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Fresh Start Political Thread

Debating with the enemy

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Old 09-17-2021, 07:26 AM   #1006
punch it in
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

Fox news and Chico…
Milley took Chinas side over Trumps!

Real world …
Milley chose country over a rogue and mentally unstable man child with nuclear codes.

You would think the insurrection that he led after the fact would clue you in on how far he was willing to go to avoid accepting defeat but nope. We get a rant on trannys. Its fuckin crazy that you dont see it. Scary. Crazy.
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Old 09-20-2021, 05:30 PM   #1007
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

Here we are the wealthiest country in the Western Hemisphere plenty of resources. So let’s deport thousands of people to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere because of course they can take care of these refugees. We are great neighbors
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Old 09-20-2021, 05:47 PM   #1008
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

Originally Posted by BaltimoreSkins View Post
Here we are the wealthiest country in the Western Hemisphere plenty of resources. So let’s deport thousands of people to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere because of course they can take care of these refugees. We are great neighbors
And so, what you have today is that you have Haitians in Mexico, either who have been here since 2016 or people who are newly arriving from these South American countries, and they cannot get work permits, they cannot get jobs. It is a very difficult situation. Their families in the U.S. or elsewhere are the ones having to send money to them. They’re staying in hotels, where maybe it’s $15 U.S. a day. So, they are now at a point of desperation. But they don’t want to go back to Haiti. You know, for them, this is a country that’s unstable. This is a country with a whole gang situation. This is a country that has changed in the two years, the six years, the 10 years, the 14 years that they have been away. So they take this chance, based on these false rumors, in an attempt to come to the United States. And so, this is the difficulty that you’re finding.

^^ from the article you linked.

heart breaking ... im going to sound like a flip flopping asshole after my bleeding heart Tigray post .... but we have to enforce our immigration laws.

We cant have anyone and everyone just walk into our country.

I think a good bit of Trump and the far right motivations come from "white replacement fear" and "white rage" from that fear ... Trump is our last hope, Make America White Again really is the true slogan ....

but open borders would end this country as we know it.

If you seek asylum, it is supposed ot be at the country bordering your country. Dont get to travel through like 5 different countries to choose America as your "asylum claim" country.

They should be kept/stopped in mexico and from there, have their claim processed and considered. Im sure we give Mexcio a shot ton of money to keep them there at the border.

President Biden has fast tracked the asylum process to try and address the issue after Trump/Miller clogged the system to a halt.

Illegal immigration is a throny issue.
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Old 09-21-2021, 05:44 AM   #1009
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

Originally Posted by punch it in View Post
fox news and chico…
milley took chinas side over trumps!

Real world …
milley chose country over a rogue and mentally unstable man child with nuclear codes.

You would think the insurrection that he led after the fact would clue you in on how far he was willing to go to avoid accepting defeat but nope. We get a rant on trannys. Its fuckin crazy that you dont see it. Scary. Crazy.
100% +1 !
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Old 09-21-2021, 10:27 AM   #1010
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

People are fucking dying under a bridge in a massive humanitarian crisis in Texas

And crickets here
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Old 09-21-2021, 10:42 AM   #1011
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

Originally Posted by SunnySide View Post
And so, what you have today is that you have Haitians in Mexico, either who have been here since 2016 or people who are newly arriving from these South American countries, and they cannot get work permits, they cannot get jobs. It is a very difficult situation. Their families in the U.S. or elsewhere are the ones having to send money to them. They’re staying in hotels, where maybe it’s $15 U.S. a day. So, they are now at a point of desperation. But they don’t want to go back to Haiti. You know, for them, this is a country that’s unstable. This is a country with a whole gang situation. This is a country that has changed in the two years, the six years, the 10 years, the 14 years that they have been away. So they take this chance, based on these false rumors, in an attempt to come to the United States. And so, this is the difficulty that you’re finding.

^^ from the article you linked.

heart breaking ... im going to sound like a flip flopping asshole after my bleeding heart Tigray post .... but we have to enforce our immigration laws.

We cant have anyone and everyone just walk into our country.

I think a good bit of Trump and the far right motivations come from "white replacement fear" and "white rage" from that fear ... Trump is our last hope, Make America White Again really is the true slogan ....

but open borders would end this country as we know it.

If you seek asylum, it is supposed ot be at the country bordering your country. Dont get to travel through like 5 different countries to choose America as your "asylum claim" country.

They should be kept/stopped in mexico and from there, have their claim processed and considered. Im sure we give Mexcio a shot ton of money to keep them there at the border.

President Biden has fast tracked the asylum process to try and address the issue after Trump/Miller clogged the system to a halt.

