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Why Is This So Common Among NFL Players Now?

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Old 05-24-2008, 11:40 PM   #46
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Re: Why Is This So Common Among NFL Players Now?

It's common in society. It's a necessary law but at the same time it can really screw the lives of people arrested for it. .08 BAC is near nothing to many people, but it accounts for the college cheerleader that kisses a guy that had a single beer and wrecks into a crowd.

Some states are understanding of mistakes and some (like my great commonwealth of VA) will royally eff your life for it. I had a cop merely get into a conversation with me as to why I was at a storage building at 2 am lead into a DUI when I passed all field tests.

I've had to pay thousands, still owe, take weekly classes an hour away because they wouldn't put me in the one 5 minutes away; have a breathalyzer/interlock device installed (haven't been able to afford that one so I have a driving while suspended coming up shortly), spend a week in jail, insurance, and quite a few other things that I'm forgetting for that one incident. Granted I didn't expect to "get away" with it, I never showed any signs of drunk driving by the cop that was behind me and pulled in (saying that the building had been broken into recently, a common cop lie when you're around a building at night.. I have another story for that one but we'll save it) behind me. I also passed all field tests.

Yes, it was completely my fault, but intoxilyzers are very innaccurate and none of this takes into effect the abilities of a single person, but that's what you deal with.

Conversely, my friend in PA got one, had 3 months restricted license and it was expunged from his record. He, like myself, decided not to drive at all after drinking again and now he's treated regularly. Myself, a year and a half later, is still struggling to deal with the repurcussions.
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