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Lavar has been misused...

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Old 02-20-2006, 10:27 PM   #46
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by Mattyk72
Cutting Brunell leaves Gibbs with no safety net at all, especially since it's obvious Ramsey is on his way out.

There's just no way Gibbs would take that big of a risk at QB.
They would not cut him this year, but he'll have to go sooner or later. I don't see him playing out his whole contract.
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Old 02-21-2006, 12:58 AM   #47
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

from a numbers standpoint, ditching mark brunell this offseason makes lot of sense... but like i said, i don't see gibbs ever doing it. IF MB got the axe, obviously you'd have to keep ramsey for his last year.
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Old 02-21-2006, 02:34 AM   #48
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by 70Chip
The only thing we know about C Clemons is that he is a decent pass rusher off the edge. It would be ridiculous to assume he is an every down player. If he is, I would have liked to have seen him in the game instead of Holdman.

I understand that people feel a loyalty to Lavar because he was making plays and putting forth effort when it seemed that no one else was. I like Lavar as well. The thing is, though, the way the financial aspects of the game are structured, you can't give your heart and soul to any individual player. Darrell Green was the last Redskin I felt any attachment to, and he was the only one for many years. If he he had not played for so long, the last one would have retired around '94 (Monte) or '95 (Monk). Maybe its age, but I just can't get worked up about anyone getting the axe unless I think its a dumb football decision which is not the case here. Its not personal with Lavar. Its not personal with Patrick. It won't be personal the next time with the next guy. (Brunell? Wynn?) So, I'll listen to someone make a case on the football merits, but sentimentality will not persuade me anymore.

Well we don't have to assume anything with Lavar, we know he's not an everydown LB, infact if williams has his way he wont be playing any downs, Clemons has showed steady progress, he has also shown he can get after the QB better than Lavar, there is a reason Lavar was on the bench most of the year and I am tired of hearing the injury excuse he didn't have major reconstruction on his knee, he's just a lowsey LB, who happens to have a big personality.
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Old 02-21-2006, 02:38 AM   #49
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by That Guy
its nice that you think clemons is ready to go... he's been decent on rushing the passer, but i haven't seen him in coverage etc at all. and what happens if he gets hurt? you need a reserve and without lavar we'd need to get somebody who isn't worthless.
That is what the draft is for, it is also why Williams makes the big bucks, he can take an athlete and make him a football player, Williams has proven he can take a nobody and have him outplay Lavar, [see Marshall] as well Clemons was on his way to claiming that spot before his injury. Perhaps he's not an everydown player yet? That's why we have scouts, to draft a player who can step in if need be. I can't imagine a rookie taking longer to learn the position than Lavar has.
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Old 02-21-2006, 02:44 AM   #50
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by Schneed10
I can't take a single thing you say seriously, because you're so obviously biased against Mark Brunell.
Yes I am, but it's not unfounded bias. But to whomever thinks Brunell is the answer, good luck. Brunell is no longer the apple of Gibbs eye, that honor now belongs to Campbell! As Gibbs said it's time for Campbell to go to work and start earning his paycheck, I don't believe he was refering to him holding a clipboard.
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Old 02-21-2006, 08:13 AM   #51
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by offiss
Yes I am, but it's not unfounded bias. But to whomever thinks Brunell is the answer, good luck. Brunell is no longer the apple of Gibbs eye, that honor now belongs to Campbell! As Gibbs said it's time for Campbell to go to work and start earning his paycheck, I don't believe he was refering to him holding a clipboard.
I think it's unfounded. 23 TDs and 11 INTs. It speaks for itself. But I'm not going to get into a QB war here, because if Campbell can play even better than Brunell did in 2005, then I'm all for playing him.

I agree with your stance on Lavar though. I just hope the cap figures work out in such a way that makes it possible to trade him, because I don't want him as a Redskin anymore.
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Old 02-21-2006, 08:20 AM   #52
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by 70Chip
They would not cut him this year, but he'll have to go sooner or later. I don't see him playing out his whole contract.
That's quite obvious, he was never brought here to play the full 7 years. His deal was essentially a 3 year contract.
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Old 02-21-2006, 08:50 AM   #53
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

I just dont see where the LaVar bashing comes from. He was the face of the organization through thick and thin, during those bad years. He wants to be a Redskin for life. LOYALTY, us fans bitch about loyalty, that the players are here for the money, they have no loyalty. This guy has more loyalty to the Redskins than I have ever seen out of todays players. He dropped the 6.5 million case, he has said he will take less money, rework his deal to stay with the team. I think if you look at the stats from the last 5 games, it warrants him staying. He is GETTING to the 100% he was a couple of years ago. He will probably drop a good bit of the weight he gained while he wasn't playing. Interesting stat, with the limited amount of playing time he had this past year, he lead the team in tackles for loss. He was all over the field the second half of the season and the guy loves it here. He plays with more passion and emotion than I can remember. I think dropping LaVar will be a mistake for this franchise. It will cause a lot of fan resintmant to the team. I am not saying that we couldn't find a suitable replacement, but not the caliber of LaVar. With him and Washington on the field, HEALTHY and 100%, its a dominating duo.

However, the word from Clayton last night was he wont be on the team next year. SUCKS!!
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Old 02-21-2006, 08:57 AM   #54
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

There are a select few LaVar "bashers".

