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Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

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Old 06-06-2013, 09:38 AM   #61
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

I think it is important to note that it would seem the very nature of the military would make this easier to deal with than in civilian society too. It is possible for commanding staff to assert a greater amount of control on their "employees" than it is in any other walk of life. Not that it is easy but they do have a built in structure for managing the lives of their soldiers and cadets.
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Old 06-06-2013, 10:01 AM   #62
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
True. But I don't think Matty was trying to compare it to other parts of society necessarily, just looking at the military alone. And, right or wrong, many have higher expectations of the military than they may have of other areas

And what kind of moron puts any blame on the media for this?
Acknowledged. But why look at the military alone? That's my whole thing. Absent any evidence that says rape and sexual assault happens in the military at a higher rate than it does in other parts of society, then I don't know why you wouldn't try to address sexual assault and related coverups more broadly as a societal issue, rather than single out the military.
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Old 06-06-2013, 10:09 AM   #63
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
Acknowledged. But why look at the military alone? That's my whole thing. Absent any evidence that says rape and sexual assault happens in the military at a higher rate than it does in other parts of society, then I don't know why you wouldn't try to address sexual assault and related coverups more broadly as a societal issue, rather than single out the military.
So feel free to add other sexual abuse scandals here. Let's just have one big sexual abuse scandal thread. Just like we did with Penn St., right?

Apparently if an issue is widespread enough discussing individual cases is off the table?

At the end of the day whether it's the military, the church, or a major university, it's pretty damn big news. These organizations single themselves out with these giant F ups.
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Old 06-06-2013, 10:10 AM   #64
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

Originally Posted by FRPLG View Post
I definitely agree. But the assertion in this thread that the military is just being singled if to diminish the importance of dealing with the issue is absurd. I know AW isn't trying to sound like that but it really comes off as "Ehhh it happens everywhere so no biggie"
I would like to distance myself from AW in every way possible, because he just can't make a coherent point and discusses like a child. That's first and foremost.

The media latches on to the latest story and the latest trends and runs with it. Newtown Connecticut, 26 white people killed. Coverage out the wazoo, even national media like Brian Williams and NBC Nightly News descending upon the community. Guess what though, 26 black people are killed by guns in downtown Philadelphia every few weeks. That kind of gets glossed over by the media. Rightly or wrongly, it just does. Maybe it's because gun violence in poor areas is expected, and gun violence in a quiet suburban community isn't. I don't know.

But the media has latched onto sexual assaults in the military just the same. Because the cover ups in particular are outrageous. Yet there has been no evidence presented that says sexual assaults and subsequent cover ups don't happen elsewhere just as often.

The media finds a story, it's outrageous, they push it. People see it, get outraged, and have an emotional reaction. So the story gets even more legs, and grows and grows.

But if you want to have a serious conversation about stopping sexual assaults, it would be narrow minded to limit that conversation to the military and what it can do about it. If you want to affect change that will improve the most lives, you broaden the perspective. The military may be able to affect change quickly because of the chain of command as FRPLG mentions, but that shouldn't be our sole focus.
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Old 06-06-2013, 10:16 AM   #65
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
I would like to distance myself from AW in every way possible, because he just can't make a coherent point and discusses like a child. That's first and foremost.

The media latches on to the latest story and the latest trends and runs with it. Newtown Connecticut, 26 white people killed. Coverage out the wazoo, even national media like Brian Williams and NBC Nightly News descending upon the community. Guess what though, 26 black people are killed by guns in downtown Philadelphia every few weeks. That kind of gets glossed over by the media. Rightly or wrongly, it just does. Maybe it's because gun violence in poor areas is expected, and gun violence in a quiet suburban community isn't. I don't know.

But the media has latched onto sexual assaults in the military just the same. Because the cover ups in particular are outrageous. Yet there has been no evidence presented that says sexual assaults and subsequent cover ups don't happen elsewhere just as often.

The media finds a story, it's outrageous, they push it. People see it, get outraged, and have an emotional reaction. So the story gets even more legs, and grows and grows.

