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Maybe Vinny Cerrato isn't the Anti-Christ

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Old 03-25-2007, 06:09 PM   #106
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Re: Maybe Vinny Cerrato isn't the Anti-Christ

theres one thing that the snyde hasnt done and am a bit suprised about,and that is we dont have that little bitch T.O.for that i thank the SNYDE for.
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Old 03-25-2007, 08:53 PM   #107
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Re: Maybe Vinny Cerrato isn't the Anti-Christ

Originally Posted by dmek25 View Post
the skins have one pick because of past dealings. they haven't traded future picks( so far) and have kept free agent signings to low key guys. it looks like someone is learning as you go. offiss, i don't know why you cant let this Marc Brunell thing go. i agree, it was a screw up. but thats old news. Brunell , to me, is an adequate back up. and doesn't make a ton of money. but as much as Gibbs was wrong about Brunell, you were about Ramsey. so lets get over it
I was just making a point about how Gibbs can't let go when he fails, he tries to drive a square peg through a round hole, it seems your the one that has to continually try to throw Ramsey into the mix everytime I bash Brunell to somehow lesson the blow of responsibility for Gibbs who should have been far more informed than myself on the actual talent level of Brunell, yet he wasen't. If Gibbs had his way Theisman or Riggins wouldn't have been around when he took over back in 81'. In the end I will be more right about Ramsey than Gibbs ever was about Brunell, you see Ramsey will have opportunities, Brunell? Well so long as Gibbs is coach he will have opportunity, to bad he wont do anything with it. Even if I am equally wrong about Ramsey in the end Gibbs still loses because Ramsey wasen't signed to mega million dollar contract. Just because Gibbs say's Ramsey can't play means absolutly nothing to me, after all he also felt Joey T. couldn't play, as well as thinking Brunell could, let's just say his judgement has been a little off.

I probably should have used some of the other free agent blunders to make you happy and left the 43 million dollar one out.

the skins have one pick because of past dealings. they haven't traded future picks( so far) and have kept free agent signings to low key guys. it looks like someone is learning as you go

This is your case? Because we have nothing left to deal, and no money to pay anyone if we did, because of how Gibbs has run the personel dept. has nothing to do with it? And the draft is a month a way, we still have time to screw up. I do expect London Fletcher to set the world on fire though at 32 years old, it's a great move considering there are no MLB's in college football that are available in this years draft. If Gibbs truely changed his way's Fletcher wouldn't be here, but like a moth to a flame he couldn't resist, and as usual next year we will be dabating who we should get to replace Fletcher, and on it goes.
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Old 03-25-2007, 08:57 PM   #108
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Re: Maybe Vinny Cerrato isn't the Anti-Christ

Originally Posted by #56fanatic View Post
All coaches say the right things that the media or fans want to hear, just like athletes. Fact is, Gibbs can lie, or bend the truth just like anyone else. I think he has proven that the last few years. If anyone thinks the guy is HONEST ABE your kidding yourself. Players who were CORE guys, will be with the team for years to come, blah blah blah, all seem to have disapeared. he is as guilty as anyone in this league blowing smoke up peoples asses as anyone.
You said it. Nice post and dead on.
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Old 03-25-2007, 10:18 PM   #109
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Re: Maybe Vinny Cerrato isn't the Anti-Christ

Originally Posted by offiss View Post
Does he really learn from past mistakes?

Brunell was a big one and he's still on the team, I believe Gibbs has a very hard time swallowing his pride regardless of what he might say. He's an accomplished coach, not GM, which is what he really want's to be, it is a tough pill to swallow especially if your costing your employer 10's of millions of dollars, and that is exactly what's going on right now, Gibbs is spending mega bucks with Snyder fitting the bill. I have seen him do the same thing over and over again since the day he's arrived, overpay for mediocre talent, the fact that we haven't run amuck this year is we are not only capped out, but scared of another big name blunder, we don't know which way to turn when it comes to personel, and I see us some how, some way, screwing up this draft even with only 1 pick, stupid is as stupid does!
Cutting Brunell before this point would have been a mistake. Until Campbell does what we all expect him to do next year, puts together a good year, Brunell is still the best QB we've had since we brought him here.

I agree with you that giving a 3rd rounder for the guy was probably an instance where we jumped the gun a bit, but you have to cut it with the "Gibbs won't let go" sh-t. Gibbs won't let go, because if he did let go, we'd be letting go of our best proven QB, still a very solid backup in this league. If Brunell does his job this year, and plays well as a backup, then I would argue that the trade for him would be a success. If he can give us three years of efficient play (in four years here), even if one is as a backup, you'd have a tough time convincing me or any other reasonable fan that the trade was a mistake.

Gibbs along with Snyder (with the backing of everyone in the organization) did what any good GM would have done--they spent big bucks following a successful season. They tried to bring in talent to get over the hump and win the superbowl. You know what? They spent foolishly. They got no siginificant upgrades while locking up 40 million in guarenteed money. But that was the type of mistake I would expect them to learn from.

