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Old 06-13-2005, 03:01 PM   #1
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Site Survey

Hey guys, if you could take a moment and answer the following questions I'd really appreciate it. The info will help give me a better idea of what changes can be made to the site, or maybe more importantly what changes shouldn't be made.


1. How do you enter the site? Do you have the home page bookmarked or the forums?

2. What do you like most about the current home page? What do you like the least? What changes if any would you like to see to the home page?

3. What do you like most about the forums? What do you not like? What changes if any would you like to see to the forums?

4. How many Redskins websites do you visit regularly? How does this one compare? Better, worse, the same? Are there any elements you see on other sites you wish were here?

5. Compared to other Redskins sites, do you visit this one more, less or about the same?

6. How did you find this site?

7. Regarding advertising on this site, do you think there's too much, too little or not enough? Do you mind the ads on the site?

8. Regarding the forums, do you find them to be more cluttered, less cluttered or about the same as other Redskins forums?

9. If you could add one feature to the site, what would it be?

10. Feel free to add any general feedback, criticisms, complaints, suggestions, etc. No ideas are too big or too little!
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Old 06-13-2005, 03:14 PM   #2
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Re: Site Survey

1. I have a link on my toolbar for it.
2. Home page is great. I can't think of any significant changes that should be made.
3. Very clean look. Honestly, the only thing I can say is that I want more "faces" to put on my posts.
4. I normally only visit this site and Only when this site is down to I go anywhere else.
5. I live here.
7. I hate to say there's too "little" advertising on anything, but if it helps you make money, I'm all for it. It's easy enough to push the middle mouse button on Mozilla to send me to all the sponsors links and then right click to close other tabs.
8. Way less cluttered.
9. I wouldn't say add, but maybe bring back the chat function so that when people are 'idle' they could just hang out there. Maybe make it realtime if possible.
10. You guys do a great job and it's my privilege to be able to waste as much time as I do here daily.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 06-13-2005, 03:22 PM   #3
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Re: Site Survey

1. How do you enter the site? Do you have the home page bookmarked or the forums?
I have the forums bookmarked.

2. What do you like most about the current home page? What do you like the least? What changes if any would you like to see to the home page?
Home page is just fine.

3. What do you like most about the forums? What do you not like? What changes if any would you like to see to the forums?
More Chad Morton avatars.

4. How many Redskins websites do you visit regularly? How does this one compare? Better, worse, the same? Are there any elements you see on other sites you wish were here?
This is pretty much it. I'll click on links to some of the flashier sites, but I like the Redskins - I like the Warpath.

5. Compared to other Redskins sites, do you visit this one more, less or about the same?
Scads more. Gobs more.

6. How did you find this site?
As I recall, I was begged to join.

7. Regarding advertising on this site, do you think there's too much, too little or not enough? Do you mind the ads on the site?
The ads are no big whoop to me. I sometimes mind when they aren't Redskins-centric (Click here for Ravens tickets, etc.), but that's google for you.

8. Regarding the forums, do you find them to be more cluttered, less cluttered or about the same as other Redskins forums?
Less cluttered - and I like it that way.

9. If you could add one feature to the site, what would it be?
I miss the statistics from the old sites. Most viewers online, busiest posters, that sort of thing.
There's nowhere to go but up. Or down. I guess we could stay where we are, too.
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Old 06-13-2005, 03:33 PM   #4
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Re: Site Survey

1. The homepage is bookmarked.
2. I like the graphics, I like the news ticker, I like that it shows the newest threads, while the others aren't always visible, reducing clutter. I don't like that it takes two screens to get to the forum lists--it would be nice to click directly from the homepage to the forums themselves (ie, the newswire list).
3. I like the clean graphics and the lack of clutter (VERY different from extermeskins). Not sure what I'd change.
4. This is the best skins site I've found. Extremeskins occasionally has interviews and chats with FO people and players, but I they have a huge membership base and relationships with those folks, so it makes sense. But if we could get a chat, that would be great.
5. I visit the site everyday, and I visit it much more than any other skins site.
6. I found the site on goolge
7. I don't mind the adverts, and if it helps defray the cost, I'm all for it. (No popups, though!)
8. The forums are way less cluttered than other sites (especially exterme's); that's one of the great things about the Warpath.
9. Can't think of any obvious additions at the moment
10. The site is fantastic--Matty, you (and the moderators) do an awesome job. It's definetely added to my love of the skins, and it really helps to get through the offseason, and to deal with the tough games in the season--and to celebrate our victories.

