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Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

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Old 06-27-2011, 12:58 PM   #46
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

Im with d-rave in that i think it should be left up to the states, the federal govt has more imortant things to worry about. Im also with smootsmack in that i also dont really care for the most part. But I will say i think to some degree that its a civil rights issue and i have never once heard a good argument to not allowing gays to marry.

One thing that AMAZES me is when conservatives are against gay marriage or civil unions...... how can you want the government out of our lives (on either the federal or state level) but want legislation on gay people marring??? I just dont get it. Also i got no problem with the word fag. So many more meanings then a nasty word for a gay person. I havent heard someone viciously call a gay person a fag in years, if ever. When words are narrowly defined they can become much more hateful in my opinion.
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Old 06-27-2011, 01:38 PM   #47
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

Originally Posted by DynamiteRave View Post
Well howdy again guys! I'm back! Haha. At least for a lil but. The whole lockout thing has given me a case of the sads and thus I haven't been around. But I'm gonna try to come around more often cuz... I miss you guys!

I whole heartedly support gay marriage (surprise surprise) but I do feel it should be handled on a state level rather than a federal level. Of course there will be states that will completely vote against it (Think Bible belt) but I think more "progressive states" i.e. NY, MA, VT, maybe Cali someday, would have a good chance of allowing gay marriage. I just feel like the federal government have other things they should be handling.
First of all, we miss yo ass!!

The interesting thing about the N.Y. vote to legalize gay marriage is that it was passed with a Republican majority. That's a huge, huge shift in sentiment and it gives other states some political cover that have Republican majorities in the state senate and assembly.

The only point I'm making is gay couples around the country can take heart that Republicans are coming out of the closet, so to speak, on this issue and don't want to be seen as out of step with the rest of the country.

(Hey, were you anywhere near that parade madness this weekend?) Crazy!
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Old 06-27-2011, 01:50 PM   #48
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

I was out in New York City yesterday and there were a lot of proud people in the streets yesterday, but I must say I felt pretty odd being one of the few people holding the hand of someone of the opposite sex.

Seriously though, good for those that now finally can legally marry, like Doogie Howser. But it doesn't make my heterosexual marriage any less special. I treated my wife to a fancy dinner on Saturday. It was a wonderful evening out. Crazy expensive though. But it's fine, I wanted to treat her to something nice...and at no point did I think man my marriage just seems to fake now that they're letting gays marry.
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Old 06-27-2011, 02:08 PM   #49
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

Originally Posted by Dirtbag59 View Post
Amazing how many people are openly predjudice against gays in this day and age. Search Twitter using the F word that rhymes with lag (the one that cost Kobe and Jakim a pretty penny) and you'll see a slew of hateful comments that will disgust you whilst exposing you to some of the worst humanity has to offer.

New York liberals also turns up some pretty hateful results.
Dirtbag, care to explain all of the exclamation points and apparent excitement over it in your title?

Are you?

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Old 06-27-2011, 02:14 PM   #50
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

Originally Posted by Monkeydad View Post
Dirtbag, care to explain all of the exclamation points and apparent excitement over it in your title?

Are you?

What title are you referring to?
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Old 06-27-2011, 03:07 PM   #51
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

Uhh, thread title.

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Old 06-27-2011, 03:14 PM   #52
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

Originally Posted by Monkeydad View Post
Uhh, thread title.

So why are you asking Dirtbag?
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Old 06-27-2011, 03:22 PM   #53
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

I will say I support same sex simply becasue it really doesn't affect me in anyway or my marriage. So why be against something that has no bearing to me but may bring happiness to someone else? Would seem foolish to be like that.

Any who with that said it still creeps me out to see two guys kiss but hey whatever floats your boat.
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Old 06-27-2011, 03:39 PM   #54
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

So was anyone here there at the parade.
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Old 06-27-2011, 07:33 PM   #55
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

It doesn't look like anyone here is opposed to gay marriage. So I'll throw out some arguments against it (I've seen them in other message boards) and see what we can do with them.

1. Listening to Sean Hannity today, he says the real issue comes up when those gay couples decide they want to adopt -- what happens when children are brought into the mix?