Most of us are just seeing the reality of the situation, he's very overpaid and based on what we saw last year, he doesn't appear to be an ideal fit for GW's defense.

Based on those two statements he's very expendable.
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Old 02-21-2006, 09:19 AM   #55
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by #56fanatic
I just dont see where the LaVar bashing comes from. He was the face of the organization through thick and thin, during those bad years. He wants to be a Redskin for life. LOYALTY, us fans bitch about loyalty, that the players are here for the money, they have no loyalty. This guy has more loyalty to the Redskins than I have ever seen out of todays players. He dropped the 6.5 million case, he has said he will take less money, rework his deal to stay with the team. I think if you look at the stats from the last 5 games, it warrants him staying. He is GETTING to the 100% he was a couple of years ago. He will probably drop a good bit of the weight he gained while he wasn't playing. Interesting stat, with the limited amount of playing time he had this past year, he lead the team in tackles for loss. He was all over the field the second half of the season and the guy loves it here. He plays with more passion and emotion than I can remember. I think dropping LaVar will be a mistake for this franchise. It will cause a lot of fan resintmant to the team. I am not saying that we couldn't find a suitable replacement, but not the caliber of LaVar. With him and Washington on the field, HEALTHY and 100%, its a dominating duo.

However, the word from Clayton last night was he wont be on the team next year. SUCKS!!
This is an emotional argument which has no place in a decision like this. Sorry, that's the real world. You can't let a player's standing with fans affect your decisions, I don't care how loyal he is. The only question that matters: Are our chances of winning a Super Bowl greater with him on the team?

With the way he affects our salary cap, the answer to that question will probably be a big fat NO if the CBA is extended.
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Old 02-21-2006, 10:51 AM   #56
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by Schneed10
This is an emotional argument which has no place in a decision like this. Sorry, that's the real world. You can't let a player's standing with fans affect your decisions, I don't care how loyal he is. The only question that matters: Are our chances of winning a Super Bowl greater with him on the team?

With the way he affects our salary cap, the answer to that question will probably be a big fat NO if the CBA is extended.
By that logic, would you argue with a Colts fan who says that Peyton Manning should be cut? He's a great regular season player who doesn't really accomplish anything in the playoffs. Are they better off with him crippling the cap? If he restructured they could keep Edge and Reggie Wayne. Is he going to? I don't think so. So, by your logic, Peyton Manning is hurting the Colts.
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Old 02-21-2006, 11:40 AM   #57
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by Schneed10
This is an emotional argument which has no place in a decision like this. Sorry, that's the real world. You can't let a player's standing with fans affect your decisions, I don't care how loyal he is. The only question that matters: Are our chances of winning a Super Bowl greater with him on the team?

With the way he affects our salary cap, the answer to that question will probably be a big fat NO if the CBA is extended.
My arguement is not ALL emotional if you bother to read the last parts of the post. It takes a year if not longer to get back to 100% after a surgery or two like he had. Towards the end of the year he showed his talent, he showed that he is close to getting back to his pro bowl level. of the 9 games he played full time, he had 40 to 45 tackles, plus 6 for loss,(which led the team) Plus in the playoff games he avgd about 10 tackles a game. I dont think my arguement is all emotional. Yes, I like LaVar, and I think he is a damn good LB. It would be a mistake to let him go, eat the 12 million when he wants to redo his deal for less. He is back to 100%(or close to it), which he hasn't been in 2 years. This guy is going to have more to prove than anyone on this, plus alot to prove to everyone in the NFL that says he doesn't have it anymore. I just think its a mistake. Thats all. THINK(thats my opinion) fact or not everyone is entitled one!
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Old 02-21-2006, 11:56 AM   #58
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by #56fanatic
My arguement is not ALL emotional if you bother to read the last parts of the post. It takes a year if not longer to get back to 100% after a surgery or two like he had. Towards the end of the year he showed his talent, he showed that he is close to getting back to his pro bowl level. of the 9 games he played full time, he had 40 to 45 tackles, plus 6 for loss,(which led the team) Plus in the playoff games he avgd about 10 tackles a game. I dont think my arguement is all emotional. Yes, I like LaVar, and I think he is a damn good LB. It would be a mistake to let him go, eat the 12 million when he wants to redo his deal for less. He is back to 100%(or close to it), which he hasn't been in 2 years. This guy is going to have more to prove than anyone on this, plus alot to prove to everyone in the NFL that says he doesn't have it anymore. I just think its a mistake. Thats all. THINK(thats my opinion) fact or not everyone is entitled one!
But is he worth his cap figure?

That's the real question and the main reason behind the logic that says he likely won't be back next year.
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Old 02-21-2006, 12:27 PM   #59
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by Mattyk72
But is he worth his cap figure?

That's the real question and the main reason behind the logic that says he likely won't be back next year.
to rework for 6 instead of cutting him and eating 12mil. absolutely
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Old 02-21-2006, 02:19 PM   #60
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by #56fanatic
to rework for 6 instead of cutting him and eating 12mil. absolutely
I'm talking about the future years of his deal, you always seem to be so against restructuring deals and mortgaging the future, yet it's ok for your boy LaVar?

Why not cut him and his ridiculous deal loose now and help save some major cap space in the near future??

Emotions aside, getting him off our books asap is the right move.
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