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Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

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Old 03-17-2010, 12:17 PM   #46
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
You have no idea what it takes to learn English, no idea.
ease up, he's still learning how to spell in English

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Old 03-17-2010, 12:18 PM   #47
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
There actually are plenty of ESL programs right now, we all pay for them with taxes.
If we didn't make churches tax exempt ESL wouldn't be a problem
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:19 PM   #48
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Pssst, these companies aren't required to offer Spanish language ATMs...they do it because they want to do business with Hispanics. You're free to choose your bank, go choose one that doesn't have bilingual ATMs.
It frightens me how little people try to explain things before they complain about them. Reminds me of the census letter before the form thread.
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:23 PM   #49
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

Originally Posted by tryfuhl View Post
it takes people time.. these people are typically supporting families, working at least one job, etc.. they don't always have time for English lessons

I seriously doubt that my ancestors (except for maybe the very affluent.. wish I had been direct lineage of them haha) knew English, aside from the British ones. It's easy for us to say learn it, but think of our level of English and how long that took to master? I'd rather someone depend someone else on English if it means that they're making an honest living. Sure there are those who do neither, but there are plenty of people that speak English that don't as well.
Thats just an excuse. I'm not saying become an english master just learn the language so you can communicate. I had a secretary from Italy working at my office and I would always find files out of place. One day a dawned on me that she did not know the alphabet. She knew all the letters but never learned them like us and that little ABC song.
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:24 PM   #50
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
ease up, he's still learning how to spell in English


I'm serious....learning English is an arduous 9 year process and people talk about it as if it takes minutes. Not only that but when you speak to them in broken English and you're trying they tell you learn English.
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:30 PM   #51
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
I'm serious....learning English is an arduous 9 year process and people talk about it as if it takes minutes. Not only that but when you speak to them in broken English and you're trying they tell you learn English.
Oh I know, they say it's one of the most difficult to learn and it's definitely one of the most complex languages.
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:30 PM   #52
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
I'm serious....learning English is an arduous 9 year process and people talk about it as if it takes minutes. Not only that but when you speak to them in broken English and you're trying they tell you learn English.
Yea, I bet that's what you ment. The scary thing is my mom is an English master and alomost has her Dr's. I don't think she knows how bad my english really is.
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:39 PM   #53
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Thats just an excuse. I'm not saying become an english master just learn the language so you can communicate. I had a secretary from Italy working at my office and I would always find files out of place. One day a dawned on me that she did not know the alphabet. She knew all the letters but never learned them like us and that little ABC song.
Just because a jackass subset of our population thinks that people should have to speak the language does not make it the law. You're free to speak whatever you want in the United States. Maybe if you don't like that, you should leave, FD.

The logic can be turned in either direction.
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:42 PM   #54
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
This was to protect the churches FROM the Government more than to keep religion out of Government. Look at the times it was written and the Church of England being controlled by the Government and forced upon the citizenry.

The Founders were primarily Christians and there are citations of God all throughout written laws, on Government buildings and on currency. They never had any intention to separate Church from State, only to keep the "State" our of churches and let people worship as they choose to or not at all. They didn't say that beliefs had to be censored or hidden at all. They had their very public beliefs BUT the also did not want to prevent others from having and displaying theirs even if different.

The whole concept has been twisted in attempts to silence religious practices completely. The Founders intended on Freedom OF Religion, not Freedom FROM Religion as many push today.
Six to one half dozen. If you legislate based on a set of religious beliefs, then I'm stuck abiding to a set of laws consistent with someone else's beliefs, not my own.

Your line of thinking is devoid of logic.
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:48 PM   #55
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
Six to one half dozen. If you legislate based on a set of religious beliefs, then I'm stuck abiding to a set of laws consistent with someone else's beliefs, not my own.

Your line of thinking is devoid of logic.
Religion.. void of logic?! NO WAY!

