Commanders Post at The Warpath

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FRPLG 11-08-2004 02:31 PM

Server to busy!?!?
What's the story on the server being too busy all day? I just finally got in after about 1000 refreshes.

Redskins_P 11-08-2004 02:38 PM

[QUOTE=FRPLG]What's the story on the server being too busy all day? I just finally got in after about 1000 refreshes.[/QUOTE]

Yeah me too...........wonder what happened.

MTK 11-08-2004 03:25 PM

I had to change the nameservers so it should be alright now

FRPLG 11-08-2004 03:38 PM

Cool....didn't know if the ole warpath was in need of some civic appropriations to upgrade the hardware.

cpayne5 11-15-2004 11:22 AM

I'm ready to make a donation to help make these 'server too busy messages' go away...

Redskins_P 11-15-2004 11:24 AM

[QUOTE=cpayne5]I'm ready to make a donation to help make these 'server too busy messages' go away...[/QUOTE]

Yeah me too. What can we do to help Matty?

JoeRedskin 11-15-2004 01:39 PM

[QUOTE=cpayne5]I'm ready to make a donation to help make these 'server too busy messages' go away...[/QUOTE]

Me three

Gmanc711 11-15-2004 01:40 PM

It may not be much, cause I'm tight, but me 4

cpayne5 11-15-2004 10:38 PM

How much is a dedicated server through the current host, Matty? Maybe we could have monthly sponsors like, "July, brought to you by cpayne5; because he always knows what he's talking about."

Gmanc711 11-16-2004 07:05 AM

[QUOTE=cpayne5]How much is a dedicated server through the current host, Matty? Maybe we could have monthly sponsors like, "July, brought to you by cpayne5; because he always knows what he's talking about."[/QUOTE]


MTK 11-16-2004 01:51 PM

The cheapest dedicated server plan our current host offers is this

Intel Celeron 1.7Ghz 400Mhz Bus
Memory: 512MB DDR System Memory
Storage: DUAL 80GB 7200RPM IDE Hard Disk
Transfer:1200 GB per month Premium Bandwidth
Fully Managed Level 1 - Level 3
Free Domain reseller, whois will show your name!
IP Addresses: 5 :: Fantastico V2
[b]$99.00 Setup Fee $120.00 Monthly[/b]

So who wants to pony up the first month?!

Redskins_P 11-16-2004 02:45 PM

[QUOTE=Mattyk72]The cheapest dedicated server plan our current host offers is this

Intel Celeron 1.7Ghz 400Mhz Bus
Memory: 512MB DDR System Memory
Storage: DUAL 80GB 7200RPM IDE Hard Disk
Transfer:1200 GB per month Premium Bandwidth
Fully Managed Level 1 - Level 3
Free Domain reseller, whois will show your name!
IP Addresses: 5 :: Fantastico V2
[b]$99.00 Setup Fee $120.00 Monthly[/b]

So who wants to pony up the first month?![/QUOTE]

Can we split it between everyone?

joecrisp 11-16-2004 02:50 PM

Isn't this what the 'Make a Donation' button is for?

If everybody would just chip in a little bit-- a couple bucks even-- every month, we could do some great stuff with this site.

cpayne5 11-16-2004 03:36 PM

I'll gladly pony up for the first month, if others follow suit.

SmootSmack 11-16-2004 03:40 PM

I don't think any one person has to be responsible for a whole month. Like Crisp says, if everyone just chips in a couple of bucks every now and then we should be ok

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