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Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

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Old 07-22-2023, 09:46 AM   #1
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Question Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

Hey Folks,

I apologize if it is too soon to post this topic, or if this is unpopular and MTK wants to remove / move the thread, but can we take a deep dive into what seemed to suddenly change from November 2022 to making the decision to fully sell to the Josh Harris group?

Dan Snyder throughout all of his failures and scandals always (seemingly) remained steadfast that he would never consider selling the team.

In fact, in the statement he gave in November 2022, he stated flatly that he was "never" selling the team.

So what was it that finally drove the nail in the coffin for him? He had survived fines, punishments, and scandal after scandal. He was able to get the league to bury the Beth Wilkinson investigation, and making sure the details never would see the light of day.

Could it be that he was realizing his future was going to be marred with never ending court battles? Did he know that he had to sell when he knew that the Mary Jo White investigation, once concluded, would state to the NFL that the recommendation would be for Dan to be forced to sell? Or was it knowing / seeing Tanya Snyder blasted with "Sell the team" chants?

I just wondered what it may have been that finally put Dan over the edge and made him make the decision that we all have wanted for the past 20 years or so!
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Old 07-22-2023, 09:58 AM   #2
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say it was money.

The offering price was 6 billion, which is 5.2 billion more than what he paid. He was losing sponsors, I'm guessing internal revenue from merch sales was way down (very small factor bc he gets way more revenue from the NFL tv arrangement/s), nobody wanted to work with him on a stadium deal, oh yeah and he had like 6? playoff seasons in 24 years. He also had Congress breathing down his back about the scandals.

So it was probably a bunch of different factors, but in the end I'd say the whole "6 billion dollars to fuck off forever" was the biggest.
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Old 07-22-2023, 12:05 PM   #3
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

I don't want to talk about Snyder anymore. Way too many positive vibes going on right now.
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Old 07-22-2023, 12:08 PM   #4
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

Originally Posted by SolidSnake84 View Post
Hey Folks,

I apologize if it is too soon to post this topic, or if this is unpopular and MTK wants to remove / move the thread, but can we take a deep dive into what seemed to suddenly change from November 2022 to making the decision to fully sell to the Josh Harris group?

Dan Snyder throughout all of his failures and scandals always (seemingly) remained steadfast that he would never consider selling the team.

In fact, in the statement he gave in November 2022, he stated flatly that he was "never" selling the team.

So what was it that finally drove the nail in the coffin for him? He had survived fines, punishments, and scandal after scandal. He was able to get the league to bury the Beth Wilkinson investigation, and making sure the details never would see the light of day.

Could it be that he was realizing his future was going to be marred with never ending court battles? Did he know that he had to sell when he knew that the Mary Jo White investigation, once concluded, would state to the NFL that the recommendation would be for Dan to be forced to sell? Or was it knowing / seeing Tanya Snyder blasted with "Sell the team" chants?

I just wondered what it may have been that finally put Dan over the edge and made him make the decision that we all have wanted for the past 20 years or so!
I think he was told that he was going to be forced out sometime around the time Irsay raised that issue. (Irsay was probably the stalking horse for the rest of the owners).
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Old 07-22-2023, 12:44 PM   #5
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

Who's Dan Snyder? Never heard of her.
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Old 07-22-2023, 02:03 PM   #6
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

Pure guess but it wouldn't surprise me if Tanya played a big part in making up his mind for him.

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Old 07-22-2023, 02:27 PM   #7
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

SS this is well documented by news outlets everywhere. Corporate sponsors became disgusted with his behavior and realized doing business with him was bad for them, his revenue declined. As attendance declined as a result of consistent mediocrity thanks in part to his meddling in personnel decisions, revenue declined further. As revenue declined he struggled to meet financial commitments. He excluded Fred Smith and Dwight Schar, his minority partners, from having a say by refusing to hold board meetings. They eventually decided he was so toxic to their revenue stream that it was in their interests to sell their stake. When they did, Snyder got a waiver from the NFL, allowing him to take out more debt on the Commanders than any NFL team ever had, so he could buy them out. At that point he was $1.1B in debt, with declining attendance, declining sponsorship revenue. Other owners hated him and he was being investigated by Mary Jo White, but it was the inability to make enough money to make the payments on the $1.1B debt that forced him to sell.

