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Palin to resign

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Old 07-08-2009, 10:33 PM   #61
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Re: Palin to resign

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
You don't think 9/11 had anything to do with any of the racist feelings you may have.
Not really. Had it not been for the invasion of Iraq after the attack I would have assumed it was just a single extremist group. Like I said above, maybe it was me, but still my feelings on George Bush are the same.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 07-08-2009, 10:52 PM   #62
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Re: Palin to resign

Again, I'm not talking about what everyone THINKS will happen, I'm asking who has noticed a TRUE direct effect from president to president, year to year...
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 07-08-2009, 11:02 PM   #63
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Re: Palin to resign

Been out of the loop for a couple days on business, but thought I'd weigh in on my opinions for the "how's the Obama Admin doing" issue:

1) Economy - Stimulus hasn't been spent, but yet there's talk of another stimulus package. Massive deficit spending, pending tax increases, potential universal health care, potential cap & trade. The Obama Admin's policies are dragging the economy, deepening/extending this recession, and putting a ridiculous national debt burden our our children and grandchildren. We are currently spending $ 100M/per day in INTEREST on the Stimulus package.

2) Cap & Trade = tax increase on ALL Americans, will have inconsequential effect on environment. Recent buried EPA report and Univ of AL study indicate evidence for Global Warming is suspect or flat out wrong.

3) Universal Health Care - this program will degrade health care for 90% of Americans and result in massive tax increases for ALL Americans.

4) Foreign Relations
a) Russia - agreement to reduce nuclear arms. Does anyone really believe the Russians will keep their end of the bargain? How will we verify? Obama appears to be backing away from deploying the missle shield in Poland and the Czech republic, this is a mistake. Addition of Georgia and Ukraine to NATO should be moved forward. He needs to negotiate with Russia from a position of strength, not make concessions.
b) Honduran coup - Zelaya violated the Honduran congress, courts and constitution, trying to extend his rule in a similar fashion as Chavez. The Obama Admin supports returning Zelaya to power. Support for Zelaya is strong from Chavez and his anti-American and communist/authoritarian allies. The Obama Administration should be supporting the current Honduran government.
c) Iran - tepid condemnation of the brutal Iranian crackdown was a major mistake. A new regime in Iran would've made the entire world safer. The Obama Administration should've forcefully condemned the Iranian governments brutal crackdown and violence against its own people. Obama should've given full support to the Iranian people having their voices heard.
d) North Korea - The Obama Administration should've boarded the N. Korean ship that was in violation of interational sanctions. Any missles that are aimed anywhere near the U.S. or our allies and the missles need to be shot down. If China will not reign in N. Korea on its own, the U.S. should destroy the N. Korean missle sites and Japan should be encouraged to go nuclear.

5) Employee Free Choice Act - effectively gives goverment control in the private workplace. Takes away union workers privacy for voting. 74% of union members favor keeping the current system rather than one with less privacy

6) Gov't takeover of auto industry - automakers should've gone into bankruptcy on their own, not through a gov't mandated process.

7) Gov't takeover of banking - This was Bush's fault too. Some short-term stabilization of financial institutions was necessary, the size of TARP and further bail-outs are too much.

1) Fairness Doctrine - Obama has stated he will not use the Fairness Doctrine to shut down talk radio and opposing views.
"I would bet.....(if), an angel fairy came down and said, '[You can have anything] in the world you would like to own,' I wouldn't be surprised if you said a football club and particularly the Washington Redskins.'' — Jack Kent Cooke, 1996.
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Old 07-08-2009, 11:43 PM   #64
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Re: Palin to resign

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection View Post
Again, I'm not talking about what everyone THINKS will happen, I'm asking who has noticed a TRUE direct effect from president to president, year to year...
A lot of what happens to affect our daily lives depends on the Congress + President. Normally there isn't a supermajority and most direct change that we see (other than tax rates) is slowed or tempered by the minority party in Congress. But to your question....

Carter - I was 10-13 while he was in office. I remember sitting in gas lines, my parents being very worried about money, and the Iranian hostage crisis. At the time it was OK to outwardly hate the Iranian terrorists that took our people hostage (there were many action movies made around the terrorist premise, Delta Force w/Chuck Norris was classic) Now, 9/11 happens and it's wrong to profile airline passengers along demographics of the terrorists/murderers. So we have TSA and I get to go through the airport and watch little old ladies get wanded and almost strip searched....but I digress.