Can you honestly say they haven't learned? They certainly approached this offseason very conservatively. Are you telling me that this conservativeness is purely coincidental?

If you honestly think there is no hope for the organization, why do you stick with the team? I mean, changing allegiences based on who's "hot" is cowardly, but if you truely believe that this team will never be good again (a ridiculous notion), why still follow them?

Kind of funny in a year when we have 1 legitamate pick we back off of free agency. I think people have the notion that drafting a D-lineman is going to cure all our ill's? Ain't happening! We have far to many holes, and no picks to fill them.
I think some people do think we are one pick away from fixing the defensive line. On top of the fact that one pick won't make up for another 3 crappy players, we also as fans have to realize that we can't expect a rookie to be a savior as a rookie. He's going to have to take a year or so to learn on the job before he reaches a semblance of his potential. So in this way, I am in total agreement with you that our defense will still play poorly next year. But let me give you two reasons why EVERY Redskin fan should expect us to win more than we lose next year:

1) Offensive potential
2) Law of averages

Even with the defense struggling, the Law of averages believes that we will NOT have the 32nd ranked pass D again next year. Our production will improve simply because we can't have as much go wrong as last year.

Our offense should keep us in games. Because we will be in games, we will have a chance to beat every team on our schedule. We will take our share of losses, and unless Phili's defense blows, we probably won't catch them in the division, but in a 16 game season, strange things can happen.

I expect a 9-7 next year. I would consider anything more than that lucky, and anything less unlucky.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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Old 03-26-2007, 12:10 PM   #110
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Re: Maybe Vinny Cerrato isn't the Anti-Christ

Originally Posted by Defensewins View Post
This is still a bussiness. Gibbs makes a big effort to try and keep core guys on the team. However two things can get in the way: (1) the Salary cap/budget and (2) the value of what a player thinks he is worth in comparison to what the team feels the player is worth. The Redksins are not going to sign a core player regardless of salary.
The guard that just signd with the Bills is a perfect example. That is another Archuleta type contract, the Redskins were smart not to match.. The Bills will end up cutting him in a few years once they realize his true value, just like what happened to Smoot in Minnesota.
Smoot was not worth that Minnesota contract. Archuleta was not worth his redskins contract. It s about being smart with the Salary cap and not having to renegotiate and back loading contracts because we are right up to the Salary cap.
Regardless if the player is a church going great Redskin. Bottom line is this is a bussiness. The NFL should get rid of the salary cap. It hurts the league, the fans and the team when a team can not afford to re-sign a core player because of the cap.

are we talking about the same team? the skins smart with cap contracts, not overpaying people? we have done that for 8 years. Just because we show restraint in one FA signing period doesn't knock the trend. Personally, I would rather over pay for one of our own, than to over pay for someone outside the team. Dockery being a perfect example. No he wasn't worth 49 million, but was Arch worth his contract, Randel el, Lloyd, CArter? None of them are worth that money. But for somereason we will overpay those guys and show Dock the door. They knew dock was FA a year, two years ago. The only bright spot of our team last year was the OLINE, the only true dominant aspect of this team. It should have never come down to him even being a FA. That is cap mismanagement. yes they do wonders with moving money around here and there to create space, backload contracts whatever, but you dont let a guy that young, that stong, and that good become a FA.
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Old 03-26-2007, 12:12 PM   #111
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Re: Maybe Vinny Cerrato isn't the Anti-Christ

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
That's not what the original discussion was about. The original discussion had to do with whether or not Gibbs is genuine when he sticks his neck out and is the first one to always take the blame when things are going wrong.

Of course he bends the truth or says what people want to hear regarding certain things like personnel decisions, but I have no doubt that when he says "blame me", he is 110% genuine and losing hurts him to the core.

I dont think anyone would dispute losing hurts him. And taking the blame, thats what a head coach is suppose to do. I dont believe I have ever heard a head coach say the OLINE coach, D-cord, owner are responsible for ANOTHER losing record.
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Old 03-26-2007, 01:44 PM   #112
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Re: Maybe Vinny Cerrato isn't the Anti-Christ

Originally Posted by #56fanatic View Post
are we talking about the same team? the skins smart with cap contracts, not overpaying people? we have done that for 8 years. Just because we show restraint in one FA signing period doesn't knock the trend. Personally, I would rather over pay for one of our own, than to over pay for someone outside the team. Dockery being a perfect example. No he wasn't worth 49 million, but was Arch worth his contract, Randel el, Lloyd, CArter? None of them are worth that money. But for somereason we will overpay those guys and show Dock the door. They knew dock was FA a year, two years ago. The only bright spot of our team last year was the OLINE, the only true dominant aspect of this team. It should have never come down to him even being a FA. That is cap mismanagement. yes they do wonders with moving money around here and there to create space, backload contracts whatever, but you dont let a guy that young, that stong, and that good become a FA.

I agree with everything but Dock, I hope that the leopard really has changed it spots and starting with Dock, mark my words we will be better without him.
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