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Breaking: Montae Nicholson left woman at hospital before she died from drug overdose

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Old 11-20-2019, 04:15 PM   #76
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Re: Breaking: Montae Nicholson left woman at hospital before she died from drug overdose

Originally Posted by mooby View Post

Well this story is about to get more complicated.

I'm sure plenty of you will be quick to rush to judgement and condemn Montae for having drugs in his house, but I'll wait until we have the complete story before we crucify Montae for dating an addict.

And I don't care if the weed is Montae's because it's common knowledge NFL players prefer weed to pills. The article also doesn't mention where the foil with residue was found either, unless he fails a drug test I would probably guess and say that was hers.
yeah man...poor Monte. All this shit happening to him is out of his control.
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Old 11-20-2019, 04:40 PM   #77
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Re: Breaking: Montae Nicholson left woman at hospital before she died from drug overdose

Originally Posted by mooby View Post

Well this story is about to get more complicated.

I'm sure plenty of you will be quick to rush to judgement and condemn Montae for having drugs in his house, but I'll wait until we have the complete story before we crucify Montae for dating an addict.

And I don't care if the weed is Montae's because it's common knowledge NFL players prefer weed to pills. The article also doesn't mention where the foil with residue was found either, unless he fails a drug test I would probably guess and say that was hers.
What part of this is complicated? I hope you're not shocked. Birds of a feather flock together, pretty sure Montae's crew doesn't come over for milk and cookies to study the Bible. Pretty sure most people into clean living don't date heroin addicts.
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Old 11-20-2019, 06:07 PM   #78
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Re: Breaking: Montae Nicholson left woman at hospital before she died from drug overdose

Originally Posted by Buffalo Bob View Post
What part of this is complicated? I hope you're not shocked. Birds of a feather flock together, pretty sure Montae's crew doesn't come over for milk and cookies to study the Bible. Pretty sure most people into clean living don't date heroin addicts.
Who's to say he even knew? Unless she had visible track marks everywhere and other obvious signs he might not have even known.

And Chico, Montae (spell his gd name right please) is not the victim in this. But he's not the problem either.
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Old 11-20-2019, 06:30 PM   #79
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Re: Breaking: Montae Nicholson left woman at hospital before she died from drug overdose

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Who's to say he even knew? Unless she had visible track marks everywhere and other obvious signs he might not have even known.

And Chico, Montae (spell his gd name right please) is not the victim in this. But he's not the problem either.
You can't be serious. So far what is known to us is he was beating the hell out of a dude who wasn't fighting back, he could have killed or permanently disabled the guy. I don't care what happened before, even if it is self defense, once you neutralize the threat you stop the onslaught. Then a women dies in his house from a drug overdose. I suppose you figure Montae was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Seriously, you think someone can hide being a junkie from someone they spend a lot of time with? Back in the day I worked at a company that had a few practicing junkies, you could spot them a mile away.
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Old 11-20-2019, 07:00 PM   #80
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Re: Breaking: Montae Nicholson left woman at hospital before she died from drug overdose

Originally Posted by Buffalo Bob View Post
You can't be serious. So far what is known to us is he was beating the hell out of a dude who wasn't fighting back, he could have killed or permanently disabled the guy. I don't care what happened before, even if it is self defense, once you neutralize the threat you stop the onslaught. Then a women dies in his house from a drug overdose. I suppose you figure Montae was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Seriously, you think someone can hide being a junkie from someone they spend a lot of time with? Back in the day I worked at a company that had a few practicing junkies, you could spot them a mile away.
Why do you keep bringing up getting into the fight? All we know is he beat up another guy. We don't know what started it. Was it warranted at all? No, it clearly wasn't. Even if he was defending himself you have to know when to stop. But that's all you got. And now the girl he was dating died after OD'ing. He wasn't her supplier, and possibly might not have even known she was doing anything other than popular party drugs (which can be a gateway to drugs like heroin).