But if you want to have a serious conversation about stopping sexual assaults, it would be narrow minded to limit that conversation to the military and what it can do about it. If you want to affect change that will improve the most lives, you broaden the perspective. The military may be able to affect change quickly because of the chain of command as FRPLG mentions, but that shouldn't be our sole focus.
Point taken.

I don't think myself or anyone else is saying the military is the sole problem. But right now they are the big headline story, fair or not that's just how it goes.
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Old 06-06-2013, 10:23 AM   #66
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media

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I've lost faith in any government agency we currently have.
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Old 06-06-2013, 10:41 AM   #67
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

I know I'm biased because "the media" writes my checks but A) there's a whole other thread dedicated to media complaints and B) because it likely happens elsewhere doesn't make it ok for it to happen in the military (which is how I think some of you, one of you?, feel. Or at least you're coming across that way)
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Old 06-06-2013, 11:25 AM   #68
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I know I'm biased because "the media" writes my checks but A) there's a whole other thread dedicated to media complaints and B) because it likely happens elsewhere doesn't make it ok for it to happen in the military (which is how I think some of you, one of you?, feel. Or at least you're coming across that way)
Yeah agreed, it absolutely cannot be shrugged off. If anything, it's an indictment of human nature. If the US military is even an environment where sexual assault happens and is covered up, then it can happen in any walk of life. Look at India with the gang rapes. Look everywhere.

It comes back to men. Men have to decide whether they want to be the answer to this problem. It's in our hands. We have most of the political positions, and we have most of the physical strength that puts a lot of women at our mercy.

Here's an absolutely outstanding statement from Patrick Stewart on this very subject. Worth sitting through.

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Old 06-06-2013, 11:45 AM   #69
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

Since the media is the hook
Could the performance in these matters be a result of an incompetent, Commander in Chief?
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Old 06-06-2013, 05:59 PM   #70
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
Since the media is the hook
Could the performance in these matters be a result of an incompetent, Commander in Chief?

sexual assault ,this should be good ,explain?
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Old 06-06-2013, 06:11 PM   #71
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
You do realize the Governments of different country's have been trying to do this for years ....the US does it and now it's a sin.

Ever see the movie Good Moring Vietnam, what exactly do you think we were doing over there on the radio? From the times where social media was info on fliers ,to newspapers, to radio and on and on...
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Old 06-06-2013, 06:19 PM   #72
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
sexual assault ,this should be good ,explain?
I'm like to think of myself as an......."Equal Opportunity Offender". I had not taken a shot at Hussein lately.
.....I'm weak
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Old 06-06-2013, 11:36 PM   #73
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I'm in the military and it's a big issue; but by no means is this just a military issue. It's a problem in our society, it's just gets magnified because of the press on it. The people in the military consists of members of this country, so much bigger problem than just military.

Over the years there has been alot more training and programs for reporting it, so that could be the rise in them being reported.
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Old 06-07-2013, 10:45 AM   #74
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

I think the point of the thread is to highlight the problem that those that are responsible for bringing the guilty to justice are turning a blind eye. It does happen in "the real world", but the comparable situation would be the police choosing to not investigate the assaults or the judge choosing to just dismiss the case. Not saying that doesn't happen out here int he real world, but if I'm a female I would take my chances in a civilian court of law than a military given the current news reported facts.
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Old 06-07-2013, 11:19 AM   #75
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Re: Has anyone else completely lost faith in the military?

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
You do realize the Governments of different country's have been trying to do this for years ....the US does it and now it's a sin.

Ever see the movie Good Moring Vietnam, what exactly do you think we were doing over there on the radio? From the times where social media was info on fliers ,to newspapers, to radio and on and on...

I don't live in another country. I live in one where the citizens of this country have a right to privacy, and one where the government is supposed to have a legal warrant to obtain the type of information they are currently obtaining.

As it is, they are shitting on the Constitution and using the guise as "protecting" us as the excuse. They aren't protecting us from anything, and they have no right to invade our privacy as such.

**** the Patriot Act and **** the rest of the cock suckers in Congress supporting this shit.
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