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Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

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Old 06-23-2011, 10:17 AM   #61
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

Originally Posted by mredskins View Post
Wait did you not say this?

Nah, you're doing fine. I agree with you.

Too many men have had that "sensitivity training" in today's society.

But now when Saden1 says something not positive you get butt hurt?

Maybe you concluded your Sensitivity Training over the past few days? If so congratulations.
Don't mind Buster.... different year, different name...same retarded guy.
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Old 06-23-2011, 10:22 AM   #62
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
Yes that's true. I really don't think it's coloring my opinion here though. I have no emotional connection to Ryan Dunn or Albert Haynesworth's brother.

I just see people like that as the dregs of society who we're all better off without. His friends and family, sure they feel the loss. But without that emotional connection, there's not really an argument that can be made refuting the fact that the roads are now safer and thus society better off.
Shit if you use that reasoning there are another 25% of the US that we could just knock off.
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Old 06-23-2011, 10:23 AM   #63
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
I'm a little disturbed with this thread. Yes, he made a horrible decision and paid the ultimate price. And yes, it's very lucky no other cars/pedestrians fell victim to his stupidity. But to hear people say they are happy he's dead or that the world is a better place... I mean, that's downright shitty. He had friends and a mother and father, all of whom are probably devastated right now. Sure, he was a knucklehead, but it's not like we're dealing with some mass-murder or arch-criminal.

To be happy about his death is lousy, and frankly those of you who are need to check yourselves.
I'm selfish...I like my roads free of people who drink and drive fast. Thier parents pain wouldn't bring mine any comfort if they murked me....Fck'em.

Keeping it real....the world is at the very least a slightly better place.
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Old 06-23-2011, 10:28 AM   #64
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

On my way to work I have to pass two places where kids have died in accdents. One was a 13 yr old who was hit by a car crossing the road about a month back. The other happend This pas Tuesday night and it was an 18 yr old who just graduated and was hit head on by an older man driving the wrong way.

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Old 06-23-2011, 10:37 AM   #65
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
I'm selfish...I like my roads free of people who drink and drive fast. Thier parents pain wouldn't bring mine any comfort if they murked me....Fck'em.

Keeping it real....the world is at the very least a slightly better place.
How can you really say that? All you know about the guy is that he made his money acting a fool on television, and on the night he died he made a very dumb decision.

Again, I'm baffled at folks being happy about his death. Is anyone who gets behind the wheel after a few drinks immediately a walking POS who deserves to die and the world would be better without? Studies show people who text message behind the wheel are just as dangerous as someone who's impaired by alcohol. Are you wishing death on these folks too? I'm not defending drunk driving in any way, I just think it's pretty sick to be happy about this guy's death.
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Old 06-23-2011, 10:42 AM   #66
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
I'm a little disturbed with this thread. Yes, he made a horrible decision and paid the ultimate price. And yes, it's very lucky no other cars/pedestrians fell victim to his stupidity. But to hear people say they are happy he's dead or that the world is a better place... I mean, that's downright shitty. He had friends and a mother and father, all of whom are probably devastated right now. Sure, he was a knucklehead, but it's not like we're dealing with some mass-murder or arch-criminal.

To be happy about his death is lousy, and frankly those of you who are need to check yourselves.

You my friend would be singing a much different song if he had killed someone you loved.

No I am not glad he died. I am glad his reckless lifestyle and endangerment of innocent others is now dead.

I have this funny thing that goes on in my head when I read a story like this. I picture myself with my child in the car say going to ER at 3am becasue he has Croup and some ass hat like Ryan Dunn who only cares about himself comes barreling around the corner drunk as a skunk and kills us! Fawk him! Kawk em!

Ever see this thread I started?

Read how that fawking drunk driver dragged the man for 20 feet with him stuck in the engine compartment.

And you have a soft spot for these people?
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Old 06-23-2011, 10:53 AM   #67
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Shit if you use that reasoning there are another 25% of the US that we could just knock off.
Sounds about right. That number just so happens to be close to Bush's approval rating at the end of his presidency.

I wonder if there's some overlap there...
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Old 06-23-2011, 10:56 AM   #68
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
How can you really say that? All you know about the guy is that he made his money acting a fool on television, and on the night he died he made a very dumb decision.

Again, I'm baffled at folks being happy about his death. Is anyone who gets behind the wheel after a few drinks immediately a walking POS who deserves to die and the world would be better without? Studies show people who text message behind the wheel are just as dangerous as someone who's impaired by alcohol. Are you wishing death on these folks too? I'm not defending drunk driving in any way, I just think it's pretty sick to be happy about this guy's death.
But can you mount any rational argument that the world is not better off?

Sure you can be emotionally appalled at the thought, but can you refute the logic? Your moral reaction to these statements really doesn't get you anywhere. I'm personally not interested in how anybody feels about Ryan Dunn, nor am I interested in how anybody feels about my reaction to Ryan Dunn's death.

Feelings don't interest me, I just like to be right. And I am here. So don't bother with the moral high horse nonsense because nobody cares, convince me that it's wrong to say the road is safer with Ryan Dunn dead.
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Old 06-23-2011, 10:58 AM   #69
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

Originally Posted by hooskins View Post
Schneed tends to have some extreme positions, but you all know he throws out the bait to get bites...
I do like to do that yes, but this is not one of those times. I do like to let you guys know when I'm trying to F with people. Not now.

