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Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

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Old 02-12-2008, 07:26 PM   #46
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

People here are insulting Adam Schein for his unbiased view of what has happened with the Skins, but fact is, it's his opinion. And let's face it, he's not far off. We have all at one time or another said: "WHAT?" Not a single one of us jumped for joy with the signing Zorn, not a single one of us was thrilled with the promotion shortly after the hire, and not a single one of us was happy when he called us the "marroon and yellow". In fact, I thought there was a poll about what we all wanted, and it was overwhelming that we wanted continuity in our coaching. Well, DS missed the memo on that one. Not only did he fire one of the greatest coaches we have had (GW) he replaced him with a no one. Now we're also hiring D3 coaches??? If this doesn't deserve a WTF! comment, then what does?
This guy is right in saying what he is saying...will he be wrong and Zorn will surprise everone??? Damn I hope so, but commenting on it and spinning it as dumb is not only good for his ratings, it's to be expected. DS will have to rely on a shitload of luck for this to work in our favor.
People bet on odds. The odds of Zorn becoming a super bowl caliber coach is slim. DS should know this, but apparently he is too busy looking for YES men like Cerrato. Hey, I'm all for giving guy chances, and I obviously hope Zorn works out. Like sheriff, I will reserve my judgement of Zorn until I see his coaching ability. But it doesn't make the moves any less dumb! Schein is on the money for writing it, and let's hope Zorn makes him eat his words.
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Old 02-12-2008, 07:36 PM   #47
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
In recent history it had to be Steve Spurrier. I'd say Richie Petibon, but he was a successful defensive coach in the NFL before failing as a HC. Spurrier was a joke in the pros. And he knew it too.
Ray Handley- .438 (14-18)
Steve Spurrier- .375 (12-20)
Bill McPeak- .313 (21-46-3) (1961-1965)
Mike Nixon- .182 (4-18-2) (1959-1960) *-had a 2-12 record in 65 with Pitt.

I would have gladly took Handley over Spurrier or McPeak, or Nixon.

ps- petitbon wasn't really given the chance. He inherited an old team that needed rebuilding, and no patience was granted to him.
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Old 02-12-2008, 07:42 PM   #48
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
People here are insulting Adam Schein for his unbiased view of what has happened with the Skins, but fact is, it's his opinion. And let's face it, he's not far off. We have all at one time or another said: "WHAT?" Not a single one of us jumped for joy with the signing Zorn, not a single one of us was thrilled with the promotion shortly after the hire, and not a single one of us was happy when he called us the "marroon and yellow". In fact, I thought there was a poll about what we all wanted, and it was overwhelming that we wanted continuity in our coaching. Well, DS missed the memo on that one. Not only did he fire one of the greatest coaches we have had (GW) he replaced him with a no one. Now we're also hiring D3 coaches??? If this doesn't deserve a WTF! comment, then what does?
This guy is right in saying what he is saying...will he be wrong and Zorn will surprise everone??? Damn I hope so, but commenting on it and spinning it as dumb is not only good for his ratings, it's to be expected. DS will have to rely on a shitload of luck for this to work in our favor.
People bet on odds. The odds of Zorn becoming a super bowl caliber coach is slim. DS should know this, but apparently he is too busy looking for YES men like Cerrato. Hey, I'm all for giving guy chances, and I obviously hope Zorn works out. Like sheriff, I will reserve my judgement of Zorn until I see his coaching ability. But it doesn't make the moves any less dumb! Schein is on the money for writing it, and let's hope Zorn makes him eat his words.
Please don't speak for everybody Jsarno, because I for one was very happy with the hiring. In fact, I never once displayed a displeasure for the choice. While I wouldn't have hated the move to get Fassel, this hire has made me very excited.
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Old 02-12-2008, 07:48 PM   #49
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

Originally Posted by skinsguy View Post
Please don't speak for everybody Jsarno, because I for one was very happy with the hiring. In fact, I never once displayed a displeasure for the choice. While I wouldn't have hated the move to get Fassel, this hire has made me very excited.
Well, I don't beleive you, but I will trust what you're saying. No one even knew Zorn was on the radar. So most of us said "What?"

