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What REALLY grinds your gears?

Parking Lot

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Old 04-25-2024, 08:04 PM   #2746
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by mredskins View Post
Owning a pool

First the pool sucks

2nd dealing with pool companies they are literally the worst all suck

Today they were supposed to come out , booked it 6 months ago . Them; sorry to busy today not coming , this is at 5 pm after I waited all day

Sounds as overrated as owning a boat
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Old 04-26-2024, 10:53 AM   #2747
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
Sounds as overrated as owning a boat

Yiu can sell the boat without having to move
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Old 04-26-2024, 11:10 AM   #2748
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by mredskins View Post

Yiu can sell the boat without having to move
Good point
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Old 05-03-2024, 08:08 PM   #2749
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

People I work with that refuse to use email. 1st, we need things in writing, 2nd, it's 2024. Don't fucking call me when an email is what is needed. Especially after 6 p.m. on a Friday. There is not a chance in hell I'm answering that call.
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Old 05-04-2024, 11:38 AM   #2750
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by sdskinsfan2001 View Post
People I work with that refuse to use email. 1st, we need things in writing, 2nd, it's 2024. Don't fucking call me when an email is what is needed. Especially after 6 p.m. on a Friday. There is not a chance in hell I'm answering that call.
i rarely get any emails anymore, its all Microsoft Teams chat, its really annoying
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Old 05-05-2024, 12:15 PM   #2751
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Grown ass adults with bull-rings in their noses.

It's not hip or cool. You look like a moron, and it reeks of desperation. Grow the fuck up Peter Pan.
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Old 05-08-2024, 12:11 PM   #2752
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

People that make up their own rules at a 4 way stop. Don't wave me on just go, it's your fucking turn.
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Old 05-08-2024, 12:22 PM   #2753
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
People that make up their own rules at a 4 way stop. Don't wave me on just go, it's your fucking turn.
This x1000. Just drive how you're supposed to, and we will all move on with our days much quicker.
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Old 05-08-2024, 01:52 PM   #2754
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
People that make up their own rules at a 4 way stop. Don't wave me on just go, it's your fucking turn.
i am teaching my son to drive, this drives me insane!!!!

its like folks either want kill you on the road or be the most polite people ever doing favors for everyone

this also happens when say you have a green at intersection and you are going left but across the intersection someone is going right, the right turn guy fully stops and waves you the left turn guy to go, NO! dude its your turn just fawking go, it fucks up all the timing of everyone
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Old 05-09-2024, 05:55 AM   #2755
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by mredskins View Post
i am teaching my son to drive, this drives me insane!!!!

its like folks either want kill you on the road or be the most polite people ever doing favors for everyone

this also happens when say you have a green at intersection and you are going left but across the intersection someone is going right, the right turn guy fully stops and waves you the left turn guy to go, NO! dude its your turn just fawking go, it fucks up all the timing of everyone
The worst haha. Or they look at you like "well you're the impatient one, if you're in such a hurry go in front of me" like I'm not just trying to time it so I can go after you're done proceeding with the right turn. So annoying.
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Old 05-09-2024, 06:07 AM   #2756
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Speaking of things that annoy me...

Back in March headed to work, 5:15 in the morning. I'm speeding, doing 55 in a 45. Run up on a group of cars doing the limit, the head car is a black unmarked Utility Interceptor. I slow down in the right hand lane, everybody knows you don't pass a cop doing exactly the speed limit, after about a mile he brakes hard and jumps in behind me, obviously annoyed he won't get me for speeding. My rear license plate the paint is peeling so I need to order new plates (I was trying to figure out a cool phrase for custom plates) and that's why they hadn't been ordered yet. He writes me a ticket for improperly mounted plates and my day goes on.

I thought about paying it but thought nah fuck that, I'm gonna fight it. He made a couple clerical errors on the citation, listed my race as black (I'm white) and my car as a Honda MUL (w/e the fuck that is) - I drive a Civic. So I go to court yesterday gearing up to fight the charge.

Judge: Can you prove to the officer you got it handled?

Me: Yes sir (have my new registration w/ updated tag on it)

Try to give the officer my registration, he gives me a dumb look like "wtf is going on"

Judge: Where's the car now?

Me: in the parking garage

Judge: I could ask you to go out to the garage and take a picture as proof, but we don't have a lot of time.

Judge swears me in.

Judge: Did you get it handled?

Me: Yes sir

Judge: Dismissed

So annoying that I have to take time off work just for that. Sometimes cops can be such petty little bitches.
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Old 05-09-2024, 07:27 AM   #2757
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Speaking of things that annoy me...