It's only the Christians that argue that.. I say let Hindu and Muslims be deeply ingrained, then we'll see if they argue that it's not about the church being part of the state
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:56 PM   #56
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

I havent read through all the posts, but if anyone ever had the chance to watch Do You Know What Your Children Are Reading by Tucker Carlson watch it. Its been a while but i believe there are 2 tpyes of formats that states use to make decision on text books. One is worse then the other, but they are both bad - i wish i could further elaborate. Basically big text book companies cater to special interest groups. Its pretty ridiculous how its all done.

Also for the record i usually disagree with Tucker Carlson and dont really like his journalism style, but this was a great program he did. Its slightly bias to being conservative minded, but plays into both liberal and conservative fears. Either way it will make you disgusted how much money we spend having whats put into textbooks and even worse what ends up getting put into because of special interest groups (both left and right). - The Trouble With Textbooks
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:56 PM   #57
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

I wonder if they'll include the fact that Woodrow Wilson sent US troops into Russia to help the Whites defeat the Reds?

Perhaps they'll include the fact that when Columbus Discovered America millions of people were already here?

What form of government do the new school books say the US has: A Democracy, Oligarchy, or perhaps a multi-cultural Socialist utopia?

Are the new books going to be in English or Spanglish? Maybe they can write the new books in Mayan, so everyone will know when the world is going to end?
A funny thing happened on the way to the temple. The moneychangers bought the priesthood.
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Old 03-17-2010, 01:39 PM   #58
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

1. IMHO - Some of the Board's actions appear to be one section's "spin" on history and some appear to be just plain fabrication of history (the Jefferson issue). As to the "spin", time will simply judge it as it will and soon enough it will be spun differently. As to the fabrication, it is inexcusable - both public focus upon and public ridicule of such ignorance is appropriate and necessary.

2. The "separation of church and State" is an established constitutional tenant. Period. Most, if not all, of the founders believed in the existance of a creator. Many of the founders were Christian and, certainly, the early population of the country was based in Christianity. Again, IMHO, the protections envisioned by the founders were, in many ways, seen as necessary to protect one sect of Christianity from another. At the same time, the brilliance of the principles enunciated in accomplishing this is demonstrated by their universal appeal to all religious interactions with the governing structures.

I agree with Schneed, freedom "from" v. freedom "of" is essentially the same thing. Thus, the langauge prevents the "establishment" of a government religion (i.e. freedom "from") at the same time protects the "free exercise" of a person's religion( i.e. freedom "of").

3. I would respectfully request that those here who disagree with the premise of a creator or the concept of organized religion not assume all who disagree with their philosophical beliefs are small minded and ignorant.

As an aside, at the fall of the western Roman Empire, it it was Christianity that preserved much of the ancient knowledge that otherwise would have been lost with the Fall of Rome. How the Irish Saved Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Perhaps before you go blasting us folks who believe in "fairy tales" you might read some history yourselves. Organized religion's faults are many and well documented, however, it seems to me that its successes and beneficial effects are often ignored by those who deem themselves enlighted. (Sorry, I get tired of the smugness of those who accuse others of being small minded and ignorant while at the same time exhibiting, IMO, the same type, if not same degree, of small minded ignorance).
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Old 03-17-2010, 01:50 PM   #59
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

As an aside, at the fall of the western Roman Empire, it it was Christianity that preserved much of the ancient knowledge that otherwise would have been lost with the Fall of Rome. How the Irish Saved Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

That my friend is a fabrication.
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Old 03-17-2010, 01:50 PM   #60
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Re: Texas wants to rewrite the US History books

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
Just because a jackass subset of our population thinks that people should have to speak the language does not make it the law. You're free to speak whatever you want in the United States. Maybe if you don't like that, you should leave, FD.

The logic can be turned in either direction.
No its Jack Asses that think we should change for every Tom dick and harry that comes here.Hell while we are at it why don't we start driving on the left side of the road and put stearing wheels on the left side of the cars because go forbid if we ask them to learn how to drive our way. I should leave its the fing liberal thinking and liberals that we need to get the F out of this counrty. You guys can start your own little world where no one works and everyone speaks a different language.
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