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Old 11-29-2007, 06:40 PM   #61
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

Originally Posted by davy View Post
Truth is, you guys know nothing about what really happened and all this wild speculation leaves me feeling sick to the stomach.
We are certainly not trying to offend you...and most of the stuff written has to be somewhat speculative in nature because so few facts have been revealed thus far...trying to determine what happened helps people cope with suddenness of his death. if you can't understand that (which is your prerogative), you always have the option of not reading it...that's why its called the "ST Murder Investigation Thread"
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Old 11-29-2007, 11:42 PM   #62
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

No matter what happened, it was such a senseless loss of life... i'm still in disbelief. I'm not gonna be able to handle the game. I teared up tonight during the moment of silence at the dallas game. I saw a picture of his daughter today... such a sad sad story.
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Old 11-30-2007, 06:21 AM   #63
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

Originally Posted by BleedBurgundy View Post
Unlike the movies, no one shoots anyone to wound. Especially when that someone is a two hundred plus pound, 6'2" world class athlete with a machete.

That is some scary sounding shit. I would
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:24 AM   #64
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

The Post had the best article I've seen on this topic in this morning's paper: - nation, world, technology and Washington area news and headlines

As you can tell from the idiotic comments that people have left on the website, people cannot accept the possibility that this crime was really a burgulary gone wrong. Perhaps we'll find out something later, but right now this article makes quite a bit of sense. I love how everyone puts on their detective hats and starts saying "oh, he had a machete under the bed, that is so crazy, he must have known something was going to happen, I've seen that in a movie once." Well, in subtropical climates a machete is a really common gardening tool and you can get it at any hardware store. I have a baseball bat under my bed and there's no one 'gunning' for me.

Or "oh, a knife was left on the bed, so that was clearly a mafia style message, I've seen that in a movie once." Well, a better explanation would be that it was a kitchen knife and was used as a tool to pry open a window and to try to get into a safe as the article postulates.

Or, "they kicked in the door, clearly this was a hit, I've seen it in a movie once. Plus, no one knew he was going to be home so clearly the hit man was staking out the property." Well, perhaps a much better explanation is that the criminals did not expect to find anyone in the house, they kicked in the door to find a safe, and then pissed down their leg when they saw someone in the room with a machete. They poped off two shots and ran, unfortunately they were fatal, but that wasn't the intent.

Or, the worst one of all, which I've actually now heard a couple of times, "he was shot in the groin, clearly this is something to do with retribution from someone Jackie was having an affair with, I've seen it in a movie once." Or, most people don't know how to properly handle a firearm, these criminals had seen 'Scarface' and thought violence was stylized but when when reality came in all they could do was pop off a few blind shots and run.

Rush to judgement off information that you've never seen and off reports that are contradictory. The really horrible part is that if this really as a random (random in that they were not intending to murder Sean Taylor, just try to get at the safe), then the odds of actually catching these individuals will decline. And people like Colin Cowherd and Mike 'from the streets' Wilbon still won't be satisfied.
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:25 AM   #65
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

Holy god it just came to me....

If I'm right about this, I'm not sorry, but if I'm not, please forgive me for saying this.

Jackie maybe was lookin' for a way out... possibly was tired of the NFL lifestyle Sean was living.... I dunno... people with Social Anxiety Disorder sometime are like that (iE: Ricky Williams)... jealousy whatever I dunno... some people could just be stupid... anyway, what if she turned the alarm off after he went to bed, and planned this whole thing???? WOW thats kinda scary... first the phone lines were cut, then they werent.... then there at first was NO security system, but now there is it just wasn't turned on? LOL something seriously fishy is not formulating in my head, but no disrespect. Just speculation. CP said he left the bedroom, Jackie said he got shot IN the room... it just doesn't add up. 900,000 without a doubt is watched by adt or has SOME kind of security system.... probably well before ST bought it. I hope I'm not right, but it's just pieces from everyone else.
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:28 AM   #66
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

Originally Posted by XXVI View Post
Holy god it just came to me....

If I'm right about this, I'm not sorry, but if I'm not, please forgive me for saying this.

Jackie maybe was lookin' for a way out... possibly was tired of the NFL lifestyle Sean was living.... I dunno... people with Social Anxiety Disorder sometime are like that (iE: Ricky Williams)... jealousy whatever I dunno... some people could just be stupid... anyway, what if she turned the alarm off after he went to bed, and planned this whole thing???? WOW thats kinda scary... first the phone lines were cut, then they werent.... then there at first was NO security system, but now there is it just wasn't turned on? LOL something seriously fishy is not formulating in my head, but no disrespect. Just speculation. CP said he left the bedroom, Jackie said he got shot IN the room... it just doesn't add up. 900,000 without a doubt is watched by adt or has SOME kind of security system.... probably well before ST bought it. I hope I'm not right, but it's just pieces from everyone else.
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:29 AM   #67
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

This thread is getting out of hand
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:30 AM   #68
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
This thread is getting out of hand
Can you please shut it down? It is a disgrace. If you want to post idiotic conspiracy 'theories' then go somewhere else.
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:37 AM   #69
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

I'm going to let this thread go on and expect that it will get back on track.