Reagan - Reagan's freeing of the hostages turned the mood of the country around, Americans were proud again (shining city on a hill). There was the worry of nuclear war (Terminator movies). Reagan's policies took a while but they turned the economy around and led to good economic times. I was in the military stationed in Japan so I didn't realize the effects directly. The direct effects of his foreign policy weren't felt until the Berlin Wall came down under Bush 1.

Bush 1 - The Gulf War was executed perfectly and although many of us said "go to Baghdad", Bush 1 did the right thing. Other than that, not much affect from Bush that I remember.

Clinton - There was the Lewinsky scandal. The government shutdown was bad for me as I was working for a Fed Gov't contractor at the time. If Clinton would've taken Bin Laden when he was served up we wouldn't have had 9/11 (that's not to say another terrorist wouldn't have created a different attack later).

Bush 2 - TSA (Thousands Standing Around). There are better solutions IMO than this massive agency. Everytime we get airborne we get to be up close and personal with the Fed gov't. The Bush Admin was successful in keeping us safe from addtional attacks though. The Afghanistan and Iraq Wars definitely had an affect on us all. The 2000 election dispute was pretty interesting and kept us glued to the news about hanging/dimpled chads.
"I would bet.....(if), an angel fairy came down and said, '[You can have anything] in the world you would like to own,' I wouldn't be surprised if you said a football club and particularly the Washington Redskins.'' — Jack Kent Cooke, 1996.
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Old 07-09-2009, 01:08 AM   #65
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Re: Palin to resign

Back to Palin. She's a religious lunatic (but hot).

Please, Sarah, don't run for any other public office.
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Old 07-09-2009, 03:20 AM   #66
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Re: Palin to resign

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
A lot of what happens to affect our daily lives depends on the Congress + President. Normally there isn't a supermajority and most direct change that we see (other than tax rates) is slowed or tempered by the minority party in Congress. But to your question....

Carter - I was 10-13 while he was in office. I remember sitting in gas lines, my parents being very worried about money, and the Iranian hostage crisis. At the time it was OK to outwardly hate the Iranian terrorists that took our people hostage (there were many action movies made around the terrorist premise, Delta Force w/Chuck Norris was classic) Now, 9/11 happens and it's wrong to profile airline passengers along demographics of the terrorists/murderers. So we have TSA and I get to go through the airport and watch little old ladies get wanded and almost strip searched....but I digress.

Reagan - Reagan's freeing of the hostages turned the mood of the country around, Americans were proud again (shining city on a hill). There was the worry of nuclear war (Terminator movies). Reagan's policies took a while but they turned the economy around and led to good economic times. I was in the military stationed in Japan so I didn't realize the effects directly. The direct effects of his foreign policy weren't felt until the Berlin Wall came down under Bush 1.

Bush 1 - The Gulf War was executed perfectly and although many of us said "go to Baghdad", Bush 1 did the right thing. Other than that, not much affect from Bush that I remember.

Clinton - There was the Lewinsky scandal. The government shutdown was bad for me as I was working for a Fed Gov't contractor at the time. If Clinton would've taken Bin Laden when he was served up we wouldn't have had 9/11 (that's not to say another terrorist wouldn't have created a different attack later).

Bush 2 - TSA (Thousands Standing Around). There are better solutions IMO than this massive agency. Everytime we get airborne we get to be up close and personal with the Fed gov't. The Bush Admin was successful in keeping us safe from addtional attacks though. The Afghanistan and Iraq Wars definitely had an affect on us all. The 2000 election dispute was pretty interesting and kept us glued to the news about hanging/dimpled chads.
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Old 07-09-2009, 08:41 AM   #67
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Re: Palin to resign

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
A lot of what happens to affect our daily lives depends on the Congress + President. Normally there isn't a supermajority and most direct change that we see (other than tax rates) is slowed or tempered by the minority party in Congress. But to your question....

Carter - I was 10-13 while he was in office. I remember sitting in gas lines, my parents being very worried about money, and the Iranian hostage crisis. At the time it was OK to outwardly hate the Iranian terrorists that took our people hostage (there were many action movies made around the terrorist premise, Delta Force w/Chuck Norris was classic) Now, 9/11 happens and it's wrong to profile airline passengers along demographics of the terrorists/murderers. So we have TSA and I get to go through the airport and watch little old ladies get wanded and almost strip searched....but I digress.

Reagan - Reagan's freeing of the hostages turned the mood of the country around, Americans were proud again (shining city on a hill). There was the worry of nuclear war (Terminator movies). Reagan's policies took a while but they turned the economy around and led to good economic times. I was in the military stationed in Japan so I didn't realize the effects directly. The direct effects of his foreign policy weren't felt until the Berlin Wall came down under Bush 1.

