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Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

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Old 10-18-2006, 10:53 PM   #76
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

Originally Posted by Lady Brave View Post
A moral thing to do - by men.

What if it was a matriarchal society that decided it was a moral thing to castrate every male over the age of 18? You guys would be signin up left and right to impose the belief that you should keep your gonads.
I don't dis-agree with you, I think it's absurd... I really do.. I'm not some crazy guy that supports this.

But many people (including women) are not opposed to it and consider it a very important part of their culture. Is it right for us to judge them based on our societal standards? Would it be right for us to come from over-sea's and say... no... no you can't... its wrong... when clearly we're two different worlds... two different societies.... This is an extreme case, and hence the reason I brought it up, because it raises the moral questions of our responsibilites to influence the world abroad.

Where do we draw the line and say... Sorry you can't do that. We may think it's the right thing to go over and free these people. But at what cost? If we have muslim extremist trying to blow up our NFL stadiums mabye it's not our place.

We just have to realize imposing our belief and culture on another one comes at a huge price... and if you ask the victims of 911... they may want to institute a policy change.
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Old 10-19-2006, 12:10 AM   #77
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

If in some far land a group of people choose to follow a mysoginistic and socially retarding form of religion and insist on spreading it to all corners of the globe at which point would you take it seriously enough to make a stand?

It's not like they even treat women as equals. Did you know that according to Shari'a a man is equal to two women as far as courts are concerned? Did you know that a woman who is raped has to provide four witnesses to the crime or face charges of adultery?

What kind of socienty shrouds their women from head to foot for fear that the slightest hint of female flesh will arouse passions so strong that a man can't control the urges.

They (muslims) condem themselves to live in the dark ages through their adherence to islam.

What was the last great advance of civilization that came out of the ME?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Try this:

Jihad Watch


Islam Watch - Introduction to Handbook
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Old 10-19-2006, 12:21 AM   #78
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

I understand what you're saying and the point you're trying to make overall, but I have read stories about these women and not one of them thought it was a good thing to have their you know what removed. They felt violated and mutilated. They did not feel they were fulfilling some higher calling. The sole purpose within that particular culture is that those men want to suppress a woman's sexual desire. They believe it will keep women from being promiscuous, etc.

I really was only poking fun at that particular example. It's the same thing for a man. It's one of those things that you just don't want to think about.
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Old 10-19-2006, 12:40 AM   #79
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

Originally Posted by RobH4413 View Post
1) Tell me a better Government... and explain why.
Some would argue that a parliamentary system likes the Brits have is more representitive than our presidential system. Even with the foresight of our forefathers the presidential system is often devolved into a psedo-monarch.

In addition our dogged refusal(probably just an inability) as a nation to move beyond a 2 party system really leaves us with no where to go. It is always us versus them in the political world which I believe prevents reasoned and most likely successful solutions to our problems from having a real chance.

I'm not socialist or anything I just think the mechanics of our government aren't very good. It is a daunting task to fix though. The US could do it though. Probably the only country who could.

Maybe it just needs tweaks but who can look at our government and says it is totally working for us? We have problems every where we turn. Real problems. And Washington has no solutions really. I guess I am a pessimist with our government right now.
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Old 10-19-2006, 01:42 AM   #80
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

Originally Posted by Lady Brave View Post
I understand what you're saying and the point you're trying to make overall, but I have read stories about these women and not one of them thought it was a good thing to have their you know what removed. They felt violated and mutilated. They did not feel they were fulfilling some higher calling. The sole purpose within that particular culture is that those men want to suppress a woman's sexual desire. They believe it will keep women from being promiscuous, etc.

I really was only poking fun at that particular example. It's the same thing for a man. It's one of those things that you just don't want to think about.
I agree whole-heartedly... But my point was that we have to be very very carefull where we impose our beliefs.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone. Probably a terrible example. My only point is that, of course there are some cases where it's clearly a morally wrong thing thats going on. But the ends don't neccessarily justify the means in all cases and we should learn from any mistakes we have made. I hope that through globilization, and the spread of education throughout the world we can all reach a common ground on such issues such as moral responsibility. Our #1 goal as a country should be to educate the rest of the world. New technology has created a whole new realm of possibilities. I know the world may never "get along" and that an image of everyone holding hands and singing kum-bye-ya is unrealistic. But accepting ignorance is untolerable. We can't go on repeating the mistakes of the past. For every Muslim kid that see's our bombs being dropped, we have a new terrorist. For every Muslim kid that learns about different cultures, and accepting the world around him, we have an ally.

Yes we are a super-power and with that comes incredible responsibility, but at what cost. Our international leverage has become increasingly suspect, and with good reason. Flawed foreign policy, coupled by seemingly insensitive action has caused an uproar in the middle east. I don't consider myself either a democrat or a republican but I think we can both agree that we've got to do something different, and increased focus on globilization and education IMO is the best answer.
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Old 10-19-2006, 01:51 AM   #81
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

Originally Posted by FRPLG View Post
Some would argue that a parliamentary system likes the Brits have is more representitive than our presidential system. Even with the foresight of our forefathers the presidential system is often devolved into a psedo-monarch.