Back in March headed to work, 5:15 in the morning. I'm speeding, doing 55 in a 45. Run up on a group of cars doing the limit, the head car is a black unmarked Utility Interceptor. I slow down in the right hand lane, everybody knows you don't pass a cop doing exactly the speed limit, after about a mile he brakes hard and jumps in behind me, obviously annoyed he won't get me for speeding. My rear license plate the paint is peeling so I need to order new plates (I was trying to figure out a cool phrase for custom plates) and that's why they hadn't been ordered yet. He writes me a ticket for improperly mounted plates and my day goes on.

I thought about paying it but thought nah fuck that, I'm gonna fight it. He made a couple clerical errors on the citation, listed my race as black (I'm white) and my car as a Honda MUL (w/e the fuck that is) - I drive a Civic. So I go to court yesterday gearing up to fight the charge.

Judge: Can you prove to the officer you got it handled?

Me: Yes sir (have my new registration w/ updated tag on it)

Try to give the officer my registration, he gives me a dumb look like "wtf is going on"

Judge: Where's the car now?

Me: in the parking garage

Judge: I could ask you to go out to the garage and take a picture as proof, but we don't have a lot of time.

Judge swears me in.

Judge: Did you get it handled?

Me: Yes sir

Judge: Dismissed

So annoying that I have to take time off work just for that. Sometimes cops can be such petty little bitches.
the peeling plate must be a VA thing, so many plates in MD look sand blasted , my one buddies is basically tin he refuses to replace it
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Old 05-09-2024, 07:45 AM   #2758
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Speaking of things that annoy me...

Back in March headed to work, 5:15 in the morning. I'm speeding, doing 55 in a 45. Run up on a group of cars doing the limit, the head car is a black unmarked Utility Interceptor. I slow down in the right hand lane, everybody knows you don't pass a cop doing exactly the speed limit, after about a mile he brakes hard and jumps in behind me, obviously annoyed he won't get me for speeding. My rear license plate the paint is peeling so I need to order new plates (I was trying to figure out a cool phrase for custom plates) and that's why they hadn't been ordered yet. He writes me a ticket for improperly mounted plates and my day goes on.

I thought about paying it but thought nah fuck that, I'm gonna fight it. He made a couple clerical errors on the citation, listed my race as black (I'm white) and my car as a Honda MUL (w/e the fuck that is) - I drive a Civic. So I go to court yesterday gearing up to fight the charge.

Judge: Can you prove to the officer you got it handled?

Me: Yes sir (have my new registration w/ updated tag on it)

Try to give the officer my registration, he gives me a dumb look like "wtf is going on"

Judge: Where's the car now?

Me: in the parking garage

Judge: I could ask you to go out to the garage and take a picture as proof, but we don't have a lot of time.

Judge swears me in.

Judge: Did you get it handled?

Me: Yes sir

Judge: Dismissed

So annoying that I have to take time off work just for that. Sometimes cops can be such petty little bitches.
LOL, with you. Was going NC last Feb. I left after work and it's a 6 hour ride. I get on RT 70 in NC , speed limit is 70mph, after a while I get onto RT 17, speed limit still 70mph and I will admit to about 5 over but no more. About 2/3 miles down speed limit sign says 60mph(no warning just boom there it was). Now right across from that sign were two local (Onslow)county Police in a ditch waiting. I knew I had gotten nailed so I was already pulled over with Insurance , and everything before he even got his lights on. He was almost as young as my grandson, very polite and gave a speech about Deer. I asked him if he thought it was fair to trap like he did , "just following orders" so I got the ticket 15 miles over the limit and left, that was a Friday, home on Monday and I have 15 letters from NC Lawyers wanting represent me there(WTF). I went back down a month later for the hearing, defending myself. Judge (a Women) ask how do I plead, not guilty I said , she looks at me and ask what happen , I told her I had no opportunity to slow down and how fast I had stopped and pulled over, so I explained what happen she looks at the Cop and asked if this was true, he was at a loss and said yes(she was not happy). I was free to go but like you I lost a day from work and the time and money to go back to NC.
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Old 05-09-2024, 09:58 AM   #2759
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by mredskins View Post
the peeling plate must be a VA thing, so many plates in MD look sand blasted , my one buddies is basically tin he refuses to replace it
Peeling plates are a thing in NY too, had to replace mine recently. Thought it was BS I had to pay for new ones, but the process to make a claim for the peeling was so cumbersome I couldn’t be bothered.
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Old 05-12-2024, 10:54 AM   #2760
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Food edition:

When you make eggs and little pieces of the shells get into the pan. They are hard to get out, they slide around when you try to get your finger on them to get them out.
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