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Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

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Old 09-02-2020, 01:10 PM   #46
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
Warthog.. Can you say what you have to say in a paragraph? And not a novel?
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Old 09-02-2020, 03:39 PM   #47
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
Warthog.. Can you say what you have to say in a paragraph? And not a novel?
More like a Wordhog...amirite?

I kid I kid. We all have our own idiosyncrasies (definitely had to google how to spell this) here. His is sheer word volume.
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Old 09-02-2020, 06:26 PM   #48
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

I've said it before and I will say it again: Snyder fascinates me. I grew up watching George Steinbrenner push his team towards dysfunction, but at least he had results at the beginning and the end.
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Old 09-03-2020, 05:32 AM   #49
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

Anyone notice whenever that weasel puts out one of his statements he now mentions his wife? It's 'Tanya and I ' ... he's such a phony SOB - like mentioning his wife makes him look better. I hope somehow he is forced to sell, or he is suspended for a real long time. He needs to be embarrassed and humbled.
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Old 09-03-2020, 07:11 AM   #50
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
Anyone notice whenever that weasel puts out one of his statements he now mentions his wife? It's 'Tanya and I ' ... he's such a phony SOB - like mentioning his wife makes him look better. I hope somehow he is forced to sell, or he is suspended for a real long time. He needs to be embarrassed and humbled.
I'm not sure there's absolutely no truth to this. Jason Wright since the day he was hired kept mentioning Tanya maybe even more than he did Dan. Talking about his hiring itself he mentioned discussing with Tanya but not with Dan.

Maybe it's partly hypocritical but I do think Tanya is more involved than she was before.
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Old 09-03-2020, 08:02 AM   #51
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

Yeah it's not just Dan that's been mentioning Tanya. I definitely think there's something there as far as her being more involved with things.
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Old 09-03-2020, 07:11 PM   #52
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
Sooner or later the league is going to have to launch their own investigation. Just too much smoke coming from this shit hole of a dumpster fire. These are the kind of allegations that can lead to Snyder being removed as owner, no doubt.
Unfortunately we aren't so lucky.
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Old 09-03-2020, 07:51 PM   #53
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
Yeah it's not just Dan that's been mentioning Tanya. I definitely think there's something there as far as her being more involved with things.
I think Tanya is more involved now than she ever was. If there is a corporate take over it will be her removing Dan.
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Old 09-03-2020, 08:22 PM   #54
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
Unfortunately we aren't so lucky.
Thing about luck is eventually it changes

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Old 09-06-2020, 02:27 PM   #55
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Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
Warthog.. Can you say what you have to say in a paragraph? And not a novel?

Lol. I do get wordy. Funny because my first book was much more concise. (CRISIS IN BAGHDAD - available on Amazon).

Snyder has been a disaster for this franchise from day 1:

1. Micromanage the football operations and intrusion into the selection of team players using his GM/VP proxies, first Vinnie Cerrato and then Bruce Allen. These two guys did Snyder’s bidding and were the shield for Snyder of an increasingly frustrated fan base and local sports writers - who blamed Cerrato and Allen!!cIt is impossible to know how much Cerrato or Allen actually knew about football or whether 100% of their decisions were self-generated or if it was all Snyder weaving his web. Bruce Allen was hated by players reps and placed LAST in a USA Today poll a couple years ago. I think Allen realized what a disaster Snyder was with his secret decision-making for the team. He was just trying to make his job last as long as possible. That’s why he adopted the mantra that, “All is well”, “Team is about to turn the corner”, “next year we’ll be in the playoffs”.
Of course his favorite saying was that the team needed to win - ON AND OFF THE FIELD. Like anyone gives a shitte about the non-football stuff. You are what your record says you are!

Ever wonder why football geniuses like Gibbs and Shanahan had crappy records with their turn with Snyder’s Redskins - and roughly the same record as HC disasters like Jim Zorn? Because Snyder through his GM shield was making many of the personnel decisions. Just like Snyder’s hero: Jerry Jones. But Snyder knows NOTHING about NFL football . Which is why the team has mostly sucked for 20 years.

In the administrative and non-football side of the operations, again Snyder was like a tin-plated, narcissistic despot. All employees had a non-disclosure form they had to sign to become an employee. This kept the secrets on many of the unsavory things happening in Asburn. “Employee’s has certain bizarre rules: “Don’t look Snyder in the eyes (i.e., look at the ground)”. “If you see Snyder in the hallway, turn around and go the other way”. “Boss doesn’t want to see you eating”. Snyder owns a big yacht and I guess he wanted all his employees to be like those on his yacht: subservient, lowly workers. Women were reportedly hired for their looks and then googled at by all the men, especially the higher ups. In one alleged incident, Snyder saw an average looking woman (an unpaid intern) in the hallway and immediately ordered her fired. In fact, many of allegations are for the misuse and abuse of UNPAID cheerleaders. Young and beautiful women who are not getting paid and trying to get ahead in this world were reportedly targeted for sex while on junkets. Any who reported the team activities to HR were simply told to shut up or quit. They all quit and kept quiet because Snyder sues people at the drop of a hat - which is the true purpose of the non-disclosure form. To keep everything secret! While filming a “Making of a Redskin’s Bikini calendar (2008)”, there was a SECOND film being made on the sidelines with the cheerleaders in various states of undress. They were not paid, nor did they know about the second sleazy film.