One idea: you might add contests or raffles, where people guess scores, draft picks, even plays or something. People would have to buy a ticket, and that would pay for the winner's prize (from the warpath store) and provide an additional revenue stream. And it would be fun for everyone. We could keep stats, etc. I don't know what it would take technically to set it up, but it would be cool.

Thanks again, man!
Hail from Houston!
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Old 06-13-2005, 03:39 PM   #5
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Re: Site Survey

1. How do you enter the site? Do you have the home page bookmarked or the forums?
*** Home page

2. What do you like most about the current home page? What do you like the least? What changes if any would you like to see to the home page?
*** Home page should have a 3 paragraph description about theWarpath in general and what the site contains. It should use in this description as many of the top 25 "keywords" for the site. Engines look for this "relevency"[sp?]

3. What do you like most about the forums? What do you not like? What changes if any would you like to see to the forums?
*** Best: Great info in a readable fashion Worst: Threads get long and "Jacked" sometimes just because they are so long. People should start a new Thread when they have an idea in a thread.

4. How many Redskins websites do you visit regularly? How does this one compare? Better, worse, the same? Are there any elements you see on other sites you wish were here?
*** This is my #1 place to go for info even before I go to

5. Compared to other Redskins sites, do you visit this one more, less or about the same?
*** I peek a few but only come here

6. How did you find this site?
*** Not sure or had beer the night I stumbled here last year some time around Gibbs return.

7. Regarding advertising on this site, do you think there's too much, too little or not enough? Do you mind the ads on the site?
*** Ads are a must for free sites and I think people either see them or don't.

8. Regarding the forums, do you find them to be more cluttered, less cluttered or about the same as other Redskins forums?
*** N/A

9. If you could add one feature to the site, what would it be?
*** Guestmap from FREE and kind of cool to see where people are though it would be cluttered with so many members

10. Feel free to add any general feedback, criticisms, complaints, suggestions, etc. No ideas are too big or too little!
*** The Trading Post area or in-house [] auction area so good Redskins stuff stays with fans and not greedy dealers

*** Good questions and I'm gonna borrow them with a few mods for my others site.
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Old 06-13-2005, 03:43 PM   #6
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Re: Site Survey

[QUOTE=Mattyk72]Hey guys, if you could take a moment and answer the following questions I'd really appreciate it. The info will help give me a better idea of what changes can be made to the site, or maybe more importantly what changes shouldn't be made.


1. How do you enter the site? Do you have the home page bookmarked or the forums?
from the home page, but the home page might as well just be a "new posts" button for me

2. What do you like most about the current home page? What do you like the least? What changes if any would you like to see to the home page?
i think its fine as it is right now...

3. What do you like most about the forums? What do you not like? What changes if any would you like to see to the forums?
they work and the members generally know what they're saying

4. How many Redskins websites do you visit regularly? How does this one compare? Better, worse, the same? Are there any elements you see on other sites you wish were here?
this one... extremeskins maybe once a month, i won't touch their forums though, too many people, too much flaming.

5. Compared to other Redskins sites, do you visit this one more, less or about the same?
more... much more...

6. How did you find this site?
extremeskins link

7. Regarding advertising on this site, do you think there's too much, too little or not enough? Do you mind the ads on the site?
there's never too little advertising but you gotta do what you gotta do to keep this place running

8. Regarding the forums, do you find them to be more cluttered, less cluttered or about the same as other Redskins forums?
less cluttered... not allowing pics in signatures and custom avatars is a great idea.

9. If you could add one feature to the site, what would it be?
A thread that i could spam for my damn portis avatar
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Old 06-13-2005, 03:46 PM   #7
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Re: Site Survey

1. How do you enter the site? Do you have the home page bookmarked or the forums?
I just type the site
2. What do you like most about the current home page? What do you like the least? What changes if any would you like to see to the home page?
ITS GREAT, I don't like having to wait the minute for searching
3. What do you like most about the forums? What do you not like? What changes if any would you like to see to the forums?
It is nice and clean
4. How many Redskins websites do you visit regularly? How does this one compare? Better, worse, the same? Are there any elements you see on other sites you wish were here?
Lots this is the best. It is not as expansive as some, i like that
5. Compared to other Redskins sites, do you visit this one more, less or about the same?
6. How did you find this site?
7. Regarding advertising on this site, do you think there's too much, too little or not enough? Do you mind the ads on the site?
I don't notice it so it is fine
8. Regarding the forums, do you find them to be more cluttered, less cluttered or about the same as other Redskins forums?
Less cluttered and thank you, no flashing lights or moving pictures, or crazy stuff
9. If you could add one feature to the site, what would it be?
Chat room
10. Feel free to add any general feedback, criticisms, complaints, suggestions, etc. No ideas are too big or too little!
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Old 06-13-2005, 03:47 PM   #8
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Re: Site Survey

