tell you, privately they were not saying those things about Zorn before he left."

A quote from the article, what are his sources on nobody thought he could be a coordinator? i hate writers who are jerks who just write whatever they want.

QBall 02-12-2008 02:11 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
[QUOTE=Mattyk72;421277]Where's this from?[/QUOTE]

[url=]ESPN - Mystery Men: New head coaches share unheralded backgrounds - NFL[/url]

Our friends at ESPN are analyzing the recent trend in coaching hires.

redwagonskins 02-12-2008 02:15 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
From the article:

"Worse: Nobody in the NFL had ever thought that Zorn should be considered as a coordinator–a coordinator!–until Snyder and his pal Vinny Cerrato came up with that idea."

Well, somebody liked the guy being on he was on at least 2 prospective coaches short list for OC.

From the article:

"I talked to Zorn when he was first getting into coaching on the Seahawks staff and I can tell you that, if first impressions mean anything–and they do–I walked away from that interview thinking, This guy shouldn’t be anywhere near an NFL sideline."

Well, he managed to stick around since 1998 in the NFL so he couldn't be that ridiculously stupid.

From the article:

"Zorn is the worst: Least prepared, worst communicator, most obvious risk for total failure, right from Day 1."

Well, I don't know how even measure that.

I guess in the final analysis: Tim Kawakami = Douchebag

redwagonskins 02-12-2008 02:17 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
[QUOTE=dcweldon;421279]"That’s the problem. It’s OK to hire a head coach without previous play-calling/coordinating experience–Andy Reid, John Harbaugh, John Madden, Jon Gruden (I think) hadn’t yet been coordinators when they were hired as head coaches. The difference: They were all universally believed to be capable of coordinating and on the path to head-coach land.
Not Zorn. Nobody thought that. Whatever nice things they’re saying in Seattle, I can tell you, privately they were not saying those things about Zorn before he left."

A quote from the article, what are his sources on nobody thought he could be a coordinator? [B]i hate writers who are jerks who just write whatever they want[/B].[/QUOTE]

Well, it is his blog so that's his prerogative but talk about destroying any credibility you have as a "journalist". I'd love to hear who these insiders are...his brother, some guy on a 49ers message board....who?

By the way, scroll down to the replies he is getting to the blog...priceless.

LongTimeSkinsFan 02-12-2008 02:19 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
[quote=Mattyk72;421273]Not sure what to make of this, but check it out for yourself, seems very contrary to everything we've seen on Zorn so far... sounds like some douche with an axe to grind if you ask me:

[URL=""]Jim Zorn to the Redskins: Probably the worst NFL hire of all-time - Talking Points with Tim Kawakami - San Jose Mercury News sports blog[/URL][/quote]

and Kawakami is Japanese for 'tool':cheeky-sm

QBall 02-12-2008 02:19 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
[url=]ESPN - Smith, Mitchell in focus for Redskins - Hashmarks by Matt Mosley[/url]

Staff coming together.

birdz4gibbs 02-12-2008 02:20 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
the more i hear the media talking like this is the worst thing yet i think this will be a solid hire and like others in here give zorn a shot i think it just might workout for us. escpecially those fine folks over at espn who call themselves experts..they are like all the others jumping to conclusions on just about everything related to football and everything else for that matter.
so zorn for president .......i like the hire too.everybody has an opinion.

skinsfan_nn 02-12-2008 02:29 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
Opinions are like assholes everybodys got one, whoever this guy is his means nothing to me. However, I don't see how ANYONE with more than a single digit IQ can say its the WORST hire ever in the NFL, the man hasn't even coached a game yet?

Zorn has a job to do and just has to get it done, plain and simple. Only time will tell.

Slingin Sammy 33 02-12-2008 02:31 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
I think this section of the article says it all:

"The Zorn I talked to was over-emotional, antsy, defensive and very short on the ability to communicate general NFL knowledge–and I was just doing a soft story on the Seahawks during the off-season, so it wasn’t like I was plumbing the depths of intricate analysis."

Zorn probably thought he had an interview with a real sportswriter and this idiot showed up. Zorn was short with him and he got his feelings hurt. GET OVER IT. Well I guess the saying is true; "Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned." :hater:

SmootSmack 02-12-2008 02:41 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
Definitely seems like he has some sort of personal vendetta against Zorn...either that, or he's trying to get Sally Jenkins in the sack.

skinsfan69 02-12-2008 02:51 PM

Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??
Only time will tell whether or not he's going to be a good HC. I'd would've rather had Fassel than Zorn. Hiring a HC w/out HC or OC experience is risk. Now we're about to hire a OC that's never even called plays? So we could potentially have a HC and an OC that's never called plays in the NFL?? Sigh...... Sorry but Fassel looks really good right about now.

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