There's no argument being made here, just people going "Oh my heavens, I can't believe you'd say that about someone!! How horrifying!!"

But they can't tell me why I'm wrong.
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Old 06-23-2011, 11:03 AM   #70
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

I think there's a difference between the roads are safer with Dunn not speeding drunkingly through them with the world would be better off without him.

Kid I used to play basketball with died about 10 years ago. Good guy, got along with everyone. Had just graduated college, about to start grad school. He was coming back home from doing a favor for a family friend. He wasn't drunk or anything but driving back home at 2am he did something stupid he was speeding down an open road near his house (on the same street he lived on in fact). He wasn't going 100 mph fast, but fast enough that when he hit the speed bump he lost control of the car and veered off track and smashed right into a tree.

Are the people who drive down that road everyday safer because he's not speeding down that road trying to turn his car into the General Lee? Maybe. Is the world better off without him? I can't see how anyone can say it definitely is.
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Old 06-23-2011, 11:03 AM   #71
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

The roads could have been safer if he had just made the smart decision to not drive. He didn't have to die to make the roads safer. Too bad some are so callous when it comes to a loss of life these days, regardless of the circumstances.

Schneed haven't you admitted to driving aggressively, blocking drivers, etc? Don't you think your behavior is a bit unsafe at times on the road? It just seems funny you're so all about road safety yet you engage in somewhat dangerous behaviors while on the road yourself.
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Old 06-23-2011, 11:06 AM   #72
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

Originally Posted by mredskins View Post
No I am not glad he died. I am glad his reckless lifestyle and endangerment of innocent others is now dead.
mredskins said it better than I could right here. This is EXACTLY how I feel.

Glad was the wrong word to use. I have no emotional reaction to it at all. But I do see the positive in his death.

See, keep in mind that there's a major difference between someone who texted and drove a few times and then figured out it's a bad idea, and someone who repeatedly gets caught driving over 100 MPH and sometimes while drunk. Repeat offenders represent a significantly greater risk to others by virtue of the simple fact that they're on the road behaving recklessly much more often.

So no, this does not apply to those on this message board who have fired off a text while driving. Your death would not represent a positive like Ryan Dunn's did.

In the end, Ryan Dunn was just an entertainer. He was not a doctor or a teacher. He was simply a guy that made some people around the world laugh. Maybe he gave to charity, I don't know. If he did, then the loss of that giving contribution is a negative for society. But I think the reduction in the threat he represented on the roads outweighs the benefits society derived from his job and from any charitable contributions.
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Old 06-23-2011, 11:09 AM   #73
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I think there's a difference between the roads are safer with Dunn not speeding drunkingly through them with the world would be better off without him.

Kid I used to play basketball with died about 10 years ago. Good guy, got along with everyone. Had just graduated college, about to start grad school. He was coming back home from doing a favor for a family friend. He wasn't drunk or anything but driving back home at 2am he did something stupid he was speeding down an open road near his house (on the same street he lived on in fact). He wasn't going 100 mph fast, but fast enough that when he hit the speed bump he lost control of the car and veered off track and smashed right into a tree.

Are the people who drive down that road everyday safer because he's not speeding down that road trying to turn his car into the General Lee? Maybe. Is the world better off without him? I can't see how anyone can say it definitely is.
I would not consider that kid's loss as a net-negative. See my points in the post above about repetitive offenses. One-time indiscretions don't represent the same threat as a Ryan Dunn. With how often he drove over 100 mph, it was just a matter of time before he died or hurt somebody else.
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Old 06-23-2011, 11:11 AM   #74
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
The roads could have been safer if he had just made the smart decision to not drive. He didn't have to die to make the roads safer. Too bad some are so callous when it comes to a loss of life these days, regardless of the circumstances.

Schneed haven't you admitted to driving aggressively, blocking drivers, etc? Don't you think your behavior is a bit unsafe at times on the road? It just seems funny you're so all about road safety yet you engage in somewhat dangerous behaviors while on the road yourself.
I probably have not described my "blocking" techniques on the road adequately enough. I'm not swerving in front of people when they change lanes. I just camp out in the left lane and refuse to go above 75. It doesn't feel dangerous in the least.
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Old 06-23-2011, 11:13 AM   #75
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Re: Coroner: Ryan Dunn Died Violent Death

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
The roads could have been safer if he had just made the smart decision to not drive. He didn't have to die to make the roads safer. Too bad some are so callous when it comes to a loss of life these days, regardless of the circumstances.

Schneed haven't you admitted to driving aggressively, blocking drivers, etc? Don't you think your behavior is a bit unsafe at times on the road? It just seems funny you're so all about road safety yet you engage in somewhat dangerous behaviors while on the road yourself.
As for the bolded point, you're right. But he had the chance to change his behavior over and over and over and over. He was ticketed for reckless offenses so many times. At some point you just have to call a spade a spade, he wasn't going to change his behavior. He was just a reckless asshole.
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