Originally Posted by JWsleep
One idea: you might add contests or raffles, where people guess scores, draft picks, even plays or something. People would have to buy a ticket, and that would pay for the winner's prize (from the warpath store) and provide an additional revenue stream. And it would be fun for everyone. We could keep stats, etc. I don't know what it would take technically to set it up, but it would be cool.
it might be easiest to do that off yahoo free or pick'em leagues... just have everyone pay 5$ and the winners get tshirts or whatever...
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Old 06-13-2005, 03:49 PM   #9
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Re: Site Survey

1. How do you enter the site? Do you have the home page bookmarked or the forums? I have the forums bookmarked.

2. What do you like most about the current home page? What do you like the least? What changes if any would you like to see to the home page? Homepage seems fine to me, do you have a site map page?

3. What do you like most about the forums? What do you not like? What changes if any would you like to see to the forums? What I like most about the forums is that they are clean and easy on the eyes. I like the white background when reading the text. What I don't like about the forum is that I get alot of "server is busy" messages when I access the forums via the bookmark. What I would change about the forum is to at least not allow the F-word or GD...not a very pleasant experience when reading the posts, but other than that..I love the site and think all who have provided this site for us 'Skins fans should desire a big pat on the back.

4. How many Redskins websites do you visit regularly? How does this one compare? Better, worse, the same? Are there any elements you see on other sites you wish were here? This is the only Redskins site other than the official website that I visit. I used to visit extremeskins, but I literally got headaches reading the text on the site.

5. Compared to other Redskins sites, do you visit this one more, less or about the same? I visit the warpath everyday. I probably visit the official site every other day or three days a week.

6. How did you find this site? I googled you one day....LOL!

7. Regarding advertising on this site, do you think there's too much, too little or not enough? Do you mind the ads on the site? I don't mind the ads, although for some reason the ads are not rendered correctly on this particular computer I am using...other than that...I have no problem with the current state of the ads.

8. Regarding the forums, do you find them to be more cluttered, less cluttered or about the same as other Redskins forums? Less cluttered and easier to read....

9. If you could add one feature to the site, what would it be? Nothing as far as the pages...just the server problems are annoying.

10. Feel free to add any general feedback, criticisms, complaints, suggestions, etc. No ideas are too big or too little!

The text editor leaves alot to be desired. For some reason, it is not wanting to highlight the words I need to change the font. May just be this particular computer, but that is one thing I would look into.
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Old 06-13-2005, 03:52 PM   #10
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Re: Site Survey

1. How do you enter the site? Do you have the home page bookmarked or the forums? type the address, no bookmarks although that would be smarter and quicker

2. What do you like most about the current home page? What do you like the least? What changes if any would you like to see to the home page? the articles on the left side and discussions in the middle are what I like about the home page.

3. What do you like most about the forums? What do you not like? What changes if any would you like to see to the forums?

4. How many Redskins websites do you visit regularly? How does this one compare? Better, worse, the same? Are there any elements you see on other sites you wish were here? this is the only redskin site i visit regularly, although i go to extremeskins occasionally. thewarpath is cleaner, easier to navigate for me, i think thewarpath is better.

5. Compared to other Redskins sites, do you visit this one more, less or about the same?
thewarpath i visit a lot more, 3-4 times per week
6. How did you find this site?
was a part of the warpath on yahoo
7. Regarding advertising on this site, do you think there's too much, too little or not enough? Do you mind the ads on the site?
i don't even notice the ads on the site, so i'd say its just right

8. Regarding the forums, do you find them to be more cluttered, less cluttered or about the same as other Redskins forums?
i find the forums to be less cluttered than other redskins forums, all the pics and avatars are nice to look at but really quite pointless since i'm in here to talk redskins football
9. If you could add one feature to the site, what would it be?

