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Old 09-18-2020, 10:50 AM   #46
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Re: Fans at Fed Ex

Glad to hear you are ok CR.

I think the differing opinions here shows how complex of an issue this all is, there are no easy answers.
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Old 09-18-2020, 11:15 AM   #47
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Re: Fans at Fed Ex

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
Glad to hear you are ok CR.

I think the differing opinions here shows how complex of an issue this all is, there are no easy answers.
But there are easy answers MTK, those answers are wear a mask and avoid large crowds for an extended period of time. Had we done this back in April this mess would be in the rearview mirror but unfortunately people are selfish and cant/wont do something for the greater good.
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Old 09-18-2020, 11:20 AM   #48
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Re: Fans at Fed Ex

Glad u are good CR and I agree Irish... Mask up and get past this
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Old 09-18-2020, 11:21 AM   #49
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Re: Fans at Fed Ex

CR - first, I wish you a speedy recovery. Second, whomever called to say you were ok a week after testing positive committed malpractice. That determination can not be made for at least two weeks which is the incubation period. And a percentage of people will maintain a viral load for longer although they are generally not contagious after two weeks (typically, people are shedding dead viral particles at that point). So you don’t need to shelter forever and I would imagine that perhaps by now if you took another test, assuming you aren’t symptomatic and not one of the rare “long haulers” it is probably going to be negative. Please take care of yourself.

And separately, Irish is right.

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Old 09-18-2020, 11:29 AM   #50
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Re: Fans at Fed Ex

Originally Posted by irish View Post
But there are easy answers MTK, those answers are wear a mask and avoid large crowds for an extended period of time. Had we done this back in April this mess would be in the rearview mirror but unfortunately people are selfish and cant/wont do something for the greater good.
Yes that part is easy, masks and social distancing is the least we can do and I've never understood the drama around that.

Balancing things like keeping people healthy and re-opening businesses and how soon can we get back to somewhat normal is the trickier part I was referring to.
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Old 09-18-2020, 11:38 AM   #51
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Re: Fans at Fed Ex

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
Yes that part is easy, masks and social distancing is the least we can do and I've never understood the drama around that.

Balancing things like keeping people healthy and re-opening businesses and how soon can we get back to somewhat normal is the trickier part I was referring to.
Understood. It is trickier than it needs to be because selfish people keep making things difficult for all of us.

I have a friend who works at NIH, she puts on the biohazard suit like Dustin Hoffman did in Outbreak, to study the virus and those who have it. She takes her data and compiles it with others data and briefs Dr. Fauci on the findings. This isn't made up and it is as deadly as the numbers say. The selfish people who wont contribute to the greater good frustrate her to no end.
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Old 09-18-2020, 11:44 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
my point was the article has no truths to it. 'Fan who attended Chiefs- Texans game tests positive for Covid' ... Really? The person that wrote it could have also said that that person also tested positive for going to the grocery store. There was no point mentioning the game at all except to get eyeballs on it.

That''s has how this entire Covid deal has been covered. If you turn on CNN right now they have a Covid death tracker. If you actually believe that 200,000 have died in the states directly from Covid then I have oceanfront property to sell you in Kansas.

Wow. So it isn’t true he went to the game or it isnt true he tested positive?
It is noteworthy because when you are positive and in a crowd of 25 k plus it means it could have been a super spreader. That is just simple science and yea I believe the doctors and scientists when they say Covid killed 200 k. It could actually be more to tell you the truth. Actually it is more without a doubt. Because of the lack of testing and preparedness (even still!). I dont care if there was an underlying condition in those people Covid acted as a catalyst. Either way they died from Covid. And honestly id rather be kept up to speed about how many people are dying and every little fact about the pandemic instead of lied to by the President who is DOWNPLAYING it by his own admission. Cus hear no evil see no evil is the best cure....

How the hell can CNN be bad for keeping us in the loop, but Mr Bigly is good because he lied to us and completely mismanaged it?? If masks and social distancing and tracing and testing were all rolled out and backed by the President we would be in a much better place right now. But instead we are mad at CNN because they ate trying to scare us?
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Old 09-18-2020, 12:08 PM   #53
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The spin alot of the right is trying to put on this is that the left is over reacting and making a bigger deal out of this. Inflating numbers, trying to scare you and all because they want to make Trump look bad. The FACT of the matter is that Trump knew (and now it is on tape and we can stop the fake news excuse) very early on how bad this was and could have been a hero. NOBODY would have blamed him for Covid. Instead he tried to downplay it and hoped it would go away. He had a chance to rise to the occasion by simply warning us and letting science do its job. Simple. He could have said he did a great job, probably would have been re-elected. Instead his ego and inability to believe others know better got in the way and we have one of the worst outbreaks in the world. Full stop.
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Old 09-18-2020, 12:08 PM   #54
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Re: Fans at Fed Ex

Originally Posted by punch it in View Post
Wow. So it isn’t true he went to the game or it isnt true he tested positive?
It is noteworthy because when you are positive and in a crowd of 25 k plus it means it could have been a super spreader. That is just simple science and yea I believe the doctors and scientists when they say Covid killed 200 k. It could actually be more to tell you the truth. Actually it is more without a doubt. Because of the lack of testing and preparedness (even still!). I dont care if there was an underlying condition in those people Covid acted as a catalyst. Either way they died from Covid. And honestly id rather be kept up to speed about how many people are dying and every little fact about the pandemic instead of lied to by the President who is DOWNPLAYING it by his own admission. Cus hear no evil see no evil is the best cure....

