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Does prayer work?

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Old 09-10-2007, 01:54 AM   #61
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Re: Does prayer work?

Originally Posted by Lady Brave View Post
I'm not offended. I've been where you are and there are prayers I have prayed for years that have yet to answered. It's ok to question God. It's also ok to be frustrated and angry with Him at times.
I am just lost...I don't know what to do.
Even my wife said that she's known me for over 12 years (been married over 10) and she has never seen indecision in me, nor has she ever seen fear in my eyes. I have been held at knife point in front of her and I didn't have fear in my eyes. I don't feel like it's "fear" but there is definitely a problem with indecision now. My confidence has been shaken to it's core.
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Old 09-10-2007, 02:07 AM   #62
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Re: Does prayer work?

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
I am just lost...I don't know what to do.
Even my wife said that she's known me for over 12 years (been married over 10) and she has never seen indecision in me, nor has she ever seen fear in my eyes. I have been held at knife point in front of her and I didn't have fear in my eyes. I don't feel like it's "fear" but there is definitely a problem with indecision now. My confidence has been shaken to it's core.
The best advice I can offer is to find someone, such as your pastor, to sit down with and talk about your frustrations. We're called on to bear one another's burdens, so maybe it will help talking to someone else to gain a different perspective on the situation.

I would also suggest praying that God would reveal anything in your life that is hindering you. There may be some areas that you haven't surrendered to Him. Eventually, when you've done all you can do, you just have to leave it in His hands and cast all your cares on Him. He might be trying to work things out for you, but you keep getting in the way.
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Old 09-10-2007, 02:10 AM   #63
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Re: Does prayer work?

Originally Posted by Lady Brave View Post
The best advice I can offer is to find someone, such as your pastor, to sit down with and talk about your frustrations. We're called on to bear one another's burdens, so maybe it will help talking to someone else to gain a different perspective on the situation.

I would also suggest praying that God would reveal anything in your life that is hindering you. There may be some areas that you haven't surrendered to Him. Eventually, when you've done all you can do, you just have to leave it in His hands and cast all your cares on Him. He might be trying to work things out for you, but you keep getting in the way.
My wife has said that to me at least 4 times.

It's good advice.
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Old 09-10-2007, 02:17 AM   #64
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Re: Does prayer work?

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
Well, it's not people, it's LB that has provided an example, and knowing how God works, I am unsure if her recollection is correct.
But you are right. I should have not have questioned it. Fact is, I am seeking examples cause I need to know that prayer does indeed work, cause if it doesn't, then who is to say the entire bible is false too? If prayer is a crock, then it's not impossible to make the leap that the entire bible is a crock. If they can lie about one situation, they can lie about anything and everywhere.
I am seeking answers, and LB was the only one trying to truely supply answers.
I am a lost soul right now and in need of help.
Well, I just don't know that there's any way to prove these examples. That doesn't make them wrong, just hard to prove.

Case in point, a couple of years ago I had a top job in DC (radio executive for a major company), had just put money down on a new condo, clean bill of health, and engaged to be married.

Next thing I know, I'm suddenly fired, I have to give up my condo because I can no longer afford it, my fiancee and I break up after she tells me "I just want to get married, doesn't really matter to me if it's with you.", and, after extremely abnormal test results, I suddenly find myself being tested for serious diseases like emphysema and lung cancer (keep in mind I don't smoke).

I give up all hope. My mom insists that I can't get down on myself, and that she will (as she does every day since she knew she was pregnant with me) pray for me and she knows in time things will come.

Today I'm living the dream at ESPN (most days), all my test results came out negative and I'm back to a clean bill of health, and I've met someone special who I know loves me for me not for the ring I can put on her finger.

Did my mom's prayers work? Who knows. You could say well she's always prayed for you and it didn't stop you from getting fired, losing that first girl, etc. But at the same time you could say well maybe I needed that to get to, and appreciate, where I am now.
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Old 09-10-2007, 02:58 AM   #65
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Re: Does prayer work?

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Well, I just don't know that there's any way to prove these examples. That doesn't make them wrong, just hard to prove.

Case in point, a couple of years ago I had a top job in DC (radio executive for a major company), had just put money down on a new condo, clean bill of health, and engaged to be married.