10. Feel free to add any general feedback, criticisms, complaints, suggestions, etc. No ideas are too big or too little! the only thing this site needs is more cowbell!
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Old 06-13-2005, 04:33 PM   #11
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Re: Site Survey

1. How do you enter the site? Do you have the home page bookmarked or the forums?
--- type it and hit the front page. i then go right to the forums pages

2. What do you like most about the current home page? What do you like the least? What changes if any would you like to see to the home page?
--- It is nice to see the most current threads but since they are simply the newest posted the most popular or busy threads don't show right away. I would experiment with a 'recent postings' box on the right or left showing the last three or four postings and what thread they are in.

3. What do you like most about the forums? What do you not like? What changes if any would you like to see to the forums?
I like the entire thing. Wouldn't change much if anything

4. How many Redskins websites do you visit regularly? How does this one compare? Better, worse, the same? Are there any elements you see on other sites you wish were here?
I used to visit others pretty regularly but now I just come here. The others have various issues that this site has seemed to avoid. Keep on keeping on I guess.

5. Compared to other Redskins sites, do you visit this one more, less or about the same? infnitly more.

6. How did you find this site?
I believe my wife was searching on the Skins right after Gibbs was rehired and tiped me off to it.

7. Regarding advertising on this site, do you think there's too much, too little or not enough? Do you mind the ads on the site? Well I don't think it is too much and certainly not too little. I don't mind them at all. The pay the bills.

8. Regarding the forums, do you find them to be more cluttered, less cluttered or about the same as other Redskins forums? Much much much less cluttered

9. If you could add one feature to the site, what would it be?
Cowboy zapper?

10. Feel free to add any general feedback, criticisms, complaints, suggestions, etc. No ideas are too big or too little! I'll post more when I have a little more time.
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Old 06-13-2005, 04:46 PM   #12
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Re: Site Survey

Originally Posted by Mattyk72
Hey guys, if you could take a moment and answer the following questions I'd really appreciate it. The info will help give me a better idea of what changes can be made to the site, or maybe more importantly what changes shouldn't be made.


1. How do you enter the site? Do you have the home page bookmarked or the forums?

2. What do you like most about the current home page? What do you like the least? What changes if any would you like to see to the home page?

3. What do you like most about the forums? What do you not like? What changes if any would you like to see to the forums?

4. How many Redskins websites do you visit regularly? How does this one compare? Better, worse, the same? Are there any elements you see on other sites you wish were here?

5. Compared to other Redskins sites, do you visit this one more, less or about the same?

6. How did you find this site?

7. Regarding advertising on this site, do you think there's too much, too little or not enough? Do you mind the ads on the site?

8. Regarding the forums, do you find them to be more cluttered, less cluttered or about the same as other Redskins forums?

9. If you could add one feature to the site, what would it be?

10. Feel free to add any general feedback, criticisms, complaints, suggestions, etc. No ideas are too big or too little!
1. homepage
2. I like the main forum right in the middle, I like the latest news column
3. no changes, like it the way it is
4. extremeskins. This site seems to be more user friendly, not as busy
5. visit this one, much more.
6. google search
7. I don't think more could hurt, I would limit the amount of popups if they are used
8. same
9. more redskins merchandise advertising
10. more video! I know its tough, but thats one thing that extremeskins has that's cool.. .
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Old 06-13-2005, 05:09 PM   #13
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Re: Site Survey

we could always add an arcade forum (each post is a flash game and it keeps trac of scores etc) for when we're really bored, so we don't have to talk about ST for ed reed trades and such
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Old 06-13-2005, 05:10 PM   #14
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Re: Site Survey

Yeah. Some flash games would be sweet if we could maybe be able to play against each other. I'm sure that would take some VERY in-depth programming, but it would be awesome.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 06-13-2005, 05:33 PM   #15
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Smile Re: Site Survey

1. Home page at home. Cant do it at work.
2. I like that now when someone posts an original thread, it's not automatically center stage on the home page.
3. I would like a forum that is exclusively for talking shit about division rivals.
4. I hate extremeskins. I come here before
6. Google
7. I do not mind the advertising. Im sure that this is time consuming for you. So make money at it. What do I care. When you go public, offer it at 75% what you will Wall Street.
8. Much less cluttered
9. In fantasy land, i would love for more multimedia links that allow us to view actual football. IE: Highlight reels from previous seasons. Something to consider as profits make it realistic.??
10. I really wish that with less than 300 posts, my opinion matters. haha
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