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Scared To Win!

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Old 11-22-2005, 04:37 PM   #31
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Re: Scared To Win!

Originally Posted by Redskins8588
Just so I can be in awe of your great football knowledge, please tell me what makes you such a "football man" and not a "football fan". Really what are your accomplishments that alow you to make such statements? I would think that with someone of your self-proclaimed greatness would be working with a NFL team and guiding them to the next super bowl.

Basically it comes down to this it's not so much my superior understanding of football but the lack of understanding by others, if my opinion conflict's with others constantly than that's why some people would like to attack me from the know it all angle, because they can't do it with their knowledge of the breakdown of the game, so they will look for the charactor assasination angle to help make themselves feel smarter, I am not the one who continually starts in with the personel attacks, some posters will accuse me of this or that and so I am backed into a corner to have to say I said this then, or that then, basically I usually just offer an opinion but many times it conflicts with what others believe and so they make it personel, as we saw Tafkas try and do, he knows he had to go through probably a 100 posts backing everything I said in that post but instead of posting a # of posts to show I was right or at least said what I said, he found the one post out there contrary to try and make me look bad, I said what I said, but I have also tried to get on board with what Gibbs is doing in the hopes that I AM WRONG, because I want to win first and for most, I also had to second guess myself to believe that a hall of fame coach would be so stupid to make the trades that he did without seeing something that I wasen't I HAVE ADMIT I WAS WRONG, the intent of the link is what ticked me off becuase he know's otherwise, why not post a few links along with that one, and then ask why I wrote what I wrote in that 1 post? Am I the only one who tries to find a silver lining in a cloud on this board, there are plenty of guy's here who are against certain moves, but try to look on the bright side because it's not like the moves are going away because we don't like them, but the fact is this is an opinion board, the fact is if you want to say I am a know nothing no it all fine, but it's usually because the person saying it is. Personel attacks are brought forth when an individual really has no means to dispute but can't handle being wrong, or left out.

I could go on and on about all the Ramsey backers and everyone who soon as we made the trade decieded to back Brunell just because Gibbs made the trade, I don't, because I really don't concern myself with looking for little petty posts to try and discredit what a person has to say, just because an individual jumps off one band wagon to another doesn't really bother me, everyone has the right to believe and write what they want, disagreeing is what makes this board fun, if someone accuses me of something or anyone else for that matter what is the refrence to back it up? Yes it's a previous post, I just get called out a whole lot more because I am not a redskins can do nothing wrong kind of guy, I believe in telling it like it is, if someone want's to dispute that Portis up until this point was not a great move, or how bout just a good move, or an OK move than do it, just do it with facts not your wrong and then personel attacks.

What is anyone accomplishments have to do with posting about a team, or anything else for that matter, what does that have to do with right and wrong, it's meaningless, it's kind of like telling someone you can't succeed in life if you don't have college credentials, as if it's immpossible to know anything if someone didn't go to college or a better school than you did.

Did Gibbs ever play in the NFL? Yet I do beleive he's in the hall of fame.

I am sure everyone at the grocery store believed Curt Warner was going to be a SB QB, as well as league MVP, I am sure that got a few laughs around the produce section when he tried out.

Notice how I didn't need to hear your list of credentials, I am more than capable of figuring out your knowledge of the game without doing a background check, your posts speak for themselves, as so they do for the rest of us.

I would never, and I mean never, question your credentials to have a right to have your own opinion on anything!
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Old 11-22-2005, 05:06 PM   #32
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Re: Scared To Win!

Hey maybe your right, where do I get off questioning your "superior understanding of football". I mean after all you have never questioned anyone else. I do come here to state my opinions, but in doing so I try not to come off as high and mighty as some others. They are my opinions and when I state them very rarely do I not post them with some sort of fact or stat to back them up. I do not tell others that they are only a mere "football fan" and not a "football man" nor do I tell others that they must have learned football in the "twilight(SP) zone".

I am not afraid to admit that there is alot about the sport of football that I do not know, and by coming here to this site I try to gain useful insite to expand my knowledge of the game. However, when I come here and see posts that I do not agree with I try to argue with out the personal attacks, such as the few noted above. I am sure people do not apprecitate being told that they are a "football fan" and not a "football man". Basicly, tell that person that they are not at the "superior understanding of football" yet and why bother posting.

