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cpayne5 03-23-2005 04:03 PM

Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
Yes, your favorite subject, Matty.

How about *selling* avatars? Say for $20, you get to pick whatever avatar you want (as long as its appropriate)? It would give people who really hate the blue hats (or Chad Morton) the opportunity to change it, but also help you (and the site) out financially, too.

Just an idea.

Sorry if it has already been suggested.

TheMalcolmConnection 03-23-2005 04:05 PM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
Interesting... I'm all for that idea. I DO love that idea. It's kind of like fat chicks.

They need love too...... they just gotta pay. - Quagmire

MTK 03-23-2005 04:15 PM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
Good idea, I'll definitely consider it

TheMalcolmConnection 03-23-2005 04:17 PM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
I got 20 bucks for you right now. Maybe have something that is approved by you.

RedskinRat 03-24-2005 11:50 AM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
Noooooo! We'll end up looking like that 'other' site. Please don't whore out the Avatars.

BrudLee 03-24-2005 11:58 AM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
[QUOTE=RedskinRat]Noooooo! We'll end up looking like that 'other' site. Please don't whore out the Avatars.[/QUOTE]
Unless I get a cut.

SmootSmack 03-24-2005 12:06 PM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
I think it's fine as is, but if everyone else wants to change things then here's what I think. I think Matty selects the Avatars and if someone wants an avatar different than the one assigned to them (based on their posts) then they have to pay for it. But they can only select from the list given to them.

So let's say you're a camp scrub and you want a 1st round pick avatar you chip in $15, you want playmaker status you pay $20. Something along those lines.

JoeRedskin 03-24-2005 12:13 PM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
I say we take what Matty gives us and like it.

Please sir, can I have another?

(But of course, I am neither coles or morton - Thank God!)

TheMalcolmConnection 03-24-2005 01:40 PM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
I just wanted something a little more personal. Not a huge departure from what we have now, just a little more "Malcolm". But, I'm not a person to complain, but if there was an option, I'd use it.

TheMalcolmConnection 03-24-2005 03:19 PM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
I would want something like this...


Monksdown 03-24-2005 04:41 PM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
[QUOTE=TheMalcolmConnection]I would want something like this...

I hope they dont change, that you earn your place. There will obviously be a need to adjust the levels as before long, everyone will have earned Gibbs' status. It's a tough task for Matty, who will constantly, have to hear us gripe as things change and we get dropped down to Ladell Betts and the likes.

Everyone, leave the mod's alone, and be happy that we have a venue to express our distaste with one another.

wolfeskins 03-24-2005 05:29 PM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
it's only a picture. keep things the way they are.

wolfeskins 03-24-2005 05:32 PM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
the only changes that i wouldn't mind seeing is get rid of the avatars of players who aren't on the skins.

cpayne5 03-24-2005 06:07 PM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
I think you guys are completely missing the point of my original post. I agree with you on that I get tired of hearing the complaining about the avatars. This idea is meant to help out both us AND Matty. If someone doesn't like their avatar, then pay for an 'upgrade'. This should knock out a point of contention. On top of that, it will generate a bit more revenue for the site.

So why is it that you guys don't like this idea?

Monk-Fan 03-24-2005 06:24 PM

Re: Avatars, Avatars, Avatars!!!
IF we were to pay for Avatars who would recieve the money and what would they use it for?

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