I know this is long, but Snyder, the ultimate petty dictator, always has people out front in football operations (Cerrato/Allen) and on the non-football side to take any heat from the media or fans. As usual, he denies any knowledge of the illegal and sleazy activities through the years. Yet, he ran the team and his staff like a micro-managing Godfather.

He’s fired all the front men from Bruce Allen, to Larry Micheal’s (voice of the Redskins) who were all well-paid. If just ONE of those front men talks to the NFL investigation, Snyder is done. I personally think that Snyder will be told to quietly sell the team after the season is over. He is now a pariah in Washington, Maryland it Virginia. No politician will lift a finger to help him for a new stadium- even if he pays for it himself!!. His co-owners, the fans and certainly the media dislike or even hate him. Only the previously grossly overpaid FA, like Dion Sanders, or owners who regularly beat Snyder’s perpetually crummy teams (like Jerry Jones) are behind Snyder now. But with more and more verified allegations from this teams “ off the field”
activities coming out, it is hard to imagine Snyder surviving this. Because Snyder has burned his bridges for any future stadium, he becomes an albatross to the NFL. They’ll fire the butt boy of the NFL and the team will be run by a new billionaire. A new owner COULD NOT be a BIGGER DISASTER, on and off the field, than Danny Snyder has been for this misused team and it’s employee’s.

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Old 09-06-2020, 06:00 PM   #56
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

So I'm watching this Sports Center special on the frat boy culture that went on at Redskins Park. This is pretty convincing stuff and is making Snyder look really bad. How can he survive this? Compiling videos of women's private parts?? Wtf??
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Old 09-06-2020, 07:16 PM   #57
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
So I'm watching this Sports Center special on the frat boy culture that went on at Redskins Park. This is pretty convincing stuff and is making Snyder look really bad. How can he survive this? Compiling videos of women's private parts?? Wtf??

It’s disgusting especially because the women in the videos weren’t even paid, NOR did they know they were being filmed while they undressed, etc. This is pervy “filming through the bathroom window” sort of stuff. On one hand Daniel Snyder is a micro-managing despot, but then when anything goes wrong he says,”I was too hands off.” I think the other owners will just make him go away. But his billions has allowed him to escape unscathed through other crises. The WFT can only do better with another owner!

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Old 09-07-2020, 06:56 AM   #58
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

Originally Posted by Warthog View Post
It’s disgusting especially because the women in the videos weren’t even paid, NOR did they know they were being filmed while they undressed, etc. This is pervy “filming through the bathroom window” sort of stuff. On one hand Daniel Snyder is a micro-managing despot, but then when anything goes wrong he says,”I was too hands off.” I think the other owners will just make him go away. But his billions has allowed him to escape unscathed through other crises. The WFT can only do better with another owner!

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I doubt that many people believed that lie.
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Old 09-09-2020, 12:12 AM   #59
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

According to this article, Dan Snyder might be forced to sell the team...

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Old 09-09-2020, 07:44 PM   #60
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Re: Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

Originally Posted by kct1975 View Post
According to this article, Dan Snyder might be forced to sell the team...

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Excellent article. Another factor for Goodell is that Snyder has ZERO chance of getting a stadium deal with any DC, Maryland or Virginia politicians. No political figure, in EITHER PARTY, will help Snyder now or in the foreseeable future (next 0-10 years) to get a stadium - even if Dan Snyder pays for it himself! Snyder offered a stadium deal last year to any state (including DC), with Snyder paying for the whole thing, IF they would give Snyder gambling rights in the stadium. But the allegations by over 40 employees against Snyder have made him a political pariah.

The politicians know that the fans hated him BEFORE these Wash Post articles. Snyder has squeezed the fans for 20 years for every penny- extremely high tickets prices, some of the highest stadium food/beverage prices in the NFL. Snyder also was happy to sell tickets to opposing team fans, which has made the “home game” advantage a joke. Last year, every home game had many more opposing team fans than our fans. The legendary home fan waiting list has long disappeared and Snyder has had to close whole sections of FEDEX to keep the stadium from looking more deserted than it is.

Although the expert cited in that article gives Snyder only a 50/50 chance of surviving this latest crisis, I think it is far lower. Sure, Snyder is promising to change. Why didn’t he do it anytime in the past as the team floundered year after year? Snyder has only changed when under heavy pressure from a scandal, or faced with FINANCIAL PRESSURE. Is that the kind of owner the fans want? As the article says, a new owner will be viewed as a SAVIOR after Snyder’s reign of terror. I can only think that the current NFL investigation will find MORE allegations and more misbehavior by Snyder or by those using his name. I firmly believe that Snyder will be forced to sell the team after another mediocre season. The fans, media and owners will rejoice.

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