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New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

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Old 01-03-2014, 12:45 PM   #976
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

I went with the PS4. It was hard to snag on Amazon, it's literally in stock one minute and out the next. Had to play the game of refreshing my browser every 2 seconds trying to get it in my cart all day yesterday but it finally paid off. Had a bunch of gift cards from xmas so I got it at a good price too.

Looking forward to Battlefield. After playing it the last few weeks on the 360 I found myself constantly wondering how much better would this be on the new consoles.
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Old 01-03-2014, 04:01 PM   #977
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

I have the PS4, waiting on UFC and of course Uncharted. Haven't enjoyed COD since Modern Warefare 2, and never got into Battlefield, and yes the Skins ruined Madden so i have been playing a lot of Assassin's Creed Black Flag and NBA 2k14.

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Old 01-03-2014, 04:08 PM   #978
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

Doesn't anyone just use a different team when the Skins have a bad year? I'll either do that or do a fantasy draft.
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Old 01-03-2014, 05:41 PM   #979
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Doesn't anyone just use a different team when the Skins have a bad year? I'll either do that or do a fantasy draft.
I usually play through a few years with the Skins then I start over with a new team and fantasy draft.
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Old 01-03-2014, 06:27 PM   #980
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

I've been getting into the ultimate team stuff lately too. I had to put the brakes on buying packs with my own $$ though.
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Old 01-03-2014, 08:09 PM   #981
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

I don't get a lot of time to play, I still have Battlefield 4 and AC4 sitting unopened on the shelf. I guess that's why I'm still playing GTA online when I do get some time.
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Old 01-05-2014, 03:45 PM   #982
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

Is GTA online any good?
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Old 01-05-2014, 06:07 PM   #983
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Is GTA online any good?
Hackers are running the show right now so if you haven't played before depending on what you want to do it's hit or miss.

Before the hackers came along it was super hard to make money, you start with nothing and really gotta buckle down and keep repeating missions just to save up money. I didn't want to start with a small 2 car garage so I waited until I saved up 200 grand (missions averaging about 1-3 grand when you start and gradually getting higher) and bought the big apartment with the 10 car garage.

Then the hackers came along and all of a sudden everybody's driving Bugatti's and running around with tanks killing everybody with all the hacked money they got. Someone put a 1 billion bounty on me and I survived it so I got to keep the money, and now that I'm rich the game is a lot more enjoyable because I don't have to save just to buy customization options for my car or my gun. It takes a really long time to unlock everything though, so you gotta commit time to it if you want to unlock the good guns, the better car custom options, etc.

The activities aren't bad though, I enjoy the variety of the missions, you can do parachute jumps, any kind of race imaginable, deathmatches, survival mode (waves of enemies) capture the flag style shit, and they even have the content creator for races and deathmatches. One of the popular fan created deathmatches is a Battlefield style one where the teams start with tanks and jets and just go at it. Eventually once they get the hackers under control I think they'll add heists to it so you can get rich quicker if you don't want to join everybody getting rich from the hackers.

They are banning anyone hacking, anyone who accepts gifts of money from the hackers, etc. I think the reason I haven't been lumped in the cheater pool is because mine was a bounty. Either way it's up to you. Just remember when you start out it's with basically nothing, and you gotta level up to unlock better guns, better custom options, etc. And it's faster to level up if you play with friends, which I do.
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Old 01-06-2014, 12:53 AM   #984
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Hackers are running the show right now so if you haven't played before depending on what you want to do it's hit or miss.

Before the hackers came along it was super hard to make money, you start with nothing and really gotta buckle down and keep repeating missions just to save up money. I didn't want to start with a small 2 car garage so I waited until I saved up 200 grand (missions averaging about 1-3 grand when you start and gradually getting higher) and bought the big apartment with the 10 car garage.

Then the hackers came along and all of a sudden everybody's driving Bugatti's and running around with tanks killing everybody with all the hacked money they got. Someone put a 1 billion bounty on me and I survived it so I got to keep the money, and now that I'm rich the game is a lot more enjoyable because I don't have to save just to buy customization options for my car or my gun. It takes a really long time to unlock everything though, so you gotta commit time to it if you want to unlock the good guns, the better car custom options, etc.