In addition our dogged refusal(probably just an inability) as a nation to move beyond a 2 party system really leaves us with no where to go. It is always us versus them in the political world which I believe prevents reasoned and most likely successful solutions to our problems from having a real chance.

I'm not socialist or anything I just think the mechanics of our government aren't very good. It is a daunting task to fix though. The US could do it though. Probably the only country who could.

Maybe it just needs tweaks but who can look at our government and says it is totally working for us? We have problems every where we turn. Real problems. And Washington has no solutions really. I guess I am a pessimist with our government right now.
No, I totally agree we can't settle for what we've got. Any government plagued by corruption and greed will not work.

In essence, our problem isn't in design, it's in the components of the design. We need to eliminate the corruption that is taking place. We're based on cash money... and that's a problem. Scandals involving refrigerators of money is more commonplace than ever, and someone has to institute legislation to put it to an end. Who you think that will be is up to you, but look at Mr. McCains record on eliminating such cases before you vote.
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Old 10-19-2006, 03:56 AM   #82
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

it's probably a hoax... if they REALLY wanted to pull something off, why would they leak it beforehand and explain the method of attack? (radiation)

that's just stupidity. and if you know it's radiological, getting detection set up for radiation is cheap and readily available.
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Old 10-19-2006, 08:53 AM   #83
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

Originally Posted by MightyJoeGibbs View Post
Originally Posted by FRPLG View Post
Wow, chill. I wasn't calling YOU ignorant or anything. It is a saying and I thought you not wanting to know everything fit with the ignorance is bliss type idea.
The peace remains. Know if you don't intend that then leave it alone, I may pull your card on it.
I dont think I will bowing at your feet, I may be just the guy to diss you.

There is another saying if you douche you need it. Now don't get upset if it appears im calling you as P****, R U SERIOUS!!!!

Like I would apologize.
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Old 10-19-2006, 10:58 AM   #84
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

I thought Al Qaeda was in the business of destroying recognizable national symbols? There are a ridiculous number of stadiums in the USA and I doubt a stadium is in their top 10 priorities.

The FUD is really ramping up. Wear your tinfoil hat folks.
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Old 10-19-2006, 12:42 PM   #85
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

Here's an update on the story:

The FBI was interviewing a Milwaukee resident Thursday believed to be responsible for posting what officials think are phony threats on a Web site about radiological dirty bomb attacks on NFL football stadiums this weekend. - NFL - Milwaukee resident believed to be behind stadium threats - Thursday October 19, 2006 10:21AM
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Old 10-19-2006, 03:04 PM   #86
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

I can't believe the ignorance I hear about Islam and Muslims ... it makes me sick. Go take a class, or read a book first before you start judging hundreds of millions of people based on the actions of a few.

The arabic world is full of bright, intellectual, caring, considerate people. And, there are MANY great mathematical and scientific contributions which originated in arabic countries.

BTW, Islam is NOT the only evangelical religion. Grow a brain, you people ...
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Old 10-19-2006, 03:21 PM   #87
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

Originally Posted by GhettoDogAllStars View Post
I can't believe the ignorance I hear about Islam and Muslims ... it makes me sick. Go take a class, or read a book first before you start judging hundreds of millions of people based on the actions of a few.

The arabic world is full of bright, intellectual, caring, considerate people. And, there are MANY great mathematical and scientific contributions which originated in arabic countries.

BTW, Islam is NOT the only evangelical religion. Grow a brain, you people ...
Nice post. Unfortunately, I've learned that most religious/political posts fall on many deaf ears. Which is why we prefer these discussions aren't part of this board because it usually ends up being unneccesarily combative. If we're going to fight, we might as well fight about why Duckett isn't playing more
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Old 10-19-2006, 09:10 PM   #88
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

Originally Posted by GhettoDogAllStars View Post
I can't believe the ignorance I hear about Islam and Muslims ... it makes me sick. Go take a class, or read a book first before you start judging hundreds of millions of people based on the actions of a few.

The arabic world is full of bright, intellectual, caring, considerate people. And, there are MANY great mathematical and scientific contributions which originated in arabic countries.

BTW, Islam is NOT the only evangelical religion. Grow a brain, you people ...

Please feel free to list some mathematical and scientific contributions that originated in Arabic countries from muslims. Just to clarify, not people visiting or discoveries 'rediscovered' by islam. Actual scientific advances made by islamic minds.
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Old 10-19-2006, 09:27 PM   #89
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Re: Breaking News - CNN - Al Qaeda Plan NFL Stadium Attack

Originally Posted by RedskinRat View Post
Please feel free to list some mathematical and scientific contributions that originated in Arabic countries from muslims. Just to clarify, not people visiting or discoveries 'rediscovered' by islam. Actual scientific advances made by islamic minds.
What a remarkably ignorant post. And on that note, this increasingly worthless thread is being locked
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