I do agree with some of your assesments of the game and others I do not. And when I dont and replied to them I did add facts or stats to back them up. Maybe people would not come at you with a "know it all" angle if you could step off your high horse and not start reply posts out as you did this one.

"Basically it comes down to this it's not so much MY SUPERIOR UNDERSTANDING of football but the LACK OF UNDERSTANDING BY OTHERS..."
"I am the best at what I do, and what I do isn't very nice" - Sean Taylor
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Old 11-22-2005, 11:28 PM   #33
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Re: Scared To Win!

Originally Posted by offiss
Here's the problem in a nut shell, Gibbs will do whatever it takes to keep a team in the game,
See i agree here i hate that thing where he plays for the last possesion....damn that is rough i wanna see the skins go down swinging ... not go crazy but put someone yeah scared to win....
Run or Pass and Score ..We Want Alot More!!!!
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Old 11-23-2005, 03:26 AM   #34
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Re: Scared To Win!

I really like you offiss. You and I have tended to agree on a great many issues and debates. Moreover, you've been a very valuable warpather - you post often and the quality of the posts is typically very good.

But, you may want to clarify some of your posts in this thread. Some of them do sound cocky. I know that oftentimes posts are misinterpreted or do not communicate what the author was trying to say. So, perhaps you've been misinterpreted.

PS (to everyone) - All will be forgotten once the Redskins get back to their winning ways. In the meantime, let's just chill a little.
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Old 11-23-2005, 06:31 AM   #35
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Re: Scared To Win!

Originally Posted by Ramseyfan
I really like you offiss. You and I have tended to agree on a great many issues and debates. Moreover, you've been a very valuable warpather - you post often and the quality of the posts is typically very good.

But, you may want to clarify some of your posts in this thread. Some of them do sound cocky. I know that oftentimes posts are misinterpreted or do not communicate what the author was trying to say. So, perhaps you've been misinterpreted.

PS (to everyone) - All will be forgotten once the Redskins get back to their winning ways. In the meantime, let's just chill a little.

Thank you for that RF right back at you, and your right I may come off cocky at times, but I am not a cocky person by any means, I also never go on a personel attack until provoked by one, and sometimes I do get dogmatic because of a personel attack, which I can handle, but it does lead to a heated confrontation about who's right, and then that's where I usually start with I said this, or that, backing myself up, I don't like to do it, but it's done more so to prove a point not to put anyone down, it is at the very core of the game and the forum to see who get's it right, I enjoy that type of debate as I sure many others do as well, I have no problem with agreeing to disagree, but personel shots? We can all do without them.
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Old 11-23-2005, 07:01 AM   #36
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Re: Scared To Win!

Originally Posted by
See i agree here i hate that thing where he plays for the last possesion....damn that is rough i wanna see the skins go down swinging ... not go crazy but put someone yeah scared to win....

Did you see his press confrence where he was asked about the 4th and inches? He said he didn't go for it there because the defense was just locking down the raiders offense, and Gibbs was worried that if he didn't make a 4th and inches that he would give momentum to oakland, well that pretty much summned up this thread.

To me that's a major contradiction, if your defense is shutting a team down cold, shouldn't that allow you to have more confidence in taking a chance on 4th down? Especially at the oakland 40 yard line, how about taking the inititive and creating some momentum of our own by going out there and getting a first down in that situation? If you by chance don't make it then you have a defense by his own admission that had oakland locked down until that point. That statement say's it all, he would rather rely on the defense to stop a team than attack with the offense to win it, and that leaves the opposition within striking distance late in the game.

And it goes even deeper than that, we all know including Gibbs we are not getting a call from the ref's in a big situation regardless of the reasoning why, every week Gibbs spends who knows how much time putting together a highlight reel of the referee's greatest hits that they just happen to overlook, or flag us for something that never happened, and yet knowing this is going on on a regular basis he's not trying to put the dagger in teams any which way he can to avoid a bad call late in the game which probably will cost us the game as we have all become so accustomed to seeing.

That statement by Gibbs tells me he's coaching scared, I wish he would stop treating these games as life and death situations and lighten up a little and attack, take some chances, it's not war, people are not going to die if on occasion it doesn't work out.
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