2. Just check out some of the posts here at Free Republic. Just as an example ... "They just spit on Christ"

The real problem are those that look at the issue from a purely spiritual perspective; those that actually, truly believe that God will strike the United States just as he struck Sodom and Gamorrah. You obviously can't reason with people like that -- just like you can't reason with people who fly planes into buildings because their magical sky-god tells them to.

If this gets to the Supreme Court, and it comes to a 5-4 decision in favor of gay marriage, I'm thinking the outrage will be like nothing we've ever seen in this country.
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Old 06-27-2011, 07:41 PM   #56
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

Originally Posted by Beemnseven View Post
It doesn't look like anyone here is opposed to gay marriage. So I'll throw out some arguments against it (I've seen them in other message boards) and see what we can do with them.

1. Listening to Sean Hannity today, he says the real issue comes up when those gay couples decide they want to adopt -- what happens when children are brought into the mix?

2. Just check out some of the posts here at Free Republic. Just as an example ... "They just spit on Christ"

The real problem are those that look at the issue from a purely spiritual perspective; those that actually, truly believe that God will strike the United States just as he struck Sodom and Gamorrah. You obviously can't reason with people like that -- just like you can't reason with people who fly planes into buildings because their magical sky-god tells them to.

If this gets to the Supreme Court, and it comes to a 5-4 decision in favor of gay marriage, I'm thinking the outrage will be like nothing we've ever seen in this country.
Yeah, because leaving kids in a crowded foster homes instead of a life of luxury that many gay couples seem to afford is just TERRIBLE. Better off in a foster home.

Well, MY question is why don't those families adopt children in foster care who need families NOW - there are over 500,000 children in foster care at the moment, many of them are waiting for adoption:
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Old 06-27-2011, 07:42 PM   #57
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
So was anyone here there at the parade.
I have four employees who are openly gay, and they went to the pride celebrations in DC a few weeks back. It's a great showing of solidarity for the gay community, and they had a wonderful time and garner from it a strong sense of identity. I think it's great. I can't imagine how difficult it is as a young adult in high school struggling with your own sexuality while dealing with all the other life challenges high school brings.
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Old 06-27-2011, 10:22 PM   #58
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

Beemnseven, you raise a few very good points. From Hannity of all people!

Starting from the bottom of your post and working upwards, I don't think the Supreme Court will, or should, touch this issue with a ten foot pole. I believe it would become so politicized and fracture our society in ways unimaginable. To be clear, I'm not suggesting in any way that the issue in of itself would cause such a division, because people will believe what they believe no matter what. But for the highest court in the land to make such a decree, and essentially rubber stamp what's deemed to be moral, religiously and constitutionally acceptable would have profound consequences that would set a dangerous precedent far beyond the institution of marriage.

It should be left for the states to decide, as it's currently being handled. I must add that I'm glad the President has handled himself as the leader of the country and not following the polls on the issue or as a left wing ideologue.

In terms of should kids being raised in by gay parents? I don't think there's any empirical evidence that suggests one way or another. One thing is for sure, the modern day family structure is vastly different from the model of June and Ward Cleaver. I think kids are just, if not moreso, as influenced by what they see and read online than the comings and goings of mom and dad.

"Spitting on Christ"...don't get me started on that one.
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Old 06-27-2011, 11:02 PM   #59
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

Sorry, I don't think this is all that big an issue for the s.c. Sure, there would politics, etc. But these same factors went into Roe v. Wade. Unlike abortion, this is an issue that has been in the public forum for close to a decade.

Further, the SC could simply ratify the "It's a State isssue" standard and do so in a manner that essentially washes their hands of the issue.
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Old 06-27-2011, 11:35 PM   #60
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Re: Same-Sex Marriage!! Your Thoughts

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
I have four employees who are openly gay, and they went to the pride celebrations in DC a few weeks back. It's a great showing of solidarity for the gay community, and they had a wonderful time and garner from it a strong sense of identity. I think it's great. I can't imagine how difficult it is as a young adult in high school struggling with your own sexuality while dealing with all the other life challenges high school brings.
And you haven't fired them? Happy employees are lazy employees Scud.
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