Btw, do you think her parents knew about her addiction? I guarantee you, you know an addict. Just because the signs aren't obvious doesn't mean it's not happening. Living in this country right now, it's an epidemic for a reason. It effects everybody from all walks of life. Poor, rich, young, old. Doesn't matter. The stigma that comes from being an addict, being treated like a criminal vs. someone with a health issue, and it's hard to believe this girl could hide her addiction successfully.
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Old 11-20-2019, 08:19 PM   #81
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Re: Breaking: Montae Nicholson left woman at hospital before she died from drug overdose

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Who's to say he even knew? Unless she had visible track marks everywhere and other obvious signs he might not have even known.

And Chico, Montae (spell his gd name right please) is not the victim in this. But he's not the problem either.
Lol...”well, now I understand why she be so sleepy all the time”

Monty is a mental midget if he couldn’t tell a girl who he dated for 6 months was using dope. And yes he is a problem if illegal drugs found at his place. What a fuckin retard, you drop off your dying chick and then don’t go thru and clean out your house? What was he waiting for?
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Old 11-20-2019, 09:21 PM   #82
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Re: Breaking: Montae Nicholson left woman at hospital before she died from drug overdose

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Lol...”well, now I understand why she be so sleepy all the time”

Monty is a mental midget if he couldn’t tell a girl who he dated for 6 months was using dope. And yes he is a problem if illegal drugs found at his place. What a fuckin retard, you drop off your dying chick and then don’t go thru and clean out your house? What was he waiting for?
Her mom says they weren't dating, so probably FWB.

Also I'm surprised you say he's the problem since you are our resident toker.

One way or another he loses. Media says he's been cooperating with the investigation, now it's a red flag from you that he immediately didn't go home and clean out his house?

If he was guilty of anything, he'd be the first one disposing of any evidence. But cooperating with the 5-0 to clear his name, now that's to be frowned upon? LOL he can't win with you guys.

And for the 15th time, I'm fine cutting him because we can do better than him at safety. Obviously he's not the smartest guy (shoutout Buffalo Bob, if you could remind me what that previous incident was where he attempted to murder a guy yet for some reason didn't end up in prison for it), and he's not the best football player. But crucifying him because the girl he was fucking was an addict is par for the course for this forum.

Last edited by mooby; 11-20-2019 at 11:00 PM.
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Old 11-20-2019, 10:09 PM   #83
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Re: Breaking: Montae Nicholson left woman at hospital before she died from drug overdose

Give Apke a shot. He was giving up some plays but was also making some. He wasn't any worse than Montae.
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Old 11-20-2019, 10:14 PM   #84
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Re: Breaking: Montae Nicholson left woman at hospital before she died from drug overdose

He looked like he did not want to tackle in the game Sunday... this team has so many issues this is just another .. what a frickin soap opera of a poor ass excuse for what is supposed to be a proud franchise ...outside of a small handful of players they could waive most of this team and do no worse.. but I keep reminding myself ..”the culture is good”
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Old 11-21-2019, 11:12 AM   #85
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Re: Breaking: Montae Nicholson left woman at hospital before she died from drug overdose

Why didn't Nicholson dial 9-1-1 immediately? Putting saving her life above all else was the only moral thing to do.
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Old 11-24-2019, 07:35 AM   #86
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Re: Breaking: Montae Nicholson left woman at hospital before she died from drug overdose

Originally Posted by KI Skins Fan View Post
Why didn't Nicholson dial 9-1-1 immediately? Putting saving her life above all else was the only moral thing to do.
My first guess is that he had some shady AF people at his house when this happened, and also there was probably many drugs in there not only the ones that killed the woman. He probably considered it immediately like anyone would, but then either realized the risk he was taking or had someone tell him that along with EMS folks there would likely be police, etc, so he decided to just take her to the hospital himself.
Time to nut up or shut up
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