Bush 1 - The Gulf War was executed perfectly and although many of us said "go to Baghdad", Bush 1 did the right thing. Other than that, not much affect from Bush that I remember.

Clinton - There was the Lewinsky scandal. The government shutdown was bad for me as I was working for a Fed Gov't contractor at the time. If Clinton would've taken Bin Laden when he was served up we wouldn't have had 9/11 (that's not to say another terrorist wouldn't have created a different attack later).

Bush 2 - TSA (Thousands Standing Around). There are better solutions IMO than this massive agency. Everytime we get airborne we get to be up close and personal with the Fed gov't. The Bush Admin was successful in keeping us safe from addtional attacks though. The Afghanistan and Iraq Wars definitely had an affect on us all. The 2000 election dispute was pretty interesting and kept us glued to the news about hanging/dimpled chads.
Good post. I would also add that events are not isolated to Presidential terms, which seems to be a somewhat common misconception. The Bin Laden situation, you can date that back to at least Carter. Iraq-Iran back to Eisenhower (I think).
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Old 07-09-2009, 09:06 AM   #68
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Re: Palin to resign

Slingin Sammy, that's the type of info I was looking for. Very good stories...
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 07-09-2009, 10:44 AM   #69
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Re: Palin to resign

It seems the people on the left have a thing for Palin. I find it funny how they say she is so dumb and they want here out of politics. If I was on the other side I'd want them to keep the so called dumb people around so winning elections would be that much easier.
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Old 07-09-2009, 10:44 AM   #70
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Re: Palin to resign

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Palin done bagged herself, forgot to gag herself, and managed to toss herself in the river. Have a safe trip down the waterfall Ms. Palin because there's no getting up from this fall.
I know but you have to admit that it sucks! I really am going to miss her! I enjoyed laughing at her and her stupid comments. Whenever she would speak I would laugh! And it sucks to see that she is leaving the political field! I mean, who else is going to say, "I have foreign policy experience because Russia is close by". Its so stupid its funny!

I hope they bring her back! They better bring her back! I really want to see her run for President! It would be hilarious!!!!
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Old 07-09-2009, 10:49 AM   #71
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Re: Palin to resign

Originally Posted by Miller101 View Post
I know but you have to admit that it sucks! I really am going to miss her! I enjoyed laughing at her and her stupid comments. Whenever she would speak I would laugh! And it sucks to see that she is leaving the political field! I mean, who else is going to say, "I have foreign policy experience because Russia is close by". Its so stupid its funny!

I hope they bring her back! They better bring her back! I really want to see her run for President! It would be hilarious!!!!
SNL sure was funny during the elections because of her. Tina Fey does a spot on impression of her.
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Old 07-09-2009, 12:28 PM   #72
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Re: Palin to resign

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
It seems the people on the left have a thing for Palin. I find it funny how they say she is so dumb and they want here out of politics. If I was on the other side I'd want them to keep the so called dumb people around so winning elections would be that much easier.
The problem is there's a ton of dumbass people who relate to her and would vote for her because of this.
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Old 07-09-2009, 02:00 PM   #73
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Re: Palin to resign

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
Been out of the loop for a couple days on business, but thought I'd weigh in on my opinions for the "how's the Obama Admin doing" issue:

1) Economy - Stimulus hasn't been spent, but yet there's talk of another stimulus package. Massive deficit spending, pending tax increases, potential universal health care, potential cap & trade. The Obama Admin's policies are dragging the economy, deepening/extending this recession, and putting a ridiculous national debt burden our our children and grandchildren. We are currently spending $ 100M/per day in INTEREST on the Stimulus package.

2) Cap & Trade = tax increase on ALL Americans, will have inconsequential effect on environment. Recent buried EPA report and Univ of AL study indicate evidence for Global Warming is suspect or flat out wrong.

3) Universal Health Care - this program will degrade health care for 90% of Americans and result in massive tax increases for ALL Americans.