Personally, I think the rumor I heard on Monday, that it was a crazed fan (possibly after memorabilia), may not be too far off.
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:42 AM   #70
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

Just some things to think about...

Most of the theorizing, family and friends said, has been uninformed. Even they admit they haven't received much information from Miami-Dade police.

"Some think he was targeted, some think he wasn't," said Donald Walker, a close friend of Junor who accompanied her to the site of the funeral Thursday. "People like to talk about what they don't know."
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:50 AM   #71
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

"People like to talk about what they don't know."

thats exactly right, and precisely what people are doing...which, in my mind, is fine...

nobody is really giving any credence to outlandish mafia stories, its sort of well...this seems odd...

it is very possible it was completely random, but most things are not- as such we have to take the good with the bad...many people have brought up solid points in this thread, while others are pure conjecture...what do you expect? everyone is a jr sleuth (including me- and a bad one at that). As I've said before, talking about the "case" helps me deal with it, and I imagine I'm not the only one. I certainly hope I'm not offending anyone, but again, if you are offended by the topic, don't read it- as you must know a degree (large?) of speculation will be taking place...
in writing these daily letters and trying to make them interesting it is always possible that some sentiment may occur which has not received the severe and deliberate scrutiny and reconsideration which should attach to a State Paper.
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Old 11-30-2007, 09:20 AM   #72
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

I went back and read the entire thread, and I think you're right to let it go on. It is a bit frustrating that the Board is inundated with so many new members, some of whom don't seem to have much of substance to say as of yet.
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Old 11-30-2007, 10:35 AM   #73
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

I like reading everyone's speculation and theories. I dont care how crazy the theory I think it should be heard. We are fans speculating on a message board so anything we say (right or wrong) doesnt matter one bit. The only people that cant speculate are the cops. They have to work with the facts they have so let them do the real crime work and let us speculate because what we think doent matter.
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:56 AM   #74
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

Originally Posted by SC Skins Fan View Post
The Post had the best article I've seen on this topic in this morning's paper: - nation, world, technology and Washington area news and headlines

As you can tell from the idiotic comments that people have left on the website, people cannot accept the possibility that this crime was really a burgulary gone wrong. Perhaps we'll find out something later, but right now this article makes quite a bit of sense. I love how everyone puts on their detective hats and starts saying "oh, he had a machete under the bed, that is so crazy, he must have known something was going to happen, I've seen that in a movie once." Well, in subtropical climates a machete is a really common gardening tool and you can get it at any hardware store. I have a baseball bat under my bed and there's no one 'gunning' for me.

Or "oh, a knife was left on the bed, so that was clearly a mafia style message, I've seen that in a movie once." Well, a better explanation would be that it was a kitchen knife and was used as a tool to pry open a window and to try to get into a safe as the article postulates.

Or, "they kicked in the door, clearly this was a hit, I've seen it in a movie once. Plus, no one knew he was going to be home so clearly the hit man was staking out the property." Well, perhaps a much better explanation is that the criminals did not expect to find anyone in the house, they kicked in the door to find a safe, and then pissed down their leg when they saw someone in the room with a machete. They poped off two shots and ran, unfortunately they were fatal, but that wasn't the intent.

Or, the worst one of all, which I've actually now heard a couple of times, "he was shot in the groin, clearly this is something to do with retribution from someone Jackie was having an affair with, I've seen it in a movie once." Or, most people don't know how to properly handle a firearm, these criminals had seen 'Scarface' and thought violence was stylized but when when reality came in all they could do was pop off a few blind shots and run.

Rush to judgement off information that you've never seen and off reports that are contradictory. The really horrible part is that if this really as a random (random in that they were not intending to murder Sean Taylor, just try to get at the safe), then the odds of actually catching these individuals will decline. And people like Colin Cowherd and Mike 'from the streets' Wilbon still won't be satisfied.
I agree. Good article that makes it seem like this could have really been random.
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Old 11-30-2007, 12:04 PM   #75
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Re: ST Murder Investigation Thread

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
CNN is reporting that "Lt. Nancy Perez with the Miami-Dade Police Department said investigators were looking for an "unknown suspect." What the hell does that mean? Does that mean that they are looking for evidence which will lead them to identify and locate a person? Or does it mean that they have already identified someone, whose identity has not been revealed to the press?

This same spokeswoman gave misleading statements the other day. Aren't spokespersons supposed to be articulate?

BTW, I personally don't like the speculation about Taylor's wife. This poor woman lost her fiance and the father of her child, yet people are willing to pin the blame on her without any real support?
I'm all for the fact that the police are not giving into the preasure of the press and giving out any of the info they may have. We just had an arrest here in my area where the police kept saying that they had no info and did not have any clues to who the killer was in this case. The very next day they arrested the killer and explained that they held th info from the public so they did not tip off the suspect. So its very hard to tell what the police even have at this time.
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