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New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

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Old 08-01-2012, 08:11 AM   #46
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
This law covers fountain soda...people buy fountains drinks out of convenience...we now restrict the consumption of soda at schools but kids can still bring their own soda.

These laws are designed to restrict your freedom all together but certain choices that are typically made on the whim. If we restrict the purchase of tobacco and alcohol because they are considered harmful it stands to reason you can restrict the consumption of high-fructose corn syrup (corn sugar?), which is quite unhealthy according to many.

Remember, you are still free to do as you fcking please in your quest to live an unhealthy, just don't get mad when the gov puts road blocks in your way.
2 things,
1) the law doesn't affect convenience stores, so the 7-11 note on big gulps isn't relevant

Originally Posted by OP Article
The proposal before the city Board of Health, the first of its kind in the nation, would limit servings of sugary drinks to 16 ounces (473 ml) at most restaurants, theaters, delis, vending carts and stadium concessions.


The ban would not apply to convenience, grocery or drug stores, which mostly sell beverages in bottles and cans, and it would exclude diet and dairy-based coffee drinks.
2) if a place like McD's sells all their sodas for $1, and you can go back and refill as often as you like inside, then this becomes a very random law. Would the law require places like McDs to move the dispenser back behind the counter?
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Old 08-01-2012, 10:39 AM   #47
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
We have parental control feature for this very reason. You can control what you do in your home, you can't control things outside of your home because it's for the community by the community and you are merely one member of the community.

You are free to regulate your kids in your domain and the government is free to regulate you in the communal domain. If you don't like that, take it up with the founders and your representatives.
If I don't want my kids drinking 32oz sodas I can also stop them from doing that its not the govorments concern. Also when we have killers in the "community" it becomes a community problem. Seems like people want to pick and choose what they want regulated.

BTW My youngest daughter have probably had maybe 32oz of soda in her life time. I don't think we even have a soda in the house.
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Old 08-01-2012, 11:32 AM   #48
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
2 things,
1) the law doesn't affect convenience stores, so the 7-11 note on big gulps isn't relevant

2) if a place like McD's sells all their sodas for $1, and you can go back and refill as often as you like inside, then this becomes a very random law. Would the law require places like McDs to move the dispenser back behind the counter?
1. I was under the impression that it covered everything. The likes of 7-11 definitely need to be on the list otherwise the law loses its punch.

2. As I state in my previous post the law of diminishing marginal utility is too powerful for that to happen. Ask yourself, what is the maximum number of times you have filled up more than twice? Hell, even twice?

A psychological generalization that the perceived value of, or satisfaction gained from, a good to a consumer declines with each additional unit acquired or consumed.
Even the most delicious food, for example, will appeal less and less to its consumer when he or she has had enough, and if consumption continues, sickness (disutility) will result. Consumers deal with this phenomenon by consuming a variety of goods rather than lots of one good.

This law is the kinda of law that allows buffets to continue to exist and allows you to drink 64 oz drink without considering it as a multiple of a 16oz drink.
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Old 08-01-2012, 11:39 AM   #49
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
If I don't want my kids drinking 32oz sodas I can also stop them from doing that its not the govorments concern. Also when we have killers in the "community" it becomes a community problem. Seems like people want to pick and choose what they want regulated.

BTW My youngest daughter have probably had maybe 32oz of soda in her life time. I don't think we even have a soda in the house.
Apparently it is the government's concern. They have a constitutional right to regulate.

What community do you live in? Somalia? In my community we have police officers, district attorney's, judges, and juries.
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Old 08-01-2012, 12:02 PM   #50
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
1. I was under the impression that it covered everything. The likes of 7-11 definitely need to be on the list otherwise the law loses its punch.

2. As I state in my previous post the law of diminishing marginal utility is too powerful for that to happen. Ask yourself, what is the maximum number of times you have filled up more than twice? Hell, even twice?

This law is the kinda of law that allows buffets to continue to exist and allows you to drink 64 oz drink without considering it as a multiple of a 16oz drink.
For the record, I am an unhealthy SOB in my eating habits, I eat McD's normally once a day, and rarely cook much outside Mac and Cheese. My dad forbid us from drinking soda growing up, and once I did, I basically only drink Coca Cola. At 45, my last 2 doctor checkups have come back in good shape for cholesterol and diabetes, I am 225 at 5'11 which obviously isn't great.

All that said, I will normally "top off" my coke at McD's when I first fill it up, and will refill it at least once. At restaurants (ie olive garden) I will usually get 3- 4 refills while I eat.

Nothing that has been said has made me think, yes this is the government's place to regulate.

But of course, it's FOR THE KIDS. :vomit:
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Old 08-01-2012, 02:36 PM   #51
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
For the record, I am an unhealthy SOB in my eating habits, I eat McD's normally once a day, and rarely cook much outside Mac and Cheese. My dad forbid us from drinking soda growing up, and once I did, I basically only drink Coca Cola. At 45, my last 2 doctor checkups have come back in good shape for cholesterol and diabetes, I am 225 at 5'11 which obviously isn't great.

All that said, I will normally "top off" my coke at McD's when I first fill it up, and will refill it at least once. At restaurants (ie olive garden) I will usually get 3- 4 refills while I eat.

Nothing that has been said has made me think, yes this is the government's place to regulate.

But of course, it's FOR THE KIDS. :vomit:
What you need to start doing when you have the BigM, Large fries, apple pie, just wash it dowbn with a diet soda.
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Old 08-01-2012, 04:25 PM   #52
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
What you need to start doing when you have the BigM, Large fries, apple pie, just wash it dowbn with a diet soda.
Nah, every third visit I only drink water - lol (Diet soda has got to be the worst thing in creation, but also according to the article the law won't regulate it either. Seriously stupid law)
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Old 08-01-2012, 08:20 PM   #53
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink


Last edited by Alvin Walton; 08-02-2012 at 10:58 AM.
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Old 08-02-2012, 09:47 AM   #54
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
Nah, every third visit I only drink water - lol (Diet soda has got to be the worst thing in creation, but also according to the article the law won't regulate it either. Seriously stupid law)
I drink about 3 soda a week and I have tried but I just cant do diet drinks. Water or Ice Tea and I'm happy. Your getting to the age where that food is going to catch up to you. While I'm not heavy I did have to change my diet over the past 5 yrs.
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Old 08-02-2012, 05:11 PM   #55
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Apparently it is the government's concern. They have a constitutional right to regulate.

What community do you live in? Somalia? In my community we have police officers, district attorney's, judges, and juries.
OK, this is more ridiculous than the scaremongering on soda, and not understanding value marketing. Prove that the Mayor of New York City has a constitutional right to regulate the amount of soda a restaurant may serve. Or if you like, prove that the federal government has a constitutional right to regulate the amount of soda a restaurant may serve.
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Old 09-13-2012, 02:43 PM   #56
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

New York OKs nation's first ban on super-sized sugary drinks | Reuters
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Old 09-13-2012, 03:20 PM   #57
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

Here that sucking sound?
Its American liberty going dowm the toilet.
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Old 03-11-2013, 03:19 PM   #58
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Re: New York City Proposes Ban on Big Surary Drink

Probably the first time I am ever in favor of judicial activism:

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Judge dismisses New York City's ban on large sugary drinks, calling it 'arbitrary and capricious' - @Reuters
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