How the hell can CNN be bad for keeping us in the loop, but Mr Bigly is good because he lied to us and completely mismanaged it?? If masks and social distancing and tracing and testing were all rolled out and backed by the President we would be in a much better place right now. But instead we are mad at CNN because they ate trying to scare us?
Punch... the only truth in that article is that he went to the game. Right? That is a fact, the rest of it is just pure speculation. This person does not know where they got infected. It could have been several days ago. The best thing to do is not write the article at all. But instead Yahoo has to mention that he was at the game so therefore he got it there.

Let me ask you this, how come there are is no mention of masks during the protest? But as soon as someone wants to go to a game where people can be spread out- nope. You don't see the blatant hypocrisy????

As far as CNN is concerned, they have no actual facts about actual deaths from Covid. They just don't.

As far as Trump, he's an asshole and I am not for him. But if Biden gets in there you can bet that we are in for another shut down, which will just ravage the economy.
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Old 09-18-2020, 12:11 PM   #55
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Re: Fans at Fed Ex

Originally Posted by punch it in View Post
The spin alot of the right is trying to put on this is that the left is over reacting and making a bigger deal out of this. Inflating numbers, trying to scare you and all because they want to make Trump look bad. The FACT of the matter is that Trump knew (and now it is on tape and we can stop the fake news excuse) very early on how bad this was and could have been a hero. NOBODY would have blamed him for Covid. Instead he tried to downplay it and hoped it would go away. He had a chance to rise to the occasion by simply warning us and letting science do its job. Simple. He could have said he did a great job, probably would have been re-elected. Instead his ego and inability to believe others know better got in the way and we have one of the worst outbreaks in the world. Full stop.
I would agree with this. He's not a good leader, or for that matter, a good human being.
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Old 09-18-2020, 12:15 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by sdskinsfan2001 View Post
And you have absolutely no idea they wouldn't have. That's the juxtaposition here. No one knows. This has never been seen before in our lifetimes.

That's why we all (myself as much or more than anyone) need to be more open to opinions that aren't in line with our own.

This whole if you don't think like X, you're an idiot helps nothing.

Note - I replied to your post but am not accusing you of doing this. Was more of a general statement that fit in line with your post.

SD im pretty sure a doctor can do an autopsy and determine if Covid acted as a catalyst to an underlying condition.
They are doctors/scientists- they can tell you why someone died. If they determine Covid acted as a catalyst to an underlying condition than that is what happened. Unless of course we believe they are all part of the deep state out to get Trump. LOL.
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Old 09-18-2020, 12:17 PM   #57
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Re: Fans at Fed Ex

Originally Posted by punch it in View Post
Sorry SD cant let the inmates run the asylum. You might wind up with gun toting, racist, wanna be cops blowing people away in the streets.....
This country was founded over two hundred years ago. Things are a tad bit different today.....but let’s not act like we live in Russia or China. If Trump gets re elected we can probably act that way......
I think we have different ideas on who the inmates are.
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Old 09-18-2020, 12:22 PM   #58
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Re: Fans at Fed Ex

Originally Posted by sdskinsfan2001 View Post
I think we have different ideas on who the inmates are.

There is a need for government man. Alot of places in the world without one, trust me you would not want to live there. Lawless to say the least.
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Old 09-18-2020, 12:23 PM   #59
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Re: Fans at Fed Ex

Originally Posted by rocnrik View Post
Follow who’s advice ?? For every so called expert that says one thing I can show you other experts that Say different .. how come nobody has the regular FLU ?? There are more people that are gonna die because of non treatment of cancer and other serious health issues because they could not see a Dr.. so some guy had covid but was well enough to attend football game ??? My bet is over half the people on this forum would test positive ... even the test are suspect ... you do realize that out of the 200,000 thousand that died ..less than 10,000 died from covid only .. the rest of the deaths were other serious health issues that combined with covid resulted in death ... these are facts !! live your life ..
My sister works in an ICU hospital. It doesn't matter if they had other health factors the hospitals were overwhelmed and had more patients than beds that was due to patient exposure to covid not because they were diabetic or had heart disease Were these people going to die in the next decade or two? probably but I will trust the epidemiologists over you random internet poster.
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Old 09-18-2020, 12:30 PM   #60
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Re: Fans at Fed Ex

Originally Posted by BaltimoreSkins View Post
My sister works in an ICU hospital. It doesn't matter if they had other health factors the hospitals were overwhelmed and had more patients than beds that was due to patient exposure to covid not because they were diabetic or had heart disease Were these people going to die in the next decade or two? probably but I will trust the epidemiologists over you random internet poster.

Not to mention that a decade or two is pretty worth while. Lol. Hell a year is worth while. A fuckin week if you ever lost a loved one.
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