Why did this signing make you excited? A guy with no experience as a coodinator being our HC making anyone exciting is surprising to me. Please explain.
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Old 02-12-2008, 08:02 PM   #50
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

I'd honestly like to know WTF it matters whether a guy was a coordinator? Anyone have any reasonable explanation of why a HC HAS to have been a coordinator to become a good HC? HC is more about leading and less about game planning since you have an entire staff of people to do it. HCs give direction and lead. So I don't give one little bit of sh*t whether he was an OC and I think those that do don't know what the hell they are talking about.
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Old 02-12-2008, 08:05 PM   #51
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

Originally Posted by FRPLG View Post
I'd honestly like to know WTF it matters whether a guy was a coordinator? Anyone have any reasonable explanation of why a HC HAS to have been a coordinator to become a good HC? HC is more about leading and less about game planning since you have an entire staff of people to do it. HCs give direction and lead. So I don't give one little bit of sh*t whether he was an OC and I think those that do don't know what the hell they are talking about.
Well, how about asst head coach then? Or how about a HC at ANY LEVEL?

You don't hire the CEO of a company out of the mailroom. There is a reason people need to build ignore it is not wise.
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Old 02-12-2008, 08:23 PM   #52
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
Well, how about asst head coach then? Or how about a HC at ANY LEVEL?

You don't hire the CEO of a company out of the mailroom. There is a reason people need to build ignore it is not wise.
Bill Cowher, Mike Tomlin, and Jack Del Rio were not OC's or DC's before getting their chance at being the HC. They all do have one thing in common though. They were all players first.
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Old 02-12-2008, 08:24 PM   #53
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

Originally Posted by FRPLG View Post
I'd honestly like to know WTF it matters whether a guy was a coordinator? Anyone have any reasonable explanation of why a HC HAS to have been a coordinator to become a good HC? HC is more about leading and less about game planning since you have an entire staff of people to do it. HCs give direction and lead. So I don't give one little bit of sh*t whether he was an OC and I think those that do don't know what the hell they are talking about.

Zorn is actually coming into a great situation. He has a very experienced staff to help him with the transition, including a former HC whom he will work very closely with just by the nature of the position he coaches.

I think some people are making too much of an issue over the fact he hasn't been a coordinator, or hasn't called plays in a game at this level or been in control of an entire NFL roster. Many things associated with being a HC for anyone who has never done it before becomes learning on the fly. I think his biggest hurdle will be dealing with the media on a daily basis.
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Old 02-12-2008, 08:46 PM   #54
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
Well, I don't beleive you, but I will trust what you're saying. No one even knew Zorn was on the radar. So most of us said "What?"
Well, just don't believe me then, but don't speak for others please.

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
Why did this signing make you excited? A guy with no experience as a coodinator being our HC making anyone exciting is surprising to me. Please explain.
Go read Zorn's bio with your own eyes. Don't take the media's word for it. It so happens that Zorn has been an offensive coordinator, albeit not in the NFL, but you didn't specifiy. Zorn is a very organized person, much like Gibbs. In fact, he has a lot of Joe Gibbs' characteristics. I also happen to be very excited by the thought of having the WCO here in Washington. I believe we happen to have most of the right players for this particular offense. Furthermore, the guy has done a great job molding Matt Hasselbeck into a pretty good quarterback, wouldn't you agree? If he can do the same for Jason Campbell, all the better. Finally, Jim Zorn is a player's coach. He will listen to his players much like how Gibbs would do, and this will provide a since of continuity as well.

There are plenty of reasons to be at least cautiously optimistic, but never once I have ever displayed any displeasure or negativity toward this hiring. I am on the Jim Zorn bandwagon all the way to the Super Bowl or until the wheels fall off. Which ever happens first.
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Old 02-12-2008, 09:07 PM   #55
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
People here are insulting Adam Schein for his unbiased view of what has happened with the Skins, but fact is, it's his opinion. And let's face it, he's not far off. We have all at one time or another said: "WHAT?" Not a single one of us jumped for joy with the signing Zorn, not a single one of us was thrilled with the promotion shortly after the hire, and not a single one of us was happy when he called us the "marroon and yellow". In fact, I thought there was a poll about what we all wanted, and it was overwhelming that we wanted continuity in our coaching. Well, DS missed the memo on that one. Not only did he fire one of the greatest coaches we have had (GW) he replaced him with a no one. Now we're also hiring D3 coaches??? If this doesn't deserve a WTF! comment, then what does?
This guy is right in saying what he is saying...will he be wrong and Zorn will surprise everone??? Damn I hope so, but commenting on it and spinning it as dumb is not only good for his ratings, it's to be expected. DS will have to rely on a shitload of luck for this to work in our favor.
People bet on odds. The odds of Zorn becoming a super bowl caliber coach is slim. DS should know this, but apparently he is too busy looking for YES men like Cerrato. Hey, I'm all for giving guy chances, and I obviously hope Zorn works out. Like sheriff, I will reserve my judgement of Zorn until I see his coaching ability. But it doesn't make the moves any less dumb! Schein is on the money for writing it, and let's hope Zorn makes him eat his words.