Let this be an example of how capitalism can deliver a business owner the comeuppance he sometimes deserves. The corporate sponsorships and every fan who decided it wasn’t worth it to buy tickets and go to games had a hand in ushering Snyder out.
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Old 07-22-2023, 02:57 PM   #8
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

I agree that the financials made it inevitable, but I suspect as Nonniey put it, the other owners put the writing on the wall for him and said "sooner or later you're going to have to sell, sooner is better for everyone"; that forced the issue and quick change of stance.
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Old 07-22-2023, 04:17 PM   #9
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

Good riddance to the Snyder family. Don't let the door hit you on the way out Danny!
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Old 07-22-2023, 08:32 PM   #10
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

The great think about capitalism is that folks can NOT buy or support the companies/team/people and they will soon EITHER change the way they conduct business or Lose a lot of money .. The Washington fans quit supporting this Snyder owned team long ago and What blows my mind is that even with an eroded fan base this team even without a established indendity was sold for 6.5 Billion… the Big question is why is a team with a twenty year losing record .. scandal after scandal … the original NAME deemed Rascist thus two name changes and counting IF this team is worth 6.5 billion then what are the Cowboys , Patriots, Chiefs, Giants, Bears worth ???
I can’t believe first Snyder sold and the amount he got … The ONLY factor I can think is the location ( Washington DC) .. Nations Capital .. it certainly was NOT the product on the field and any legacy that once was …
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Old 07-22-2023, 08:58 PM   #11
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
SS this is well documented by news outlets everywhere. Corporate sponsors became disgusted with his behavior and realized doing business with him was bad for them, his revenue declined. As attendance declined as a result of consistent mediocrity thanks in part to his meddling in personnel decisions, revenue declined further. As revenue declined he struggled to meet financial commitments. He excluded Fred Smith and Dwight Schar, his minority partners, from having a say by refusing to hold board meetings. They eventually decided he was so toxic to their revenue stream that it was in their interests to sell their stake. When they did, Snyder got a waiver from the NFL, allowing him to take out more debt on the Commanders than any NFL team ever had, so he could buy them out. At that point he was $1.1B in debt, with declining attendance, declining sponsorship revenue. Other owners hated him and he was being investigated by Mary Jo White, but it was the inability to make enough money to make the payments on the $1.1B debt that forced him to sell.

Let this be an example of how capitalism can deliver a business owner the comeuppance he sometimes deserves. The corporate sponsorships and every fan who decided it wasn’t worth it to buy tickets and go to games had a hand in ushering Snyder out.
^ There you go. Every reason he left wrapped up nicely in one post. Thread can be closed now lol. Snyder’s farewell statement boasting of how diverse the org is now etc was so annoying. Dude is delusional.
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Old 07-23-2023, 05:57 AM   #12
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

also, the threat the other owners would force him out, could have meant the NFL buying the team for 4.8billion, and then reselling it at 6billion, which could have been a good incentive not to ---- around and find out.
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Old 07-23-2023, 09:27 AM   #13
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
SS this is well documented by news outlets everywhere. Corporate sponsors became disgusted with his behavior and realized doing business with him was bad for them, his revenue declined. As attendance declined as a result of consistent mediocrity thanks in part to his meddling in personnel decisions, revenue declined further. As revenue declined he struggled to meet financial commitments. He excluded Fred Smith and Dwight Schar, his minority partners, from having a say by refusing to hold board meetings. They eventually decided he was so toxic to their revenue stream that it was in their interests to sell their stake. When they did, Snyder got a waiver from the NFL, allowing him to take out more debt on the Commanders than any NFL team ever had, so he could buy them out. At that point he was $1.1B in debt, with declining attendance, declining sponsorship revenue. Other owners hated him and he was being investigated by Mary Jo White, but it was the inability to make enough money to make the payments on the $1.1B debt that forced him to sell.

Let this be an example of how capitalism can deliver a business owner the comeuppance he sometimes deserves. The corporate sponsorships and every fan who decided it wasn’t worth it to buy tickets and go to games had a hand in ushering Snyder out.

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Old 07-23-2023, 10:15 AM   #14
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

Originally Posted by rocnrik View Post
The great think about capitalism is that folks can NOT buy or support the companies/team/people and they will soon EITHER change the way they conduct business or Lose a lot of money .. The Washington fans quit supporting this Snyder owned team long ago and What blows my mind is that even with an eroded fan base this team even without a established indendity was sold for 6.5 Billion… the Big question is why is a team with a twenty year losing record .. scandal after scandal … the original NAME deemed Rascist thus two name changes and counting IF this team is worth 6.5 billion then what are the Cowboys , Patriots, Chiefs, Giants, Bears worth ???
I can’t believe first Snyder sold and the amount he got … The ONLY factor I can think is the location ( Washington DC) .. Nations Capital .. it certainly was NOT the product on the field and any legacy that once was …
The fan base is so passionate about football here, this is from the great redskins legacy created by Joe Gibbs during our glory days. Even when the nats, caps, or wiz do well…it is NOTHING to the buzz the football team creates even with a hint of success. Listen to the radio shows and football dominates. This is a sleeping giant, if the redskins could ever be as good as the chiefs,…it would absolutely transform the energy in our region…completely
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Old 07-23-2023, 11:22 AM   #15
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Re: Dan Snyder - what lead him to finally sell

Schneed nailed it. It may be that the last hammer blow to that last coffin nail was Dan starting to investigate other owners and threatening to bring them down. They circled the wagons and made it clear that he was a dead man walking. 31 billionaires can unleash forces that would crush a man in ways we mortals couldn’t imagine.

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