Illegal immigration is a throny issue.
I guess I don't understand why it has to be an either or issue. I am not advocating for an open border, but to deport people to a country that has no leadership right now, just hit by an earth quake and then follow it up by a hurricane when we are much better equipped to handle their basic humanitarian needs right now is highly unethical imo.
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Old 09-21-2021, 10:46 AM   #1012
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
People are fucking dying under a bridge in a massive humanitarian crisis in Texas

And crickets here
What took you so long to bring it up?
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Old 09-21-2021, 11:20 AM   #1013
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

Originally Posted by BaltimoreSkins View Post
I guess I don't understand why it has to be an either or issue. I am not advocating for an open border, but to deport people to a country that has no leadership right now, just hit by an earth quake and then follow it up by a hurricane when we are much better equipped to handle their basic humanitarian needs right now is highly unethical imo.
Reading your article with interviews of people there and I heard a radio interviews of the haitian refugees ... vast majority left haiti in 2016.

Perhaps Im drawing an imaginary line .. but these people left haiti years before the recent earthquake. If they had left bc of the earthquake then maybe Id have a different view ... as I sit in the comfort of an office sipping coffee.

Refugees have to seek asylum to the closest bordering country. They cant leap frog 5 countries bc they want to come to America. many of the haitians seem to have come from Venezuela, stayed there for a while and then venzuela became not friendly to them.

Just because you are born in Haiti doesnt mean you can just walk up the border and say I want to be an American.

We need to enforce our immigration laws on the books ... and the best we can do is to try and make the process as fast and as painless as possible.


Many said their only hope was to once again follow the long, arduous road of migration.

“I’m not going to stay in Haiti,” said Elène Jean-Baptiste, 28, who traveled with her 3-year-old son, Steshanley Sylvain, who was born in Chile and has a Chilean passport, and her husband, Stevenson Sylvain.

Many of the migrants who stepped off the plane Sunday have little to return to.

Claire Bazille left home in 2015, and had a job cleaning office buildings in Chile’s capital, Santiago. It wasn’t the dream life she had left Haiti to find, but she got by, even sending money home to her mother each month.

When Ms. Bazille heard that it was possible to enter the United States under the Biden administration, she left everything behind and headed north, joining other Haitians along the way.

^^ you have a job in Chile, son was born there with a Chile passport ... stay in Chile. You had a job, you presumably had a home, food, you had a life.

That is not conditions for seeking asylum.
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Old 09-21-2021, 12:13 PM   #1014
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

I am fine with denying asylum. I just don't understand deporting to a country at this very moment when the infrastructure is not in place. I see this as a positive feedback loop. In the long run this will create even more asylum/refugee seekers.
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Old 09-21-2021, 12:49 PM   #1015
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

Originally Posted by BaltimoreSkins View Post
I am fine with denying asylum. I just don't understand deporting to a country at this very moment when the infrastructure is not in place. I see this as a positive feedback loop. In the long run this will create even more asylum/refugee seekers.
I agree, Im starting to waffle a bit ... I just dont have a good solution.

Stay in mexico/Tijuana?
go back to Chile, Brazil and Venezuela where they are being viewed negatively?
Id safely guess we dont have 13k empty beds at our immigration centers.
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Old 09-21-2021, 02:12 PM   #1016
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

I don't have a solution either. Shitty situation. You are right it is not an excuse for asylum.
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Old 09-21-2021, 02:44 PM   #1017
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
People are fucking dying due to rampant misinformation on social media about coronavirus

And crickets here
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Old 09-21-2021, 02:49 PM   #1018
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
This is The Mooby Special.

Almost as good as stopping short.

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Old 09-21-2021, 02:49 PM   #1019
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

Originally Posted by SunnySide View Post
Reading your article with interviews of people there and I heard a radio interviews of the haitian refugees ... vast majority left haiti in 2016.

Perhaps Im drawing an imaginary line .. but these people left haiti years before the recent earthquake. If they had left bc of the earthquake then maybe Id have a different view ... as I sit in the comfort of an office sipping coffee.

Refugees have to seek asylum to the closest bordering country. They cant leap frog 5 countries bc they want to come to America. many of the haitians seem to have come from Venezuela, stayed there for a while and then venzuela became not friendly to them.

Just because you are born in Haiti doesnt mean you can just walk up the border and say I want to be an American.

We need to enforce our immigration laws on the books ... and the best we can do is to try and make the process as fast and as painless as possible.
This is the difference between us and certain conservatives (not calling anyone on this forum out specifically).

When Stephen Miller is running your national immigration policy - they don't want any immigrants coming in - legally or not.

I only dip my toes in on the immigration waters because I'm not very well informed and there isn't a "one policy fits all" approach.

For me I agree with that line though. The best thing we can do is revamp the infrastructure to speed up the process to get people in here legally. That means more infrastructure for better background checks and visas getting approved quicker. The only people I'm not letting in are violent and/or career criminals.
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Old 09-21-2021, 03:03 PM   #1020
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Re: Fresh Start Political Thread

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
This is the difference between us and certain conservatives (not calling anyone on this forum out specifically).

When Stephen Miller is running your national immigration policy - they don't want any immigrants coming in - legally or not.

I only dip my toes in on the immigration waters because I'm not very well informed and there isn't a "one policy fits all" approach.

For me I agree with that line though. The best thing we can do is revamp the infrastructure to speed up the process to get people in here legally. That means more infrastructure for better background checks and visas getting approved quicker. The only people I'm not letting in are violent and/or career criminals.

I agree we can't bring everyone in but there has to be a better way!
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