Next thing I know, I'm suddenly fired, I have to give up my condo because I can no longer afford it, my fiancee and I break up after she tells me "I just want to get married, doesn't really matter to me if it's with you.", and, after extremely abnormal test results, I suddenly find myself being tested for serious diseases like emphysema and lung cancer (keep in mind I don't smoke).

I give up all hope. My mom insists that I can't get down on myself, and that she will (as she does every day since she knew she was pregnant with me) pray for me and she knows in time things will come.

Today I'm living the dream at ESPN (most days), all my test results came out negative and I'm back to a clean bill of health, and I've met someone special who I know loves me for me not for the ring I can put on her finger.

Did my mom's prayers work? Who knows. You could say well she's always prayed for you and it didn't stop you from getting fired, losing that first girl, etc. But at the same time you could say well maybe I needed that to get to, and appreciate, where I am now.
That's a very good story, and I appreciate you sharing it. That is the sort of thing I am looking for. That would be a strong example of how prayer could work.
What did you do between getting fired and getting the ESPN job? (pm me if need be) How did you get the ESPN job?
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Old 09-10-2007, 03:08 AM   #66
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Re: Does prayer work?

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
That's a very good story, and I appreciate you sharing it. That is the sort of thing I am looking for. That would be a strong example of how prayer could work.
What did you do between getting fired and getting the ESPN job? (pm me if need be) How did you get the ESPN job?
I'll go ahead and PM you so as not to make this thread about me
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Old 09-10-2007, 03:19 AM   #67
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Re: Does prayer work?

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I'll go ahead and PM you so as not to make this thread about me
I thought they all were about you?
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Old 09-10-2007, 04:03 AM   #68
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Re: Does prayer work?

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
Actually yes, and there are many connections from the bible to "the secret".

Coincidentally, I have lost faith in "the secret" too. I stayed amazingly positive and it seemed worse and worse things kept happening to me. Felt a little like Job. (pronounced jobe, not job)
You're going through tought times and you've got to stay strong because if you don't for you and your wife who will? You have to stay positive and tackle your problems as problems. You need to have a game plan for solving them. No game plan, no execution, no solution.

As for The Secret, it is complete and utter trash. If everyone in the world visualized their desires and they were fulfilled the world would be a utopia. The whole notion is absurd. It kinda reminds me of people who buy lottery tickets on the regular. Their chance of winning is next nil yet they have hope and continue to spend and lose their hard earned dollars.

Finally, I don't think you aught question/doubt your faith simply because you are going through tough times. Your judgment tends to be clouded under such circumstance and I would encourage you to see your pastor.
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:35 AM   #69
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Re: Does prayer work?

I logged in this morning and PM'd you back.
Noone can show you proof of prayers working. I gave you some examples of His hands in my life and my Faith and Hope and the Peace I have.

Keep the Faith baby brother. Maybe after you pray just take some time and be quite. Try not to think and work it out just be still and quiet for a while and Know He is God.

I'm a Prayer Warrior and will lift you and your wife up in Prayer that He reveals Himself to you and draws you nearer to Himself.


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Old 09-10-2007, 11:21 AM   #70
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Re: Does prayer work?

Just pm'd you too jsarno... You better start cleaning out your box
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Old 09-10-2007, 09:43 PM   #71
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Re: Does prayer work?

who is anyone to say if they do or not?

really no one knows for sure so will everyone shut the hell up!
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Old 09-10-2007, 09:58 PM   #72
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Re: Does prayer work?

There is no god and therefore praying is useless. In the end you can only rely on one person... yourself.

Life sucks and throws you curve balls, it's your job to knock it out of the park.

Just my overly simple view on the matter.
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:29 PM   #73
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Re: Does prayer work?

I'm agnostic, but I saw the Bills-Broncos game and prayed at least twice (albeit rather informally) for TE Everett to recover from the spinal injury.
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:48 PM   #74
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Re: Does prayer work?

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
I'm agnostic, but I saw the Bills-Broncos game and prayed at least twice (albeit rather informally) for TE Everett to recover from the spinal injury.
And the cynic would say...what did it accomplish?
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:48 PM   #75
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Re: Does prayer work?

God is Real and this may be a Trial. Drive on, keep the Faith and know many others like you believe but struggle at times too.
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