4) Foreign Relations
a) Russia - agreement to reduce nuclear arms. Does anyone really believe the Russians will keep their end of the bargain? How will we verify? Obama appears to be backing away from deploying the missle shield in Poland and the Czech republic, this is a mistake. Addition of Georgia and Ukraine to NATO should be moved forward. He needs to negotiate with Russia from a position of strength, not make concessions.
b) Honduran coup - Zelaya violated the Honduran congress, courts and constitution, trying to extend his rule in a similar fashion as Chavez. The Obama Admin supports returning Zelaya to power. Support for Zelaya is strong from Chavez and his anti-American and communist/authoritarian allies. The Obama Administration should be supporting the current Honduran government.
c) Iran - tepid condemnation of the brutal Iranian crackdown was a major mistake. A new regime in Iran would've made the entire world safer. The Obama Administration should've forcefully condemned the Iranian governments brutal crackdown and violence against its own people. Obama should've given full support to the Iranian people having their voices heard.
d) North Korea - The Obama Administration should've boarded the N. Korean ship that was in violation of interational sanctions. Any missles that are aimed anywhere near the U.S. or our allies and the missles need to be shot down. If China will not reign in N. Korea on its own, the U.S. should destroy the N. Korean missle sites and Japan should be encouraged to go nuclear.

5) Employee Free Choice Act - effectively gives goverment control in the private workplace. Takes away union workers privacy for voting. 74% of union members favor keeping the current system rather than one with less privacy

6) Gov't takeover of auto industry - automakers should've gone into bankruptcy on their own, not through a gov't mandated process.

7) Gov't takeover of banking - This was Bush's fault too. Some short-term stabilization of financial institutions was necessary, the size of TARP and further bail-outs are too much.

1) Fairness Doctrine - Obama has stated he will not use the Fairness Doctrine to shut down talk radio and opposing views.
They should throw the bum out.
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Old 07-09-2009, 05:34 PM   #74
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Re: Palin to resign

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection View Post
Slingin Sammy, that's the type of info I was looking for. Very good stories...
I was out in your neck of the woods yesterday visiting a company in Clifton Forge. Very long but relaxing ride on 64 coming home.
"I would bet.....(if), an angel fairy came down and said, '[You can have anything] in the world you would like to own,' I wouldn't be surprised if you said a football club and particularly the Washington Redskins.'' — Jack Kent Cooke, 1996.
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Old 07-09-2009, 06:35 PM   #75
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Re: Palin to resign

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
A lot of what happens to affect our daily lives depends on the Congress + President. Normally there isn't a supermajority and most direct change that we see (other than tax rates) is slowed or tempered by the minority party in Congress. But to your question....

Carter - I was 10-13 while he was in office. I remember sitting in gas lines, my parents being very worried about money, and the Iranian hostage crisis. At the time it was OK to outwardly hate the Iranian terrorists that took our people hostage (there were many action movies made around the terrorist premise, Delta Force w/Chuck Norris was classic) Now, 9/11 happens and it's wrong to profile airline passengers along demographics of the terrorists/murderers. So we have TSA and I get to go through the airport and watch little old ladies get wanded and almost strip searched....but I digress.

Reagan - Reagan's freeing of the hostages turned the mood of the country around, Americans were proud again (shining city on a hill). There was the worry of nuclear war (Terminator movies). Reagan's policies took a while but they turned the economy around and led to good economic times. I was in the military stationed in Japan so I didn't realize the effects directly. The direct effects of his foreign policy weren't felt until the Berlin Wall came down under Bush 1.

Bush 1 - The Gulf War was executed perfectly and although many of us said "go to Baghdad", Bush 1 did the right thing. Other than that, not much affect from Bush that I remember.

Clinton - There was the Lewinsky scandal. The government shutdown was bad for me as I was working for a Fed Gov't contractor at the time. If Clinton would've taken Bin Laden when he was served up we wouldn't have had 9/11 (that's not to say another terrorist wouldn't have created a different attack later).

Bush 2 - TSA (Thousands Standing Around). There are better solutions IMO than this massive agency. Everytime we get airborne we get to be up close and personal with the Fed gov't. The Bush Admin was successful in keeping us safe from addtional attacks though. The Afghanistan and Iraq Wars definitely had an affect on us all. The 2000 election dispute was pretty interesting and kept us glued to the news about hanging/dimpled chads.
LOL....that sad part is Reagan had a worse budget deficit spending problems than Obama but you seem to see his spending as an asset yet when Obama does it it's going to be the end of us all. Maybe, just maybe "Obama's policies [take] a while but [they'll turn] the economy around and [lead] to good economic times?"

Even worse, Obama gets flack for talking to the Russians in implementing a "do as I do" policy and supporting a democratically elected president who was ousted by a military coup d'etat (I really can't remember the last time a military coup was a good thing) but Reagan with his Iran Contra Affair made America feel good again.

Weak, very weak!
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