The activities aren't bad though, I enjoy the variety of the missions, you can do parachute jumps, any kind of race imaginable, deathmatches, survival mode (waves of enemies) capture the flag style shit, and they even have the content creator for races and deathmatches. One of the popular fan created deathmatches is a Battlefield style one where the teams start with tanks and jets and just go at it. Eventually once they get the hackers under control I think they'll add heists to it so you can get rich quicker if you don't want to join everybody getting rich from the hackers.

They are banning anyone hacking, anyone who accepts gifts of money from the hackers, etc. I think the reason I haven't been lumped in the cheater pool is because mine was a bounty. Either way it's up to you. Just remember when you start out it's with basically nothing, and you gotta level up to unlock better guns, better custom options, etc. And it's faster to level up if you play with friends, which I do.
Thanks for the solid analysis mooby. I just started single player about a week ago and I'm loving it. I'm still months away from playing online, but this is good to know.
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Old 01-06-2014, 03:00 AM   #985
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

Just bought the Xbox One the other day… funny to think that big brother could be watching me walk around nekkid.

The new features are pretty nice though, most notably the 'snap' thing. Watching ESPN while things load is awesome. The voice commands are handy when you learn them all, weird talking to a little machine. The hand commands however are not so user-friendly IMO. Can't imagine I'd use them much anyways even if they were. New games look/play great.
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Old 01-06-2014, 04:57 PM   #986
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

While you guys are rockin' the PS4 and the XBOX ONE, I'm rockin' the PS3, the Sega Genesis, Nintendo, and yes...a real authentic Atari 2600!

I love video games, but they have gotten so expensive (and plus I don't have much time to play them) that I usually have to wait until they're dirt old before I can afford them. Madden is the only game I'm willing to spend $60 on - and I don't even buy that game every year! I broke out NHL '08 the other day. I'm not a huge hockey fan, but I remember taking a chance on this game when I first bought my PS3. It was quite fun to play and I actually learned a lot more about hockey playing this game than sitting down and watching hockey on TV. I decided I need to expand my sports games, so I used my Amazon gift cards from Christmas and bought MLB '12 The Show, and NBA '11. Both of those games have super graphics - even being a little long in the tooth, these games still impress me visually! The game play is pretty good with the basketball game. I can win pretty easily with the Lakers, but the other teams - even the classic Bulls teams - I have a hard time winning with. The baseball game is OK. I always start these games on the easily level, but the baseball was a little boring. The graphics are awesome, but the game play kind of sucked. I'm thinking I have to up the level to get a little more enjoyment out of it. I'm not a HUGE baseball fan to begin with, but the video games are usually enjoyable.

I also bought Gran Turismo 5, but haven't had a chance to play it yet. It took hours to down and install - and by the time it was ready to play, it was like 1 o'clock in the morning! So, I haven't had a chance to check that out yet.

So, question for you guys. I was knocking around the idea of picking up one of the FIFA soccer games. I don't want the latest and greatest because I'm not a big fan of soccer, but was wondering if anybody has tried the soccer games and if they like them?
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Old 02-11-2014, 02:04 PM   #987
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

Anyone check out Outlast? Free download on PS4 right now. If you like survival horror this game is pretty sweet.

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Old 02-11-2014, 02:25 PM   #988
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

Sadly @ the age of 40 with two kids I think I have offical out grown video games. I miss the days of playing a game all day trying to beat it.

Back in the day when you got home from school and nobody else was home. You would play a game until someone showed up. I always knew it was a good day of gaming if you were so ingrossed you didn't even realize it got dark out.
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Old 02-11-2014, 04:53 PM   #989
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

I feel like I'm the last of my group of friends who still plays consistently, even though I don't play nearly as much as I used to. I have nobody on my PS4 friend list right now lol... oh well.
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Old 02-11-2014, 06:27 PM   #990
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Re: New Games on the Horizon (the video game thread)

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
I feel like I'm the last of my group of friends who still plays consistently, even though I don't play nearly as much as I used to. I have nobody on my PS4 friend list right now lol... oh well.
It is more a time thing now then anything else. I love to be able to bury myself in a great game; just too little time to do so.
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