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10 Years of Snyder-AP Interview

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Old 07-24-2009, 09:50 AM   #46
Uncle Phil
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Re: 10 Years of Snyder-AP Interview

Did you know the Redskins record in the 10 years before Snyder (1989-1998) was 79-80-1? What does that mean? Nothing really, just thought I'd put it out there.

But how much can an owner do to influence the results on the field? If anything I suppose he should have/could have said no more often to the wishes of his staff and coaches. But he's just about always given the team what it's asked for. Whether it's Spurrier saying he needs a guy like Canidate to complement The Wuerff or Saunders saying Lloyd would be the perfect fit for his offense.
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Old 07-24-2009, 10:12 AM   #47
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Re: 10 Years of Snyder-AP Interview

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Did you know the Redskins record in the 10 years before Snyder (1989-1998) was 79-80-1? What does that mean? Nothing really, just thought I'd put it out there.

But how much can an owner do to influence the results on the field? If anything I suppose he should have/could have said no more often to the wishes of his staff and coaches. But he's just about always given the team what it's asked for. Whether it's Spurrier saying he needs a guy like Canidate to complement The Wuerff or Saunders saying Lloyd would be the perfect fit for his offense.
Very true, for all the talk of "meddling" he has allowed coaches to put a definitive stamp on their team. Spurrier's teams are the best (and thus worst as well) examples. Many owners would've never allowed Wuerfful in their bldg.

That seems to me part of the danny's learning curve, he's tried about every way. Hiring Gibbs was a major move long-term IMO in that he allowed him more of a gm role. As Gibbs left it appears Vinny has filled this void. We've still got to wait & see how it plays out, but there have been positive signs for sure.

I have always been impressed w/Snyder's accomplishmnets, he's done amazing things as a young man. That certainly has to be taken into account. But young or not, he's done plenty to deserve criticism. As always in sports, a lot can be forgiven if you win. I truly hope he is successful in building a consistent winner in the Skins. But, if it's like this another 10 years, I hope he sells!
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