I think that Zorn probably would have benefitted from another year of not having to be head coach. I don't know that he's quite ready and this is not an easy team to get your start with. Zorn as an offensive coordinator/QB coach is definitely a great move. As Head Coach? I think it can be very good but how soon and will it be for the Redskins?

However, here are the problems with your post above. The problems I have at least. The issue I have with Schein's piece is that he lambasts the Redskins for hiring a head coach who has never been a coordinator. Fine, whatever. I don't think it's such a huge deal but that is his opinion. Ok, well then don't follow that with comments about the new Ravens coach saying he applauds the great, out of the box thinking of not hiring a coordinator.

I won't go into the whole Williams debate, but I will say that technically Greg Blache replaced Williams. And Blache is not a no one.

To get all agitated about who was hired to be an offensive assistant? Reedychulouz. Bill Belichick was, if I recall correctly, an offensive assistant straight out of college (I could be wrong though).
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Old 02-12-2008, 09:07 PM   #56
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

Originally Posted by angryssg View Post
Bill Cowher, Mike Tomlin, and Jack Del Rio were not OC's or DC's before getting their chance at being the HC. They all do have one thing in common though. They were all players first.
Wasn't Tomlin DC in Minn before becoming Steelers HC?
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Old 02-12-2008, 09:10 PM   #57
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
Wasn't Tomlin DC in Minn before becoming Steelers HC?
He was. Mike Tice was a line coach though
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Old 02-12-2008, 09:14 PM   #58
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

Originally Posted by skinsguy View Post
Well, just don't believe me then, but don't speak for others please.

Go read Zorn's bio with your own eyes. Don't take the media's word for it. It so happens that Zorn has been an offensive coordinator, albeit not in the NFL, but you didn't specifiy. Zorn is a very organized person, much like Gibbs. In fact, he has a lot of Joe Gibbs' characteristics. I also happen to be very excited by the thought of having the WCO here in Washington. I believe we happen to have most of the right players for this particular offense. Furthermore, the guy has done a great job molding Matt Hasselbeck into a pretty good quarterback, wouldn't you agree? If he can do the same for Jason Campbell, all the better. Finally, Jim Zorn is a player's coach. He will listen to his players much like how Gibbs would do, and this will provide a since of continuity as well.

There are plenty of reasons to be at least cautiously optimistic, but never once I have ever displayed any displeasure or negativity toward this hiring. I am on the Jim Zorn bandwagon all the way to the Super Bowl or until the wheels fall off. Which ever happens first.

Plus when people speak about continuity they think only of the coaches. Zorn will have the benefit of an entire infrastructure being in place, medical and training staffs, all the behind the scenes personell we seldom hear about. I would think having all these systems already in place would be a tremendous asset for incoming coach with such limited time to assemble a new staff before serious work needs to be done.
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Old 02-12-2008, 10:16 PM   #59
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

I don't have a problem with kawakami criticizing the hire or the process. A lot of people have done that, they are entitled to their opinion, and while we all certainly hope they are proven wrong there were some strange things about the way it went down.

The problem I have is with him telling us that Zorn isn't fit to be a headcoach because he wasn't impressive enough the one time they met. What? So almost a decade of productive work means nothing because you thought a guy didn't cut a good first impression the one time you met him? That is ass stupid. He was probably, like me, just trying to figure out who the hell tim kawakami is.
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Old 02-12-2008, 10:47 PM   #60
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Re: Zorn "probably the worst NFL hire of all time"??

I think Zorn will do a good job. I'm glad to see that we have most of our draft choices this year. Someone at Redskins Park has seen the light. Maybe the lesson is learned finally. Monk and Green were our draft choices, not speculative free agent cast offs from another team.
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