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Old 08-15-2011, 11:10 PM   #18
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Re: 2011 Fantasy Football Thread

I have a free league out of yahoo that will be running with 14 teams and 6 playoff teams for weeks 14,15, and 16. I have like 10 of my close friends in the league but I'd like to add some good Redskins fans in the mix. It's a PPR league with a starting qb,rb,rb,wr,wr,wr,wr/rb,wr/rb/te, and 7 bench positions making a total of 18 rounds. It's a pretty deep league draft with over 250 selections keeping good players off the free agents. Every team plays each other once before the playoffs begin and we'll be drafting at the end of August or beginning of September probably on a Sunday. email me at if you're interested, it's a very well set up league.
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